Channel: Runescape Clans
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Introducing Sharkbrew


You may have heard of us from the current tournament we are hosting, and while this topic is a shameless plug of my own community site, my intentions are not entirely selfish as I believe Sharkbrew can help increase the activity of both the main and the pure community if we can collaborate together as ever since we hosted the main tournament, I have seen interest within my own rank team on joining a main clan, and vice versa.
What Is Sharkbrew?
Sharkbrew was founded in 2014 as a the de facto pure community site. Over time we have seen some ups and downs but overall our main goal is to increase the activity of the community across the board.
We are unique in the sense that we were very hands off on the community, and this has create an active, albeit an extremely toxic environment. Recently we have introduce far stricter moderation and I am glad to say majority of the toxicity has been removed. Regardless, we believe in freedom of expression as long as it doesn't infringe on people's personal rights, and we do not remove dissenting content. Clans are free to post aftermaths if it is reasonably detailed.
Another unique aspect about Sharkbrew is its security. User security comes first and we are running on a modified IPB 4.2 forums that protects your password with a stronger hashing mechanism than the out of box version. Additionally, we are the only community site that has an encrypted IP system that one-way encrypts your IP, thus making it impossible for our moderators or admins to see your real IP. Even the site owner(myself) can't see your real IPs even at database level.
For example, Vitor lives in South America, but thanks to our encryption system, his IP is encrypted and is teleported to
If you want to know what your IP looks like on Sharkbrew, feel free to visit this link: https://www.sharkbrew.com/whatsmyip.php
Sharkbrew will always be community led. Our rank team is as diverse as a pet shop and our rank team will always be judged based on their merits, not clan affiliation, ethnicity, or gender.
How does using Sharkbrew benefit me or my clan?
Ontop of the current main tournament that is about to conclude later this month, we are pushing for a monthly Clan Of The Month where clans participate in CWA fights. Winner takes all. Cash prizes involved.
We also plan to tackle the wilderness aspect by encouraging more wilderness action through the means of cash prizes.
We will be launching a betting system where community members can bet virtual Sharkpoint currency on CWA fights, thus hopefully members will motivated to fight harder.
Finally, with the points earned, members can represent your clans with pride through mascots bought in our SharkStore that are prepended to their names
Sharkbrew also has our own 500 slot personal teamspeak that is IP encrypted too. Any teams with members from dif clans wishing to host fights may utilize it.
What other tools does Sharkbrew have?
Which clans are using Sharkbrew/who are our ranks?
Seals/Team Paradox/JAJA/SV/DF/Avalon/RNG/VR have posted topics in the past 2 weeks.
Our current rank lineup:


Zybez Memorabilia
We could hate on Zybez, but your contributions to the community- both Pure and Main community are undeniable. While this site may be kept up for a long while, Sharkbrew really wishes to recognize the contributions of each Zybez rank, thus we have launched an Award system for all Zybez ranks.
As long as you are a zybez exclusive and above, please reply to this topic with your sharkbrew forum profile link and I will give you your award

Is love real or is it all just an illusion?

Lobsters close The Rising


After years of liquid harrasement, and tonnes of spies and leaks, The Lobsters officially close The Rising. http://tr-clan.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=48676

Truthfully this has been a long time coming now, for some this is long overdue and for others it may be a shock. But all good things must come to an end. The Rising returned to the clan world back in July 2015  and the journey began once again. As the years progressed (2015-2017) The Rising had ups and downs as every clan does. Deciding to turn in to a gaming community in the Summer off 2017 for a brief period of time many thought that was the end off our story.
It's safe to say it was not the ending, deciding to reopen months later The Rising began arguably its most successful period during its OSRS history. Slowly rebuilding numbers as well as quality we managed to maintain a solid 60+ man memberlist over the past 10 months and managed to hit 11 cwa wins strait (including ending SE's unbeaten streak) and 13 fights overall unbeaten in a short space of time. Our quality improvement over those last 10 months was notably one of the greatest improvements experienced by a clan since the Clanworld begun. As staff it's been amazing to see how far we've come. Some may be wondering why we are closing, simply there is nothing left for us to achieve in this dying scene, the F2P clan world has been on its last legs since the turn off the year arguably kept alive by us. Although it wasn't an easy decision we (Officials) agreed it is time to move on.
Lastly we want to thank every single person past or present who has been involved with The Rising whether its been for a week or for years each individual how big or small made an impact within this amazing Clan. 
From all the officials and from myself, thank you to everyone who has been a part of this great community.
It's been an honour being a part of your leadership.
We wish all of you the best in life!
TeamSpeak and Forums will still be kept online for the foreseeable future.



