It was a different time before. Men wrote with feathers. Now the pen stands with more might than the sword. What good is a sword in battle today?
Google, bullet trains, captains, harbors, tesla motors, spacex, runescape battles! After all that had been done. Treason, betrayal, hacking, ddosing, lies, blasphemy, lures. The truth blooms like a flower. The girl takes her top off exposing her bosoms. A beautiful lure. Alliances forged, castles walls fall, wine spills, cake crumbles.
The sun gleams as the fire burns. Money cannot buy happiness yet the value of gold rises. The value of the dollar euro Durham, they fall like leaves in autumn. Large buildings built yet the poor starve on the streets below. The wind whistles a sad tune.The globe is getting warmer, perhaps its to balance out how cold we have become. Not enough peace and love just war.
Bloodshed. Millions of soldiers have fallen, not to a blade of their own destiny but to the creators of their own world. Crime pillage plunder - pirates. Prostitution!
A world that once flourished with grace was brought to its knees within hours. An avalanche of snow down the side of a volcano.
The past filled with marvel, the future looks grim. Thriving past -> Endangered present -> Extinct. Order must be restored. And that is why, ladies and gentlemen,
The Kings must return.

Steven after he heard we are back: