Channel: Runescape Clans
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And People Blame Jagex For The Clan World dying...

Ok so in the past month ive gotten back into waring after taking around a year and a half off. Now in all the pvp fights ive been to, not just my clans, but other clans to, and on rsc topics. One thing comes up more often than others.


Now what is fun in general about being crashed? Your all saying that jagex has killed the clan world. Yet im seriously believing your all killing it. Everyone who crashes just drives a few more recruits away, those few more new membes who could help to revive this dying clan world. If you guys seriously want more competition. The clear answer is to stop sniping fights, to stop full force crashing, to stop these useless crash wars. Cos nobody, i repeat nobody wants to join a community, where they know that people will be there deliberatly trying to ruin fights, its just not enjoyable. Its no wonder they would rather join a cwa clan or team, why fight in pvp when ur gonna get crashed, when you can fight in cwa where crashers will be of no influence at all.

Then you have the hacking of members accounts, that just hurts the world even more, thats the MAIN REASON WHY PEOPLE DONT WANT TO REGISTER ON OFFSITE FORUMS, as they are scared of being hacked. Yet we all know there are some rejects who decide to do it anyway.

Lastly you have the whole ddos situation. Seriously, who wants to be in a clan/community who gets ddosed all the time, even if they are based in cwa, no ts, having to use a backup ts, yay thats so much fun isnt it.

Now we on rsc have a simple choice, reduce this, or better yet, stop it and return to what we use to have. Or we'll have just killed the clan world. We are not getting recruits, thats not really jagex's fault, cos any of the skillers who join, will see one war, see the crashing, ddosing, hacking, and think, i dont want this, and leave. There are plenty of kids out there wanting to be in clans, wanting to play runescape, wanting to war. We just need to get back to the "glory days" when crashing, ddosing and hacking was frowned upon, not envied.

tl:dr-We just need to get back to the "glory days" when crashing, ddosing and hacking was frowned upon, not envied, and the clan world can be saved.

edit: this is not in response to any clan, this is what ive seen in the past month and a bit ive been back.

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