The End.



Truthfully this has been a long time coming now, for some this is long overdue and for others it may be a shock. But all good things must come to an end. The Rising returned to the clan world back in July 2015  and the journey began once again. As the years progressed (2015-2017) The Rising had ups and downs as every clan does. Deciding to turn in to a gaming community in the Summer off 2017 for a brief period of time many thought that was the end of our story.
It's safe to say it was not the ending, deciding to reopen months later The Rising began arguably its most successful period during its OSRS history. Slowly rebuilding numbers as well as quality we managed to maintain a solid 60+ man memberlist over the past 10 months and managed to hit 11 CWA wins straight (including ending SE's unbeaten streak) and 13 fights overall unbeaten in a short space of time. Our quality improvement over those last 10 months was notably one of the greatest improvements experienced by a clan since the Clan world begun. As staff it's been amazing to see how far we've come. Some may be wondering why we are closing, simply there is nothing left for us to achieve in this dying scene, the F2P clan world has been on its last legs since the turn off the year arguably kept alive by us. Although it wasn't an easy decision we (Officials) agreed it is time to move on.
Lastly we want to thank every single person past or present who has been involved with The Rising whether its been for a week or for years each individual how big or small made an impact within this amazing Clan. 
From all the officials and from myself, thank you to everyone who has been a part of this great community.
It's been an honour being a part of your leadership.
We wish all of you the best in life!
TeamSpeak and Forums will still be kept online for the foreseeable future.
Forever bleeding blue.

WARscape (Not a private server)


Interested People, Refer back to Here[Applications]:

Clan Name?

Clan Status: F2P, P2P or Both?

Clans Discord?



By submitting this application, you agree with the rules and the system's format.




What is going on with the clan world?

We are all witnessing a decline in the clan world. I'm not going to repeat what others have said already. Ill put it bluntly. Main clanning, sucks terrible ass. Yes, the recent competitions were entertaining, no doubt did they give us that fun and competitiveness; but there has to be more than just that. Enter, WARscape.  



No Bullsh*t on our part, No Work on yours!

 It is a organization, made to create competition within this game. To make it easy, WARscape is designed to feed you the competition!  



[Read the Bold/Underlined to get some idea, if you want to just skim]

Short and Sweet:
I create the competition for you
. CWA sucks, Wildy is better, but 10 min of CWA isn't long, and if you're good, you can embarrass clans all Sunday long and be the GOAT. In a few teams? No problem, but no one likes a band wagoner (remember that). Ratings will keep track of your progress, all is fair, equal, competitive, and quick



Long Wall of Text Incoming:

If you want the knitty gritty, not so sh*tty information about WARs, then allow me to explain.


I understand there are those, who do not want to maintain hierarchy in CWA. I get it, CWA is chicken sh*t fighting, to some; but i ask you now... Never, Ever confuse short quick skirmishes, with real competitive fighting. This is just the beginning to what can be a long fruitful fall/winter


For starters, it’s only 10 minutes. 2 rounds, each is 5 minutes. So there goes the “I’m not wasting all my time on it”. You are hardly wasting any time, there is no great feat you can accomplish in just 10 minutes, and if you bring up some sex joke; then allow me to respond. 10 minutes to finish with your “loved” one is not a great feat… Seek professional help.


What differentiates this with real competitive play is that, real competitions involve real prizes. These quick-skirmishes however allow us to compete in a friendly, fair play environment. The more action this generates, the more we can focus on bringing in different styles of competitions, and experimenting with different formats


the 1000 ratings that derive from chess, will keep track of how well your clan is doing.


Which do i pick if I'm in multiple? Remember, this when choosing. The team/clan you will represent will be your brand. Would you sport Jordan's while wearing Adidas tracks? Would you support Manchester United, yet still root for Man City? You’re allowed to multi team here, but it’s best if you stick with the one brand. Loyalty does go a long way after all.


