Lately we haven't had the chance to have many p2p fights, and we are currently looking for any mid-sized clans that are willing to have a little scruff with us. Rules can be discussed and worked out, what we are interested in at this moment is either a decent matched or a short pkri.
One thing I do request is straight honor, and respect as many of the newer p2p clans and teams don't show that they have any of it. So if your a no-honor team/clan please don't even bother trying to set something up with us, because it will be auto-declined
Why you should consider a P2P fight:
If you are interested, or have further questions/concerns, query any of the following in SwiftIRC:
Vio or `V
His Lordship
Thanks for your time
- X Warrior170
One thing I do request is straight honor, and respect as many of the newer p2p clans and teams don't show that they have any of it. So if your a no-honor team/clan please don't even bother trying to set something up with us, because it will be auto-declined
Why you should consider a P2P fight:
If you are interested, or have further questions/concerns, query any of the following in SwiftIRC:
Vio or `V
His Lordship
Thanks for your time
- X Warrior170