So I was reading this thread and I couldn't help but notice that so many people play for their clan, and it seems like their clan is the only reason why they play. Yet . . . I've seen so many posts on CDRSC that say the same thing: RuneScape is no longer fun. I've seen so many people claim they're retired, yet they force themselves to get on OSRS and war. If so many members of the clan world thinks that RS is no longer fun, why is it that clans are the reason why they force themselves to log in and go warring? Surely nostalgia can't be a factor anymore and if I'm not mistaken, most of us browsing this section of RSC are around 18-25 years of age. The little nostalgia we do still have easily gets overtaken by our obligations in real life.
So why then are clans such a huge reason why people still play a dying and quite frankly boring game?
So why then are clans such a huge reason why people still play a dying and quite frankly boring game?