Channel: Runescape Clans
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Latin Clan or Team ?


Hello, some latin clan or team live?  :-/

Is Rot losing community support?


Yes, another Rot topic.


During my time clanning I've mostly been on the side arguably closer to Rot then the clans they've been crashwarring with. Naturally I've enjoyed seeing what happened to clans as Vr/Af/Brut. I felt somewhat sorry for Df but meh they should have stayed out of it. I've enjoyed their shenanigans and propaganda simply because it has targetted clans who in my opinion got what was coming for them. Now I know they've sidetracked a few times for example trying to start a crashwar with TT when needing our help some months later but all is good and forgiven.


I'm sure I'm not the only one who has these thoughts, as it would have been uncharacteristic to support clans like Vr/Eos if you've fought multiply crashwars against them. Lately it seems like the lack of opposition/activity has been pushing them to pull a Eos and start randomly picking on clans attempting to lure them out. Those who stand up instead of sucking up receive the full package or Rot's self-justification as if they've asked for it. I'll admit I've enjoyed seeing this happen before but this was merely due my bias about the clans involved.


With Rot's latest target being Fools, I've been starting to doubt the righteousness of these actions. If there is any clan left who can fight, win or lose and say good fight then move on it's Fools. They are a stubborn bunch of fins but probably the most honest clan left. When pulling the same tricks on them its simply to obvious they are trying to create their own enemy.


Tldr; I'm bored by Rot's topics and I don't feel liking their side any longer.


Have I been biased for to long or is their course of action a natural result due lack of counterweight?




What ever happened to Alliances? I found these alliances to be kind of dull. The flare is gone but I still think there is time to revive the concept. It may be because there simply is not enough clans to even make alliances even worth it, but I am generally sick of the flavor of the month type alliance. Personally, I always enjoyed them, even if they were brief. I like being around people and being apart of many communities. What do you guys think about alliances?

Has RoT bit off more than they can chew?


Recently we've seen RoT bullying (for lack of a better word) several different clans (FOOLS, The Rising + Downfall, and obviously AF, DF2, and VR). It's starting to look like they are just picking these clans off one-by-one at this point, and it needs to be stopped.


So I guess my question is: do you think clans should unite as one and team against RoT to put an end to this once and for all? 



why do some clans


Have the urge to put multiple clans on their title ?


Example: Ruin vs Cl + Af + Vr + Infamous


Are they paranoid ?


Do you think they are getting beatered by the opponent clan so they put as many clans as they want ?


Will the clans  like Af Vr And Infamous take any action ?


Why do you Ruin ask Sv for help against one clan ?

A New Merge..


Hello people of RuneScape Community. Today 16/02/17 two honorable clans have passed away to start a new age in this powerful clanworld. Ronin And Exodus..

Thoughts about this merge ?

Is clanworld lacking members to run a good clan?

The Merge




Who is your favorite Merge?


Mine is Ronin and Exodus. Welcome :)


How can a merge actually be successful?


I think with patience and a strong community any merge can be successful #

Is it possible to take a RSC victory over RoT?


Besides clanwars as Downfall did, is it possible to take a RSC topic over RoT in a clean fight?

Is there a situation where RoT would legit lose a fight by being cleaned from the battlefield, forced to end?

Even if theoretically RoT was being outperformed, would any clan stick to killing the returning RoT members?

Melee Binds



What do you guys think about Melee Binds. I personally feel that it is a forgotten art. With CWA styles will always trump melee but how do you feel about Melee Binds in the wilderness? For the bigger clans, how do you feel about this style in the clumped fights?


edit: I am not suggesting Melee Binds Only, but only inquiring about it as a style along with MAGE/RANGE

Clan World Prestige


Hello, the last time I logged into these forums was almost 8 years ago. I have come back to Runescape in hopes to find a clan world that is in a better spot than where I left. I searched the recent clan fights and event topics to see if my old clan, VR, was still around and it doesn't seem that they are still a powerhouse within the community. 


My question's for you are:


1. Do you think that the clan world in general will ever become as active as it was in late 2009? If so how do we fix it?


