Yo guys since Jagex are failing to inform us on what is going on and not even acknowledging the fact worlds ARE being DDoSed. I've started a campaign for them to finally take notice and take action to protect their servers from DDoS attacks.
This petition is for THE COMMUNITY as a whole, DDoSing is ruining the experience of the 2007 servers and the game overall, this doesn't just affect PKer's, it affects people training, to people doing PvM. As a community we need to let JaGeX know that this IS happening and something needs to be done now to stop it.
Or lets face it, the game will only have a few more months left before it crumbles because of such acts.
Sign the petition here: https://www.change.o...and-take-action
Help spread the word and the video below, the more attention this gets we'll have a high chance of JaGeX taking action to protect the servers and inform us of what is going on and how and when they plan to fix this issue.
This petition is for THE COMMUNITY as a whole, DDoSing is ruining the experience of the 2007 servers and the game overall, this doesn't just affect PKer's, it affects people training, to people doing PvM. As a community we need to let JaGeX know that this IS happening and something needs to be done now to stop it.
Or lets face it, the game will only have a few more months left before it crumbles because of such acts.
Sign the petition here: https://www.change.o...and-take-action
Help spread the word and the video below, the more attention this gets we'll have a high chance of JaGeX taking action to protect the servers and inform us of what is going on and how and when they plan to fix this issue.