Channel: Runescape Clans
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Infamous p2p pking - Top 5 clan?


I talked to several clan members in Infamous, and I hear they pk 2-3 times a day p2p. They seem to come out on top more likely than not, and I was wondering if the RSC looks at Infamous as a top 5 p2p pkin clan thus far in 2k17.


I am looking for a clan to be with in the long run, and I LOVE how agressive/active Infamous is. Does anyone know if they are mostly a Eastern time zone clan?










Something to think about


literally i opened infamous with a group of friends to have fun, to keep the wildy active, in our mindset we literally couldnt care less about other clans, winning or losing lol, but then all these big clans start trying to get leaks etc flame us.. 


"your ****"

"you're a 420 remake"

"you're a vendetta remake"  


lol what happend to clean fights, what happend to just ty for fight or gf ".. clan name"? literally doesnt bother me 1 bit but some people take this game way to serious, the reasons clans die is because of toxic clans that try and bully all the clans that open up lol literally ive had brut leaks, sv leaks, af leaks rot leaks in my clan 


in the end what does it achieve? you might 1 day close us, but that means the scene will just go more and more inactive


non the less, thoughts of if this stopping with the flaming, the leaking do you think the main scene will get more active?





tODAY after seeing such bad posts and topics on rsc >:(, i began to wonder....


people are scared to be -1'd on rsc, bring it back to halt troll posts and topics in their tracks! zybeez activity also get better cuz ppl -1 each other every 24 hours xddd


please answer below questionaire....



do you think bringing back -1's will halt bad posts ???


will you login every day to -1 your enemies ???


will you be discouraged to troll if you are -1'd ???


will doonald trump fulfill his campaign promises of building a great wall ???


pls no flames and respect all other posts :D




Well, I heard a few clans were coming back and I am pretty excited. Some of my favorite people with La Hire are coming back in full force. Ill probably do a video feature for each once they are fully back along with another rainbow clan once I see them in action. At this time however with Chivalry Legions the Aussie Timezone has been quite peculiar in terms of finding constant activity. I hope down the road CL can work on their community to build a strong core because the F2P may be a bit weak at the moment and it can take some work to find some fights to schedule. As for PvM I heard the scene is not too bad so if they actually play the game the future can be a bit brighter than expected. 


Aussies have always been some of the most dedicated members in my eyes. Some have to wake up really early, and we often used to look for them to bail us out back when Run Ins took hours on end. Now that capped fights seem to be the norm, this will be very interesting. So for discussion:



What do you think of the Australian Time-Zone. You guys have any comments in regards to any of your aussie clan mates? What tips can you give them to keep active for CL to succeed.

Release of new Weapons


With the release of raids came the release of new/powerful weapons/armor/prayers.



-Do you think this will this have a major impact on p2p clanning?


-Has this already had a major impact on p2p clanning?

I've been out of the p2p scene and haven't made a return when I came back.  I am curious to hear thoughts and opinions of people.  

Are we really at this point?





????????????????????????????????????? ^JORDY DUDE ???????????????????????????????????

Merry Christmas to the Clan World




Hope everyone has a good and happy holiday weekend!


New Year Questions


With the new year of 2017 coming across the corner, what is everyone's opinion on what will happened to the clan world?


Do you think it will increase in size and hopefully new clans to be created?


Or do you think it will continue to just be how it is now?


Personally, I hope it does grow with the incoming Zeah Raids and new weapons coming a foot, maybe this will cause more people to create new teams/clans and might try to use them in PVP. Also, with JMods giving some hints of giving some concern to the Clan World, it will be interesting to see what happens.


Discuss below on what your thoughts are.




Well, I heard a few clans were coming back and I am pretty excited. Some of my favorite people with La Hire are coming back in full force. Ill probably do a video feature for each once they are fully back along with another rainbow clan once I see them in action. At this time however with Chivalry Legions the Aussie Timezone has been quite peculiar in terms of finding constant activity. I hope down the road CL can work on their community to build a strong core because the F2P may be a bit weak at the moment and it can take some work to find some fights to schedule. As for PvM I heard the scene is not too bad so if they actually play the game the future can be a bit brighter than expected. 


Aussies have always been some of the most dedicated members in my eyes. Some have to wake up really early, and we often used to look for them to bail us out back when Run Ins took hours on end. Now that capped fights seem to be the norm, this will be very interesting. So for discussion:



What do you think of the Australian Time-Zone. You guys have any comments in regards to any of your aussie clan mates? What tips can you give them to keep active for CL to succeed.

Happy New Year to Clan World!




