Channel: Runescape Clans
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Would You Actually Want This?



This food chain is theoretical only.
It used to be like this, but it only exists in the Rev Dungeon and nowhere else...
Not even the green dragons, as they are single combat zones.
Nobody outside the PVP clan world has a reason to go into the wilderness any more.
It's just an expensive version of the CWA.

If there are no resources worth getting, and therefore no skillers, there is no solo PKing.
In the rare case there is a solo PKer, it is near impossible to kill a skiller no matter where they are.
The success rate for a kill should be around 25%, and not much more or else a skiller won't go out there.

And thus the entire food chain collapses.
Clans don't go PKing as much as they used to, and certainly not without tracks. Now it's mostly planned fights.

And they aren't profitable.
In years past, PKing was a legitimate way of making money.
Now, everything is geared toward loss.
There are no longer profit incentives and that is a MAJOR drawback for PKing clans.

In summary, the wilderness has fallen into redundancy.


A suggestion was going around that more resources be put in the wilderness in order to re-jig things back toward a profit.
The question is, would you actually want Jagex to put some new resources into the wilderness to restore the food chain?

There a number of things that would change (good and bad depending on how you see it) if this happened:

1. Clans would use these areas to harvest teams for bank, and we'd see a return of the old days when a PK trip wasn't just finding other clans and losing mass sets... profiting might once again become an incentive
If I play the devil's advocate, profit doesn't mean as much as it used to. Most experienced clanners are happy to throw their sets away
2. We'd see a return of RSB clans in the wiiderness, who *do* care about profiteering, which would now be more attractive than the damn CWA
3. There may be a shift toward P2P fighting, because I doubt they'd put these changes into F2P... so maybe they'll not be as relevant
4. If there was a considerable amount of change, clans would have to relearn some degree of teamwork
5. More interest in the wilderness = more interest in PVP clans, which are the only "sector" of the clan world to shrink (skilling/community/event/PVM clans are still growing)... a possible end to the whole "the clan world is dying" drama
6. Probably more. I can't think straight right now. Sleep deprived. Something about the economy getting nerfed and stuff

And let's not forget, Jagex might botch it, so changing the wild at all is a risk.

So, should the suggestion ever be picked up by Jagex?
Should we put something in there to lure the general RS population back into the wilderness like the days when the Rune Rocks were worth something, and the GDs were a legit training spot?
Or should we not give Jagex the chance to screw it up?

EDIT: This video here is sort of a big deal...
If one video was worth 3 minutes of your time, let me nominate this:
It's Mod Chihiro talking about the PVP clan world dying...

It's been nearly three months. I checked in with Mod Timbo recently and he informed me that Mod Chihiro was still interested in the idea but there were no plans being drawn up.
Considering that updates take many, many months to plan and put into effect, I have taken incentive to help speed this up and help them realise that our need is urgent.
Hence this video which I'm going to present to them once it's finished:

And THIS, is why I made that other topic asking for clan world footage.
Chapter two, called "The Bloody Supremacy", is the rise of the clan world to gargantuan proportions, and then a sudden decay and dwindle, to dramatize a state of crisis.

Read the spoiler before rating


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