Before Mods close this, I believe the other topic Alorus posted doesn't cover this part of the Dev Blog and this could be important to the clan world. I know everyone's sick of "save the wilderness" ideas, but this one has been posted by Jagex so we actually could get something we want.
For anyone who hasn't read the most recent Dev Blog released about 07scape, they introduced the idea of Wilderness Tag. Here's a quick run down of what it is:
- Posts are added into the wilderness
- Touching/tagging these posts gives you a token
- Tokens can be exchanged for a reward
- The more tokens you get, the bigger the reward
- Tagging posts in riskier parts of the wilderness will give more tokens
- Tokens will be dropped on death
Now I believe this could actually revive wilderness activity if it is implemented correctly. Here are my ideas for making this increase wilderness activity:
- Make the rewards a choice of exp or items or gp
- Put the most rewarding posts in the area between spiders and gdz and have them much more rewarding than any other posts in the wilderness (or just have no other posts in the wilderness)
- Both F2P worlds MUST have them
This is the first time in years Jagex has ever suggested anything really rewarding about going deeper into the wilderness. By making it rewarding to go between spiders and gdz I know for sure at least a bunch of you guys here will be grabbing tokens to get some easy combat levels and to kill each other, which would quickly escalate into bigger fights. It might even mean there would be people in the wilderness during GMT/Aussie times.
As much as most of us don't want CWA/GWD to be introduced to 07scape, I don't think we have enough people here to influence Jagex to stop it. We'd be going against skillers, pures and RSB clans. We're completely outnumbered. However, if we support an idea Jagex already has, they will be more likely to listen to us. If wilderness tag is done properly it shouldn't even matter if CWA/GWD is introduced since these tokens will be rewarding enough to get people into the wilderness.
Anyway if you agree with this or have better suggestions of your own, post on the Dev Blog so Jagex actually know what we want. It only takes a few seconds. To any pessimistic people saying its not going to work and the clan world is going to die anyway, yes we understand that everything must die eventually but at least we can say we tried to make it as active as possible while we could.
For anyone who hasn't read the most recent Dev Blog released about 07scape, they introduced the idea of Wilderness Tag. Here's a quick run down of what it is:
- Posts are added into the wilderness
- Touching/tagging these posts gives you a token
- Tokens can be exchanged for a reward
- The more tokens you get, the bigger the reward
- Tagging posts in riskier parts of the wilderness will give more tokens
- Tokens will be dropped on death
Now I believe this could actually revive wilderness activity if it is implemented correctly. Here are my ideas for making this increase wilderness activity:
- Make the rewards a choice of exp or items or gp
- Put the most rewarding posts in the area between spiders and gdz and have them much more rewarding than any other posts in the wilderness (or just have no other posts in the wilderness)
- Both F2P worlds MUST have them
This is the first time in years Jagex has ever suggested anything really rewarding about going deeper into the wilderness. By making it rewarding to go between spiders and gdz I know for sure at least a bunch of you guys here will be grabbing tokens to get some easy combat levels and to kill each other, which would quickly escalate into bigger fights. It might even mean there would be people in the wilderness during GMT/Aussie times.
As much as most of us don't want CWA/GWD to be introduced to 07scape, I don't think we have enough people here to influence Jagex to stop it. We'd be going against skillers, pures and RSB clans. We're completely outnumbered. However, if we support an idea Jagex already has, they will be more likely to listen to us. If wilderness tag is done properly it shouldn't even matter if CWA/GWD is introduced since these tokens will be rewarding enough to get people into the wilderness.
Anyway if you agree with this or have better suggestions of your own, post on the Dev Blog so Jagex actually know what we want. It only takes a few seconds. To any pessimistic people saying its not going to work and the clan world is going to die anyway, yes we understand that everything must die eventually but at least we can say we tried to make it as active as possible while we could.