2. What clan(s) are the most active in F2P whilst also being active somewhat in P2P? 


3. I have been reading reddit and looking at wilderness rejuvenation topic and was wondering if you think these will actually make the wilderness active again? 


4. Who do you believe is the powerhouse of the clan world currently and do you see it changing in the future?


5. How have you all been?


Please no flaming or baiting, I just want to see where this discussion takes us and whether or not a clan world can return like in previous years.

Crash Wars


With the current clan state focused entirely on crashing other clans (over half the clans today are in crash wars) can a clan be successful without thriving on crash wars?  Personally, I love to crash fights but I also love clean fights.  I would assume most people today enjoy clean fights and not crashing.  I think being in a crash war is fun as long as you can compete and the entire clan is behind the cause.  






Are all the current crash wars helping the clan community, not effecting, or hurting?


Can a clan in 2017 be successful if they don't like to crash?


How can you tell if your clan is winning a crash war?


Is your clan currently in a crash war?


If all crash wars ended today, would the clan community grow, shrink, or maintain? 

Mixed Conflicts



Have you ever been in an intense rivalry yet, you feel a bit guilty? I think the best part of being in a crash is the scenario of your friends crashing you. "But Kiker" is still one of my favorite people and for some reason when he calls piles on me when he crashes is classic. Slewski is another person in which I like to see him camp me. Remember, that even though there may be bad blood between our clans, it does not mean there is bad blood with our members. :)


Have you ever been in moments where you found yourself crashing your friends or even take part in piles where flames occur?

Coolest/Unique Clan names


In your opinion, what clans have had the coolest/most unique clan names?  



-I've always thought Adelais, Reign of Terror, and Echo of Silence have held some of the coolest names.  .  


Honorable mentions. Violent Resolution, Anarchy with @s

New Caves for Wilderness Bosses?


Watching the current OSRS stream, one person from the 2007scape Reddit suggested that the bosses should be improved and moved into caves or lairs of their own to benefit PVMers.



If they were to go ahead and go through this, how do you think the current multi areas would be affected if they were to be moved into areas of their own?




Here is the original suggestion:

regdie 120 points

1 day ago


Why are you guys looking to add more content to the wildy when all the content you added in the past is dead/broken and doesn't have to be? Currently, the wilderness bosses we have are most efficiently (and realistically) killed in a safespot. It has been this way ever since they were released, and it has to do with the amount of damage they put out ON TOP of them being in the wilderness and danger of PK'ers.

These bosses do more damage than each individual GWD boss and its minions combined except for standing right next to Zilyana, and K'ril when he spams YARR! Also, Vet'ion has DOUBLE the hitpoints as the other 2 bosses AND spawns 4 hellhounds that combine to have DOUBLE the hitpoints as the other 2 bosses again, giving Vet'ion FOUR times the hitpoints as Callisto/Venenatis.

The fact that safespotting is the most efficient way to kill them is a problem, and these bosses were not well thought out in any way shape or form for the following reasons: Farrr too much damage output while also being vulnerable to PK'rs; easily accessible safespots for all 3 bosses; ridiculous damage stacks possible while also being vulnerable to PK'rs; most efficient method of killing them is to lure and safespot. Their drop tables are not an issue at all, they are mid level profit/hr, relatively close to gwd profit.

I don't think its hard to agree that from a balancing standpoint, you should not be able to safespot a BOSS in runescape. That aside, at the VERY least, safespotting a boss should be FAR from the most efficient method of killing it.

Possible solutions:

Make them have lairs accessible like the KBD lair

Lower their damage output, put a cap/timer on their special abilities

Fix Vet'ion. I dont know what you could do, but he is badly broken since, as mentioned above, he effectively has 4x the amount of hitpoints as the other bosses. Give him a ranged attack if you have to while finding a way to balance him.

Put them each in a cave with their own unique entrances that you have to do some sort of quick (5-15 seconds once memorized) puzzle/maze to get to a safe center that pk'ers could sit in to prey on the PVM'rs, deadly red spider entrance for Venenatis, giant skeleton/some skeleton content for Vet'ion, new strong bears for Callisto.

