Channel: Runescape Clans
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Energy Potions!



How will this effect Wilderness?


How will this effect CWA?


Will this lead to future P2P items to be brought over?





What do you guys think about the RNG? Has it ever lost a fight for you before? Personally, I think Bad RNG is hilarious, there is little you can do but hope for the best. What are your opinions of RNG #

[NEW] Clan Union


~~ greet zybezianz ~~


haha hello. it been some time since last discussion topic and maybe of you must wonder where i been :] i always been someone who wanted to make a difference in clan world, so here is my project i been working very long time on...




United Members Against Discrimination, (uMAD)

fidelity, benevolence, respekt


we are a union for all members of clan, and through unity and collective bargaining will protect the interests of all runescape clanners.


here how works;


- members of any clan pay 69k initiation fee [cannot be a rank in any clan]

- they are now proud uMad member

- in the event they are striked, kicked, or otherwise discriminated against, we will investigate and get fair resolutions with their clans leadership

- in the event that clans leadership doesn't co-operate, all uMad members within the clan will go on hunger strike, meaning no bringing food to wars, and in extreme cases, boycott of all clan events


we will also group negotiate on matters important to uMad members. For instance, if there is a consensus within the clan that members should be allowed to wear certain items to wars, we will make it happen for all members.



Pls PM me to join, and add this to your signature to show your pride.


Proud United Members Against Discrimination, Local 069

Recent dox war between sv and rot.


So as most of us know. 

both clans are doxing all irl/family info of the opossing clan members.

I personally think this goes way to far, at the end of the day we are all playing a game

based on killing dragons and cutting tree's and we as OAC do not approve such a thing!





what's you guys opinion on leaking all this over a game?

Daddy Rot gets contested


Doesn't seem like SV is getting on their knees that fast, we haven't seen anyone challenging ROT besides Fools, or SV sometimes, its some major game changer for the alliance if SV switches sides, do you think AF/DF/VR gained a new member in the Alliance or they just gonna fight a common enemy?


Since Fools will have to fight someone, can ROT be in a bad spot here?


Lets hope this means more action to everyone above anything else




Tr's Leadership has took a turn. Right now it is too quick to tell but hopefully everything will work out for both sides. As for changes within Ronin, we had the merge, and we are currently adjusting quite well. Our quality needs to improve but we are doing what we can to perform to our expectations. Every now and then, clans go through changes. Some are minor, and some can be major. During the time you spent in your clan, what changes have been made? Anything notable? 

Broken Alliances



Throughout the years their have been many different alliances. Some were more stable than others, but can you guys recall any alliances that kind of faded out? I personally remember EOS and RR in which we had a few joint trips but eventually we had too much beef and caused a nice rivalry between our two clans. Then while in Ni, I like to think we carried Corr to the top, but that can be argued as well. What happened to Sv and Rot? or Di and VR? As a community do can you remember any clans in which you were on friendly terms with which ended kind of abruptly?


Free Robinhood



The Importance of Propaganda


Over the years it has become apparent that whatever clan is on top usually has the strongest most egregious forms of propaganda. Whether it be through promoting an image that is embellished to create an aura of superiority that the rest of clan world gobbles up. This only further perpetuates their hold over the clan world as opposing clans start to believe the "hype" and subconsciously lose hope. Recent events have shown a certain clans predilection to abuse propaganda when facing off against a new enemy. Certain clans rely on this form of propaganda to swing the community support in their favor and attempt to demoralize the enemy into believing they got themselves into an unwinnable situation

My question to you honorable Zybezians is why do we knowingly fall victim to the obvious propaganda and praise obviously misleading facts, threads, topics and how much of crash wars/rivalries are won outside of Runescape. Given the recent drama in US politics I thought this was an interesting topic to address. 

RvFsk/Pure Clans



First few mins is just banter between our(Ronin) vs Forsaken fight today. Every fight I have with these guys is really enjoyable so hopefully we can continue these bouts. Thanks for fighting us with this considerable Timezone. 


Now on Topic, what do you thin about Pure Clans. As of right now, as I said before, we should do what we can to integrate the communities. I am not saying to turn them to mains but at least try for some enjoyable CWA action. I like the fact that they can bring over 70 people without a problem. During the JCUP we fought them when I was in Tr, and it was quite the enjoyable fight. Why not try to continue to do those type of fights?


Is there anyone in your clan who is involved with the pure community?

Time to Choose a Side Clan World!


After the events that have transpired today in P2P two things have become evident.



The two alliances are currently

Rot and Friends (DI, CT)

and Anti- Rot

VR+AF+Divine Forces+Brut+SV+Vit (I'll give fools the benefit of the doubt and leave them neutral)



That beef means more actions and that these teams actually challenging ROT is making the game more fun. We could be having sick F2P sundays again with some midweeks and this could be just the boost a what was growing stagnant P2P scene needs.

So for the benefit of the clan worlds let's do it, It's time everybody choose a side. Do you want to be Rot Minions or do you want to be Anti- Rot.




























Reapers of Runescape


etc... all the frequenters to Zybez+ the clan world




High-Mid level Jr. clans


Are they even still alive and active?

Member of New Bloods - The Risings' Jr. Clan

Regards to AF imposter of Own Age Clan


Hey Zybez Users, Lil Fourty40 here. Leader of Own Age Clan ~

At first I didn't feel the need to make an account back here on zybez. But with the recent month and half of viewing zybez forums as a guest, I've noticed the first person to try to be an imposter of OAC. With OAC being such a tight-knit Community of course and seeing this "lipton227" trying claim the title of our Loving and Independant Clan. I felt the need to remake an account, explain and expose who this person actually is. 

