Forums | #Vitality @SwiftIRC
With the arrival of 2007 servers we're announcing this new Dutch Clan.
With the past few weeks where the overall activity has been increased,
and f2p worlds being released we (officials of Vitality) think it's the right time to blow some new life into the Dutch clanning scene and also into the GMT area, however we're not strictly GMT based (we try not to!).
Some information you'd like to know:
Vitality is a 'Country Clan' that means that your main clan has always top priority.
We are trying to have a extremely tight & fun community.
We are F2p based and we're having a odd P2p event once in a while.
We are experienced and well known in the Dutch clanning scene, we require high quality from our members.
For now we try to keep it at matched fights (which will ofcourse change once we're being able to return multiple times during a Pkri).
The Staff:
Leader - Harmr
Guardian - P ete R
Callers - Michele_Ac & Bir_25
Head Moderator - TBA
Moderator - Rollinge
Right now we aren't too strict on the requirements however you'll need at least a level combat of 80(+) to be accepted.
It's also obvious that you have to speak,read & understand the Dutch language.
There will be more requirements added once the time goes by.
Please for more information about this Country clan or if you'd like to join this Country clan visit our forums (look underneath the banner and click on "Forums". or visit us at #Vitality @SwiftIRC.
Vitality Staff.