Clan Discussion & Multimedia & Design
Zybez Clan Advertising Competition
Back in August 2009, as some of you will probably remember, W13 posted a graphics competition for CD where clans were invited to submit adverts which were then posted on the main page. After bringing it up to the MM&D staff, as another way we can offer you guys an advertising platform which'll be seen by thousands, we've decided to run this competition again.
Create an advert/graphic for your clan which is:
- 500x150s max,
- 150kB file size or less,
- Unlimited submissions per person & per clan,
- Image complies with RSC rules etc.
Send a PM to either HAR or Sector Six with the following info:
- Direct URL of your image,
- URL of your clan's Recruitment Topic on RSC &
- 50 words or less describing your clan.
This is as much a clan competition as an individual one too - the numbers of rewards depends on the number of submissions but here's what we are anticipating:
- Clan rewards
- Top 3/5? submissions added to the Zybez main page with your descriptive text and linking to Recruitment topic.
- Best image's clan Leader, submitter and a few others also get an interview with the Blogs & Comics team.
- Top 3/5? submissions added to the Zybez main page with your descriptive text and linking to Recruitment topic.
- Individual rewards
- Best submission wins an underbanner & placed in of MM&D competition archive.
- Best submission wins 3 months of Zybez Exclusive.
- Top 3?5? submissions win 1 month of Zybez Exclusive.
- Best submission wins an underbanner & placed in of MM&D competition archive.
This competition will be judged by all CD Staff members, MM&D Staff members and all other SeMe, Mods & Admins.
Wednesday August 14th @ 23:59 GMT
Two weeks from today (August 1st).
So again, if you've got any submissions, questions or suggestions, please PM either Sector Six or myself.
Thanks & good luck.