System & Rules


Default Format/System

  • Time : 3pm EST, 7pm GMT
  • All styles on
  • Food/Drinks on
  • Prayer on
  • Map: Clan Cup Arena
  • Most Kills in 5 Minutes 
  • 2 Rounds Only
  • 20 vs 20

P2P Rules

  • 55 Defense Gear Cap [P2P]
  • Spears/Scims  [P2P]
  • Tentacle Whips +1  [P2P]
  • 400K per Slot Gear Cap [P2P]
  • No Poison/Venom  [P2P]
  • Single Spells [P2P]
  • No Void [P2P]

A L L    W A R S    A R E    T O    B E    S C H E D U L E D   O N    S U N D A Y

The Basic Rules:

  • ​No identical Names
  • No Racism
  • No Multiclanning
  • No Portal Hopping
  • No Leaving the CC/Battlefield at any time. If you run out of food/pots/runes/etc; you must continue through til you die.
  • Failure to abide by the systems format results in automatic DQ

Determining a Winner:

We have all done this in the past and present. There is no need to change this. Keep traditions alive here.

Send me your:

  • Screenshots
  • RAW unedited videos

Of all your quick skirmishes.







Q. What is "WARscape"?

A. Simple format I use to schedule all your future conflicts in CWA.


Q. Why do I need to use this?

A. Keeps you from doing all the work. You get to kick back while I do the work for you in finding your next competition.


Q. Can I schedule P2P Quick Fights?

A. Yes. 


Q. What is the format/system?



Default Format


All Wars are to be scheduled on Sunday


F2P Rules

  • Time : 3pm EST, 7pm GMT
  • All styles on
  • Food/Drinks on
  • Prayer on
  • Map: Clan Cup Arena
  • Most Kills in 5 Minutes 
  • 2 Rounds Only
  • 20 vs 20

P2P to be applied

  • 55 Defense Gear Cap [P2P]
  • Spears/Scims  [P2P]
  • Tentacle Whips +1  [P2P]
  • 400K per Slot Gear Cap [P2P]
  • No Poison/Venom  [P2P]
  • Single Spells [P2P]
  • No Void [P2P]

Q. What happens if i Win? Lose? or Tie?

A. All clans signed up in"WARscape"  will be given a standard rating (1000). Wins, losses and ties will shift your standard rating. This will allow us to pair you with an appropriate opponent. Think of this like the standard chess ratings. 


Q. How much is a win worth? loss? draw?

A. Its not just about the simple win, loss, and draw. It's how you win; How you lose, and How you draw. I determine what is: Average, Sub-par performance, and Excellence.


Q. What happens if we slaughter the opponent? (Vice versa)? How many points is that?


Full on control and display of dominance on your opponents will only up your winning score. The basic win will result in 30 points, however, a full on display of control will give you a higher score, that all depends on how many kills your team has to your opponent.


If you have been victim of a massacre, then your score will only give you a higher negative score. The basic Negative score is -10. 



Draws are a bit tricky to understand. However the basic draw is 0 points. Draws will never fall into negatives. It is possible that both you and your opponent can come away from a draw with points in your hand.


Q. How do you determine these results? 

A. By simply watching the unedited film you send me. 


Q. What if no video was recorded, but screenshots show the clear victor?

A. Then you will get the basic win/loss/draw points.  30 for a win, 0 for a draw, and -10 for a loss. 


Q. What if no wars could be Scheduled by the default format?

A. if no wars could be scheduled for that time, then we will prioritize your clan for the next following week. 


Q. How do I get involved?

A. Send your clans details, as well as your current position within the clan, to my email. Feel free to do that here. You can also message me on discord @ Blister#7043

You must have the power to declare wars within your clan. Send me your clans' forums. Reminder, This is for quick skirmishes. 



Feel free to Contact me on Discord:


REC IS BACK _ Revolution Elite Clan

Revolution Elite Clan was a Latin clan created in 2010 by Boxa500 and me, Dark Pulex. with the leadership of waton teton, nickypunky, dasein. After closing in 2013 by the eoc. This year, two weeks ago we decided to reopen REC with Karsa, a ex member of rec. How leader of rec 2018 with Bauz. Rec is a Latin clan from the world of the f2p and p2p wars. It is an honor to return to Runescape by reopening rec to have a fun battles.

