Channel: Runescape Clans
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Kings of Destruction

Mid-Sized Clanning On The Decline


DO you guys think that mid clan world is dying it looked very promising recently but it seems that one of the most promising clans EOS has pulled away into the upper bracket with their most recent win over ROT.

There are other clans likely to leave the bracket also with THE pulling a very good amount and Downfall looking promising.

The RAW List

Since clanning has made a resurgence it is necessary to remake one of the most successful clan ranking ladders of all time. The RAW.

Current RAW Rankings as discussed and agreed upon by all important clan world leaders:

1. EOS
2. VR
3. ROT
4. DF
5. DI
6. Poison
7. Ronin
8. THE
9. Downfall
10. Lithos

1. AF
2. DI
3. ROT
4. AC
5. IF
6. ROL
7. VH
8. SB

In order to move up in the RAW ladder, you must challenge the clans above you to a full out CWA war.
Good Luck everyone!!!!

Any trolls/flamers will be disciplined on the spot. This is not a joke.

Do you've respect for rs3 clans?

Yo guys i am wondering do 07 players have respect for people who do the pvp in rs3? cause i am a rs3 warrer and tbh i think some clans in rs3 will wreck most of the 07 clans, we have a good clean world unlike your game,  do u give credit to rs3 clans or what?

Vitality Knights


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We will be back in Summer 2015 to OldSchool as soon as possible in June. See you out there in the wilderness ;)

"red:shake: Time for the Dancing Knights!"

Video -- cwa Fight

RuneScape and Propaganda (Ft. Nazi Germany)

I was watch documentary of Nazi Germany on BBC2 and they were talk about propaganda and how Hitler use it to gain men to attempt for world domination !

It is very knowledgeable that propaganda creates a deluded opinion and blag the mind of men, but to fall for it you would have to be very feeble minded no ?

The reason I ask is because after reviewing this video found here (commentary by vindicator78):

It is no secret reign of terror use propaganda quite commonly to gain runescape community's backing, because they crash clan and expect clan not to crash them back and have 4 clans killing them....and after being in reign of terror, they exposed a lot of secrets publicly (in audio) which cannot be released because they are horrific ! I am not sure why because Hitlers attempt to take over the world failed and became a thing of the past


Kissing The Shadows


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With F2P released and new players currently levelling up their combat levels, I thought it was time to reopen KTS also known as Kissing the Shadows. We'll be starting off as 80+ to join, and raising to 90+ as soon as we have enough recruits.

EOP closes its doors



They say that all things come to an end one day, I wish I could say it wasn't so, but everything does come to an end. This is a decision we do not take lightly. While this day has been delayed for a few months, tonight EoP will be resting as we've reached the finish line. We've accomplished literally everything there is to accomplish. Many of you may see this as a selfish decision but let me assure you none of you understand the commitment and dedication it takes to be a leader and demand the highest of standards. I simply do not have the time to be committed to EoP or Runescape and there isn't anyone else in the leadership who is interested in taking over while assuring the clan remains #1, because they realize the amount of effort it will take.

While clans will attempt to discredit us of our achievements, no one will ever understand our accomplishments unless they were apart of EoP. It was us against everyone. We never took the easy path to get to the top, we always challenged ourselves and played to our strengths. This is all that matters in the end, that we were able to hold on and accomplish the things we did while being independent. We are closing as the proud #1 clan, we are closing on our own terms. And so my final request as your leader is you remember what we accomplished together throughout the years. Remind yourselves daily that you can apply the skills and qualities you displayed on a digital world in the real world... that is my only hope, that I influenced your life in a positive way.

To the thousands of members who have been apart of this clan, I can't thank you enough. While many have moved on, I want to thank you all for the sacrifices you've had to make to commit yourselves to the clan. Each and every single one of you left a mark on this clan I hope will forever be engraved in your memories.

To our competition and rivals over the years, thank you. You gave us a reason to play this game and enjoy it. Best of luck on Runescape and whatever life has ahead for you

Topic Equallity

It has come to my attention that any fight with Empyrean VS Anarchy has quickly been shot down by Peter giving EY the rights to win almost instantly, even if both sides have equal POV's. If anyone doesn't know, Empyrean was formed from ex Nostalgia members. Peter stated several times while I was a rank in EY that he had EY's back whenever he could because he was ex NS. In the first topic he locked of AR's, he stated "Good job to my ex-ns boys. Keep it up".

The fight we previously had was a boundaries fight, Tree to tree where EY left the boundaries and left south, Anarchy stood there and then ended when EY didn't come back up north. The rules of the forums state that if a clan leaves the boundaries, than they forfeit winner rights. Our Video shows proof of this, and proof of us fairly ending, whereas Empyrean's video shows them dipping south and standing at RDG. I agree it wasn't a straight clear win, but usually on this occasion, the topics would be merged saying neither side had a clear win.

In this situation, Peter of course gave EY the winner rights. Can ANYONE explain how another clan got the win rights when they broke the rules of a fight, completely leaving where the fight was and the other clan left due to this? How was this a win instead of a joined topic? Does this make sense to anyone? Maybe Peter should be restricted from making the choices on this forum if he has decided to act unfairly.

This post is in all due respect and hope that these forums remain an equal and justified place to post clan events without discrepancy.

Internal Drama in your Clan?

Have you ever had any internal drama in your clan? What has your leadership done to fix these issues?

F2P Gear and Your Opinion


What is your opinion on "Rag Gear" and not wearing rune for wars in the wilderness

I notice some clans in the past have done this to try and demoralise the enemy clan what are your thoughts on this subject that I am thinking about.


