Is history repeating itself ? ![:suspect:]()
Lots of people said if they had one last shot, just one shot, they would change and re-do things differently, for the better of clanning.
We're several months in now, and it's De Ja Vu;
Still people outside of RSC clanning say they don't wish for 6 hour returning fights, and still say hostility is too much, but still the clans of RSC follow the previous course...
Looking at the numbers which original participated when 07 first came out, it seem's that we are in a negative decline which was only worsened since F2P clan's don't interact in P2P (For the P2P Community).
Pking itself is very active and pure clans more active than ever, however main clanning in p2p is majorly clans pking once a week with 60 people, which just results in other clans ending and pking in the week when they don't go out.
In addition, several clans deciding to 0 item barrage other clans in gear has only pushed competition out of wilderness,
Ddosing seems to be back just as before and yet again we seem to be all following same path's.
Maybe if we were all welcoming to newer generation of players we could welcome them in ? other than luring them ?
1. Do you think 07 Scape can be maintained in numbers and kept or will it gradually die out as people migrate to RS3.
2. Is it too late already into 07 for clans to change their attitude ?
3. Is people voting for stuff others don't want ruining the game, I.E Unrealistic want's ?
4. Is it Jagex not listening to its player base (for example rare items which won't be rare) ?
5. Do you think non-returning fights would build the clan community participation with less requirements for attendance ?
6. Do you think the community itself is the nail in its own coffin ?
Realistically i think things may only get worse with no actual rares, since there will be nothing to work to monetary wise..
Thanks for your time

Lots of people said if they had one last shot, just one shot, they would change and re-do things differently, for the better of clanning.
We're several months in now, and it's De Ja Vu;
Still people outside of RSC clanning say they don't wish for 6 hour returning fights, and still say hostility is too much, but still the clans of RSC follow the previous course...
Looking at the numbers which original participated when 07 first came out, it seem's that we are in a negative decline which was only worsened since F2P clan's don't interact in P2P (For the P2P Community).
Pking itself is very active and pure clans more active than ever, however main clanning in p2p is majorly clans pking once a week with 60 people, which just results in other clans ending and pking in the week when they don't go out.
In addition, several clans deciding to 0 item barrage other clans in gear has only pushed competition out of wilderness,
Ddosing seems to be back just as before and yet again we seem to be all following same path's.
Maybe if we were all welcoming to newer generation of players we could welcome them in ? other than luring them ?
1. Do you think 07 Scape can be maintained in numbers and kept or will it gradually die out as people migrate to RS3.
2. Is it too late already into 07 for clans to change their attitude ?
3. Is people voting for stuff others don't want ruining the game, I.E Unrealistic want's ?
4. Is it Jagex not listening to its player base (for example rare items which won't be rare) ?
5. Do you think non-returning fights would build the clan community participation with less requirements for attendance ?
6. Do you think the community itself is the nail in its own coffin ?
Realistically i think things may only get worse with no actual rares, since there will be nothing to work to monetary wise..
Thanks for your time