Clan Chat: Rec Clan

For fight, Discord: Ramlade Baws#8556 | entangle#6747 | Pulex#5223 | Bauz#8264

Old Post of rec closed: http://forums.zybez.net/topic/1571299-the-last-latin-clan-rec-close/

Clan Of The Month/Wilderness(Activity) Clan Of The Month


Our Objectives



  • Promote Wilderness activities
  • Promote healthier Wilderness such as; incentivizing A/Cing and dis-incentivizing Crashing or Long Rag Wars
  • Create a firm standard for what constitutes a wilderness win
  • Encourage healthy competition by allowing clans to mark fights as "friendly" so weaker clans may obtain practice without the associated stigma of a "loss"


Clan Wars

  • Promote CWA events, especially F2P
  • Publicize the skills required to compete at highest level of CWA play
  • Create a firm standard for interoperable CWA match fights between Meds, Zerks, Tanks & mains
  • Encourage healthy competition by allowing clans to mark fights as "friendly" so weaker clans may obtain practice without the associated stigma of a "loss"




After consulting with members of the main community, there is an overall decline in activity in both scenes, especially in CWA with closure of CWA teams/clans. Massed fights between clans seem to have dwindled and wilderness activity appears to be limited to daily rev trips and the occasional rag war between clans that does not contribute the growth of the scene.


What is COTM?




COTM is a recurring tournament system that runs monthly(or every 2 months) where clans post their clan wars aftermath topic on Sharkbrew for points. Towards the end of the tournament period, clans with the top 2 points will slug it out in a finale fight where the winner will be declared. Winners will receive a signature and a sum of RSGP(around 20-50m) for their efforts.


What is WCOTM?




COTM is a recurring tournament system that runs monthly(or every 2 months) where clans may submit their wilderness aftermath topic on Sharkbrew for points.Towards the end of the tournament period, clans with the most points will receive a signature and a sum of RSGP(around 20-50m) for their efforts.


Who Can Participate and how?


All clans & teams. As long as you have an Ambassador representative on site, we will count all your aftermath topics


Why should my clan participate?


Over the past few years, the overall clanning scene has diminished significantly. Runescape player count as increased, yet official clanning pulls have stagnated. Sharkbrew hopes that these 2 tournament systems will help coalesce clans onto one platform and bring back the same levels of activity from 2013.


These tournament systems has proven effective at giving your clan and member's hype, and has increased activities in the associated areas. It is a absolute metric which you could benchmark your clan/team's performance and a goal you can work towards.


I don't agree with the rules, how do I suggest amendments?


Currently the rules are not set in stone, and the tournaments has not started yet. We welcome any form of suggestion by either replying to the topic or posting a topic in our feedback forums. The rules for these tournaments came from the community and we will strictly adhere to that methodology.



When does it start?


1st October, but we would like for the entire main/med/zerk/tank community to give us feedback on the system before lauch


Runescape Community

Fools are the undisputed

3 in the top 4 dmm. A final Rot didn't play that had no ddossing in the final hour. Change my mind that Fools are the Goat clan

What Was the 2007 War We Had? W/ all clans?


I want to know what was the war that we all had in 2007 before it turned into 2008 and we did that huge turnout with atleast 500 clans or so?

I remember videoing 2 hours of it and my cuz filmed a few hours of it but I think that data is lost, but I just wanna say I wish I could see that be restored or atleast it be that badass again. I was gonna start a clan back up but it might be a while before I get started


and as a bonus just for being awesome, I did some research on karma and my life and compared DL to D12 many a time and felt like being eminem was part of my life, so much that alot of things in mine and em's life seemed to just clash together, whether it was my irl cuz dying and going to some place called hopefully lumbridge - or the fact that I wanted a story to go with me being a leader of a clan in RS or give it extra meaning. Do things all have coincidences or are they just make believe, I think we're so smart this day and age I really get mad when I see a character from my clan have to use voice chat and ruin their appearance because that text... Has a frequency, please if you ever want to be cool with me again people never ever reveal yourself to a damaging point, like using sounds on RS or using those freaking headsets.


here are some scary gifts:





and of course my favorite f2p war


Final Clan Awards, 2018


Hey all. Welcome to the final Clan Awards. CD has had a long history of great clans, so huge congrats to those who won our last awards. May your fights and rivalries stay epic wherever your clans end up.

Best F2P

Best P2P

Best Community

Best Organization

Most Improved

Most Respected

Best Maxed Warring Clan

Most Biased
The Duck

Funniest poster

Best CD Staff
The Duck

Most Annoying

Best Contributor

Best tank

Best Fall in leader


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