International fights

Hey folks,
It's been good to see so many clans reopening and becoming active as well as the clanworld activity rising in general. I was thinking what about a tournament where each player fights for their own country, almost a bit like a World Cup. We've seen international tournaments before like the Fight Knights tourny which was quite a few years ago where internationals fought each other. Thing is as well I've got lots of friends who were once part of the clanworld and still play but none of the current clans take their fancy but their is a fair chance they might be appealed by the idea of fighting for their country. It could also attract a few more rsbers to rsc.

Also, I wouldn't want this to interfere or clash with the great fights that are going on already (like Sunday nights for example) but only to add onto the current surge in activity. Furthermore, there is the challenge of whether we do it on 07 (which may attract more of the rsc community) or legacy (may attract more rsb). It might be best to do it on both, so people have a choice (like the Jagex tourny for example). Could encourage legacy fighters to step into oldschool or vice versa. Could both be CWA and Wild (providing the wild fights are highly regulated with unbiased judges potentially). The main idea is community integration but it's only just an idea and won't be worth much without your thoughts/opinions. Reckon it's worth giving it a go like once a year or so?


What Happened to Outnumbering

This might be relevant to OSRS but I'm thinking of the most recent fights I've been in with WG in RS3.
All of a sudden numbers have stopped being a legit way to win fights.
In planned fights when outnumbered, the opposing clan insists on matching options.

But if you think way back, numbers were a legitimate overpowering tactic. (Think of Tunescape who did this best)
Now this might be bad or it might not... but as a community we've ditched outnumbering as a winning tactic, calling it unfair.

What's everyone's thoughts on this? My clan is particularly affected because we like to recruit inexperienced PKers who want to start PKing.
If we can't outnumber it's a lot harder for us to win a fight.

Are you glad we've moved toward matched numbers fights?
Because RS3 is all CWA this might not really affect PKing in OSRS as much.
But you still might have an opinion. After all, it may start happening in OSRS later... maybe?

Critical Damage Reopens

We all started fresh new accounts and bullied the LPC world for a bit.

Next we all plan to train to level 90 and ONLY CRASH VR. Gl PPB

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Future of the clan world?

I've only recently returned to Runescape after a several year absence so apologies if this topic is rather vague in it's questions.  

The recent update of f2p has certainly ignited a revival of some sort with multiple clans training to re-open, and other having already reopened.  Just this past night I spent the evening helping former clanmates that had left the game long ago become reaquianted with the game.  It was a lot of fun, and the nostalgia factor definitely kicked in as we all talked about our personal histories as well as our history with runescape, the clan world, and Synergy in general.  Basically, it was just really nice to catch up with friends after many years.

This leads to a few questions

How long will the nostalgia factor last for these returning players?  

Do you expect this upsurge to last longer than summer?

Do you expect Jagex in the long run to once more find a way to meddle with the clan world?

Where do you picture the clan world a year from now?

Team Trinity turns 4.


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#Trinity | Forums | /cat/

Our legacy started when Jusin Beiber and itz_gandalf formed as a team capable of competing with any other clan/team in the cwa era with, mike being the one to organize us efficiently and also while gandlaf edated all the girls in the team and mass recruited everyone and even sent them letters to get them to join (serious). 4 years later we've become a strong team that can compete in these hard times with not many teams being opene and with a crashwar ongoing we managed to keep clan-beef related issues away from the team. We've come through many hurdles and many hardships because of the crashwar and managed to keep a positive out view on the team. We've had the best callers in our team and have also had the best officials the clanworld can offer coming from different clans.

Current officials:













Wee Man



Official words


Thanks to all our great members past and present.

Original topic: x

Your Allstar Calling Lineup

You're having the biggest fight in your entire clans history and you get to choose 3 people who will call for your clan.

Who would you pick?





Fight us

Ronin out with 30 people. Fight us. w326

Poison is scared to come out

Real Life Flaming

It seems to me that there is one clan in particular bringing back real life flames to the game I don't want to name names but I saw a lot of members of the red caped clan using these flames.

My questions to you:

1) Do you think its childish?

2) Do you think that the people resorting to this should be ashamed?

3) What can we do as a clan world to stop this?

1) Do you think its childish?  Yes

2) Do you think that the people resorting to this should be ashamed?  Yes

3) What can we do as a clan world to stop this?   Im not sure but im glad every other clan has stopped this as we grew up it seems only one clan hasn't grown up

Summer Predictions

Post your predictions!

Arroz -
Ancient Fury -
Downfall -
Vitality -
Infliction -
Poison -
Ronin -
EoS -
DI -
vR -
Liths -
Anonymous Community -
Fools -
Rot -

My Preditions!

Arroz - Pulling pretty high due to new people playing the game from your community

Ancient Fury - #1 P2P nobody can take that crown now not in the summer either

THE - Lots of potential but can see them dipping a bit when the hype dies down in the summer

Downfall - Under the leadership of Crest227 I can foresee a slump prove me wrong

Vitality - Top of the GMT good quality

Infliction - hopefully they take it serious and grow stronger

Poison - Either doing nothing at all or pulling back up to 30s 40s and challenging Ronin

Ronin - They will either stagnate and be stuck midsize or make a push into the top and try fights vs vR Df DI and EOS

EoS - Pulling a lot with all the old members returning and lots of hype could see them beating vR soon and taking #1

DI - Doing just fine challenging DF VR and EOS can't see them getting #1

DF - Doing just fine challenging DI VR and EOS can't see them getting #1

vR - Challenging EoS for the top spot or being rank #1

Liths - Pulling well still levels / quality holding them back from getting #1 GMT from Vitality

Anonymous Community - Active clan pulling decently having fun!

Fools - Challenging the Liths for #2 GMT

Rot - Can't see them having fights they are pretty much a crashing team so pretty irrelevant to the top clans sucks for their members that the leaders put them in this situation
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