This is definitely the hardest topic I've had to write during my time here in Brutality but it's been a long time coming. I know this is probably really unexpected to some of you guys but it's something Leon & myself have been talking about for a while.
In all honesty there is just no drive anymore, hasn't been for a long time. Be it the terrible game updates or the large amount of repetitive hours majority of the clan has put into the game - it get's tiresome.
We started off as a single clan - perfected it. We then decided to give P2P multi a shot - perfected it. Last but not least we said stink it might aswell do every single aspect of PVP in the game and jumped into F2P. My point is we've been everywhere and done everything so on top of all the terrible updates / tactics / out of game attacks there is no longer ANYTHING appealing (to majority of us) about this game anymore.
So a big thanks to everyone who has been and still is apart of Brutality over the past 4, almost 5 years. The amount of time and effort you have put into this clan was not gone unseen. I wish you all the best of luck in real life and / or your online endeavours.
Been a pleasure boys & Grace.
Was fun boys,
This is definitely the hardest topic I've had to write during my time here in Brutality but it's been a long time coming. I know this is probably really unexpected to some of you guys but it's something Leon & myself have been talking about for a while.
In all honesty there is just no drive anymore, hasn't been for a long time. Be it the terrible game updates or the large amount of repetitive hours majority of the clan has put into the game - it get's tiresome.
We started off as a single clan - perfected it. We then decided to give P2P multi a shot - perfected it. Last but not least we said stink it might aswell do every single aspect of PVP in the game and jumped into F2P. My point is we've been everywhere and done everything so on top of all the terrible updates / tactics / out of game attacks there is no longer ANYTHING appealing (to majority of us) about this game anymore.
So a big thanks to everyone who has been and still is apart of Brutality over the past 4, almost 5 years. The amount of time and effort you have put into this clan was not gone unseen. I wish you all the best of luck in real life and / or your online endeavours.
Been a pleasure boys & Grace.
Was fun boys,