Before Reading on I want to briefly say, I just re-read the rules on the Clan Discussion's page and found that impersonation of someone, being someone whom they are not could result in a suspension or ban. And Although this individual isn't impersonating anyone in my Clan. He is actually impersonating to be affiliated with my Clan, all the while it's more than obvious if you look at his Profile History he is just a washed up AF member/official Wishing he could of just been OAC. With that being said, A Moderator can ask him personally to prove himself if he has any images of himself affiliated with Own Age Clan or ever any Events he has attended with us. Clearly, he won't have any, so any future posts that this individual makes about OAC, or him ever claiming he is OAC will be a fraud. I can be Messaged here for verification as well. Al though I would rather log back into here as I am very Toxic Person.

- Rules Here -

5. Do not use your account to claim that you are someone that you are not (impersonation) or post information or images which were not created by you (plagiarism). If you are accused of impersonation or plagiarism, you will be required to prove that you are who you say you are. Failure to provide proof will result in either a suspension or a ban.

His Profile Feed - http://forums.zybez.net/user/1198210-lipton227/


In All Honesty, I saw where this indivudual started his act of impersonation to be a person affiliated with my Clan. It started with my Video I uploaded to my Youtube Channel where I labeled the title "[O]wn [A]ge [C]rashers making bank w/Audio" on January 19th of this Year, where we Found Rot Fighting Rev and decided to crash it for some lootations. A Day later it was seen by this AF individual. And being in AF where they couldn't compete at ROT's level or try to fight rot as of recent months. (Me Reading his thoughts) It's pretty obvious this AF member thought it would be a pretty good troll to change his Profile Clan/Team Name to "OAC" and create a quick image of him Claiming to be OAC and using it as his signature image to troll Reign of Terror because we had killed a few of them in our video and he enjoyed seeing that. I wonder how it must truely feel to be in AF or be this individual, after the actions he took just to see another Clan kill a few members of your rivalry clan because you couldn't do it as AF and to try and protect some face of yours (whatever you may have left). Al though that topic that this lipton227 had created around Janurary 20th/21st with out video in there is not around here anymore as I couldn't find it. He hasn't changed his profile feed Of my Clan Title at all and would just keep posting about AF Stuff. But I guess he has been successful with his impersonation as he has fooled quite a few of you on his topics as I have seen in recent weeks. 


In All Honesty, I read zybez forums as a guest on a day to day basis to check in on Clan Activity and keep up my knowledge of the Clan world although I don't affiliate my Clan with these forum boards or the Clan World Anymore. as Own Age Clan, we do what we want to do, without having restrictions by anyone on this Game. And we enjoy it very much, but when a loser like this individual who impersonates someone from my Strong, and Independant Clan for a month and a half, fooling many people here on zybez boards and making my Clan Name look bad. I finally decided I would Create this account and quickly expose of this trash before signing off the boards. Hopefully Moderators can take action against this imposter even though my Clan isn't active on these boards, as we never so wanted to further after my Zybez Account had gotten banned early last year for Good Reasons. I've seen a month and a half of other zybez users confused and questioning this "lipton227" guy of either being AF and/or OAC. And Zybez users confused of why an OAC person is consistently posting for AF. He is not Own Age Clan. So Hopefully Zybez Moderators can decide what they want to do with this person.


Own Age Clan is a Strong, Independant, Family Clan that does not affiliate ourselves with the Clan World. We Play Runescape to enjoy ourselves, our Clan Activity and PK for the enjoyment of what the game has left to offer. Nobody in Own Age Clan is in AF, or any other Clan. Everyone is simply in Own Age Clan. Own Age Clan has never allied itself with any clan on OSRS, Own Age Clan has never needed the aid of any other Clan or people outside of the Clan during Fights, Own Age Clan fights Boldly on it's own with it's own Members only, outnumbered, or outnumbering our opponents. Own Age Clan Members or myself will never have a zybez board account (besides this quick one by myself). And Own Age Clan Members will never need to Make an Account here on Zybez because nobody in OAC besides myself gives a care for the clan world. We don't need Fame, we only need ourselves. Anyone Claiming the Title of OAC, or being a part of OAC ever on these forum boards isn't affiliated with Own Age Clan. - Thank You, Lil Fourty40 | Leader of Own Age Clan


And Yes, we are still very active on Runescape, and in the wilderness. Pking on a daily with only Videos posted on my Youtube Channel for my members and whomever by passes it to view. 

- This Topic Can be Closed, as it has nothing to be discussed about, but viewed by confused zybez users of whom this "lipton227" really was.

Runescape - Ancient Fury (AF) Proof of Doxing


New Clans



With Anonymous Community opening up in P2P


There is great hope for P2P


How many clans will return to P2P more?


Will F2P clans try P2P wilderness more?

P2P Wilderness


When are the supposed updates happening to P2P WILDERNESS








Which clan will win Deadman Mode?  :king:

Crash Wars


They seem to be pointless now 


Contact me /query Kane322

The Duck


I know Mattbrazil_2 is paying you to save their propoganda on these boards  :thumbsup:


cut the **** out  and stop deleting my topics  :lmao:




What ever happened to Alliances? I found these alliances to be kind of dull. The flare is gone but I still think there is time to revive the concept. It may be because there simply is not enough clans to even make alliances even worth it, but I am generally sick of the flavor of the month type alliance. Personally, I always enjoyed them, even if they were brief. I like being around people and being apart of many communities. What do you guys think about alliances?

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