With several clans reopening for '07 and most people using the spring to train up and obtain sets the clan world appears to be on a crash course for one of the biggest summers in the past few years.
So without wasting any more of your time writing a superficial introductory paragraph filled with BS let's make some predictions.
So without wasting any more of your time writing a superficial introductory paragraph filled with BS let's make some predictions.
[b]Which clan has the most to gain from summer '13[/b] [b]Which clan has the most to lose?[/b] [b]What will be the biggest rivalry of summer '13?[/b] [b]Most likely crash war of summer '13 (choose 2 or more clans, or none if you think we all get along)[/b] [b]Clan most likely to close after or during summer '13?[/b] [b]Which small/medium sized clan takes that next step during the summer?[/b] [b]Prediction for #1 F2P at summers end[/b] [b]Prediction for #1 P2P at summers end[/b]