Summarized question for qna: Can the current wilderness bosses (Vet'ion, Venenatis, Callisto) be looked at and overhauled since the most efficient (and only way that people kill them anymore) way to kill them is through safespots?

edit: I remember that someone asked them about the safespots for these bosses in a past QnA, and they said it would be hard to fix since the only way to avoid giving them a safespot would be to make their attack range a perfect square or something like that, well then don't fix it, completely overhaul it.

P2P rune


Longtime ex-runescape new time full real lifer checking in on zybez after years away. It looks like Rot and VR are still dominating the headlines, but AF isn't a Rot minion anymore? and have essentially replaced Brutality? It looks like everybody is ragging each other, does a 26/76k system need to be put in place to end this?


I remember a time when Rot and Brut's rivalry for number 1 p2p was so fierce that RSD snuck in and took the top spot for a while. Just gazing through these forums for 5 minutes it isn't hard to read through all the propaganda and be able to figure out that Rot is the undisputed #1, while AF/Fools/DI are #2/3/4 (in whatever order) with clans like SV and Rev? who are showing they have potential to maybe even challenge for the top spot down the road.


So that being said, as somebody who has missed a couple of years of this game and is trying to catch up what happened to clans/teams such as






Cheer Up


Australian Army




Frozen Fury




Higher Forces



and in today's game who would you say reminds you of those teams?

Your Favorite Clan(s)


Hello friends,


Just a simple question, "Whats your favorite Clan(s) beside your own?"



Please try to keep it clean.  :suspect:

Are private servers hurting the clan community?


Well, a current fad in the clan world has been to start pking/warring on private servers. This has led to a dramatic decline in wilderness activity as of late which is obviously a huge negative for trying to grow the clan scene.


A good example is The Rising actually had a mandatory pk trip on one of said private servers. Imagine if that had of been on the real game, it would have actually led to at least one fight if not more from other clans getting involved.



My question to you:


Do clans using private servers as "safe spaces" negatively impact the clan world? 


Do you think these people will ever give the real game another chance?


What do you think led to these clans making the migration to private servers?

Ever been Declined?




I recently got declined from Synergy and I felt rather disappointed. Not in much with their leadership but mostly with myself for taking them for granted :(. Have you ever been declined from a clan? and what did you do to bounce back? If something else comes up I often just jump to it so in the end it always works out :)

Should there be a f2p/p2p CWA rank LIST?


Should there be a f2p and p2p CWA list.  Similar to the raw list.  But rules that are more updated to the current clan community.


There can be two different categories.  Matched opts and full outs(<- no1 probs gonna care since #s become a huge factor)


Rules can include.  

-team/clan must be established for 1 month to be able to participate on the list

-team/clan can challenge anyone for any position at anytime.  Declining doesn't move you down the list

-declining only moves you down the list IF AND ONLY IF the clan/team ranked directly below you is denied a fight atleast 2x (with reasonable rules/times that benefit both clans) within 2 weeks AND is clan/team ranked directly below you. 

-Rules can be matched opts fights only, or full outs.  

- matched opts will be easy to track.  If both teams decided to start at 38, and one team hits 39 or higher, then they automatically forfeit their win.  


Obv. other rules should be thought out and edited etc.  but yeh.





I believe this will give teams/clans something to work for(and yes teams should be allowed to participate).  Would be intersting to watch the battle for the top.  I wonder if it would be Rot or not.  



I have been informed that there was a list a couple months ago but it died off b/c the dude running it went inactive.  This job would take more than 1 person to run.  But yeh.  GooddayL ZEZBIANS

Clan Documentaries?


Seeing a post on Reddit about Reign of Terror's Documentary got me to think, should every major clan that has faced them or been opened for since before Old School have a documentary on them?


Personally, I would like to see something for all other clans including Damage Inc, Ancient Fury, and Violent Resolution. I like learning more about each clan and thought it would be cool.


Here is the RoT Documentary:


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