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How Clan Wars Is Coming Along In 07


How Clan Wars is coming along in 07.

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Week 1 Q&A:

Q: Clan Wars?
A: We have the Clan Cup coming out very soon, a temporary clan wars arena where the clan cup can take place, but we still need some time and tweaking, as well as a poll to decide on if we get clan wars yet or not.

Week 2 Q&A:

Q: Clan Wars?

A: After the PvP worlds go through the poll we'll look at Clans Wars, and then after that, something that isn't about PvP combat for awhile.

Week 4 Q&A:

Q: Clan Wars FFA Portals?

A: The red one would be redundant since we have the Wilderness. We'd be happy to offer the white one though.

Week 6 Q&A:

Q: Clan Wars?

A: We'd be willing to come back and talk about clan wars, but we've released alot of combat oriented content recently, and we'd like to stray away from it for the time being.

Week 11 Q&A:

Q: Can Clan Wars be polled after the slayer updates?

A: The Clan Wars FFA Arenas we can do. We're not keen on the dangerous portal, as it takes away from the wilderness. As for the purple portal, those are a bit harder. We originally tied them into the lootshare system for clan member grouping. The engine team would have to help us out there.

1/23/2014 Q&A:

Q: GOP for OSR?

A: That'd be interesting to do. I think we'd be a bit more keen to do clan wars before we would do GOP.

Q: Will you need engine support to add the Stealing Creation minigame?

A: We could do it with the same features as clan wars if we get clan wars, which we will probably get.

1/30/14 Q&A:

Q: Make the Clan Cup Arena accessible all year round?

A: We held out on that originally. It's something we could do, but more usefully, we'd like to write clan wars.

2/7/14 Q&A:

Q: Any updates on Clan Wars?

A: We're getting the engine support now that will help us make Clan Wars. We'd like to produce that after the Wilderness perhaps.

Show your support by replying to this thread. If you disagree, explain why Clan Wars is a bad addition to the game. Please and thank you!

Will be updating thread once jagex gives us an update on Clan Wars!

Will be updating

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