Hope to see new things come towards the clan world especially with the release of Raids and let's hope the clan world can grow more with 2017!


I wish every clan a Happy New Year, and hope you enjoyed your holidays!



Also what is your New Year Clan Resolutions?


Mine is to grow Reapers and to enjoy the game to the fullest! :)


Full out wars


Should clans start Full out warring again?  Not in the wilderness for obvious reasons, but CWA.  Numbers play a big role in the power of a clan.


I think it would be interesting to see clans have full outs first to 100 kills or knockouts.  



Silver Jewelry: Necklace of Faith


With the addition of Silver Jewelry, I noticed one particular item that caught my eye, which was the Necklace of Faith.


The description is here: 6d77d9271c97a99997a7a7b6dfb271f2.png


With this new item, do you believe clans/teams would use this in multi to have a higher chance of keeping their +1s or do you think Smite will still destroy players' prayers anyways?


From my standpoint, it pretty much is a Phoenix Necklace for Prayer and could be quite useful if used wisely.

Rot and Fools avoiding each other


What's wrong with clans that do not wish to admit they are allied despite doing everything together and not attacking each other in the wild

My examples are

Rot Di CT Sv and Eop



If you ever talk to members of clans they are adamant they are not in an alliance despite massing together not hitting each other etc what's up with that

Changes in P2P, No More Green Pills

I think we can all say that the top 3 p2p clans for awhile were rot, af, di in that order. Since late 2015, especially after losing jcup, af has fallen off in activity, motivation, pulls, and member quality. Their leaders have long given up and they even told their members to get rid of their jcup gear. DI has also become relatively inactive although they fought rev a week or two ago for a few hours. The gap between rot and everyone else is massive atm and no one even thinks about fighting them uncapped. The current state of p2p is mostly small man pk trips and a few times a week there are mid size fights. Jagex also plans on releasing something similar to rev caves and that could cater to small man pks even more. When rot and af were fighting regularly other smaller clans also got action. Clans like di, vr, df, brut, and jaja would be on the outskirts sniping and sometimes fighting each other. 
Do you enjoy the current state of p2p or would you like to see high opts uncapped fights make a return?
Would you like to see rev caves or something similar be added? Above or below 30 wilderness?
Do you think af will ever make a return and try to compete with rot or due to di being truced with rot and vr/df being relatively dead is af gone for good?
Will brut rise up and become the new #2 pulling 100+ and competing with rot?

What would you like to see your clan do...


Hypothetically speaking, what would you like to see your clan do if it  won $10,000 in one hour? Would you do a bunch of give away's? if so, what kind of giveaways? Secret santa? etc. etc.


$10,000 is pretty hard to spend so I'm looking forward to the suggestions





RoT: 126 Combat Average


Considering we were the first clan to impose a 126 combat requirement, I guess this was only a matter of people catching up to the requirement. Thanks to all who played their role in achieving yet another clan world first, and thanks to all of those who lost +1s and funded our entire clan to 126 combat and made this possible.


Clan Wars Risk Fights


Back in Pre-EOC I remember there was the Red Portal at Clan Wars Arena where a lot of risk fights/lures happened after it opened up, and as well as the Purple Portal having the option to risk items within the Clan Wars Arena as well. 


The reasoning I am making this post is cause I been noticing a lot of clans do CWA and complain that CWA matters more then Wilderness Fights. However, in my opinion the Wilderness has more of a risk too it. And this could determine which clan is better at a 1v1 without the worrying about being crashed by others.


What if Jagex decided to bring back risk into Clan Wars? Would you be for it or against it? Discuss below.

Rot and Fools Fought each other

In response to this topic to make a new discussion for the clanning community which was posted on
February 2nd 2017


Rot and fools ended up meeting in the wilderness 4 days later on February 6th 2017 where Rot fought Fools in there own Gmt timezone and fools decided to stay on longer than they usually do which ended up with final results of Rot winning which both clans having allies in the mix.


Now the question is to the clanning community ever since Downfall unleashed Mohd to defeat Rot in Clan Wars which motivated Fools to try and claim #1.

Does one loss from fools in their own Gmt Timezone in wilderness, Decides that Rot is #1 or does a clan to be number one need to defeat there opponent multiple times in wilderness planned and unplanned and also defeat them in clanwars and both Est and Gmt time based zone?

Serious opinions only on this matter.

- Any flaming or trolling should be posted in another topic.

- And also any moderator againts this topic should pm me also and give a valid reason why so we can discuss freedom of speech and not have any bias around the clanning community.


Planned Expectations



Is the idea of the "Planned Fight" a thing of the past? The notion of fighting 1 v 1 in the wilderness is almost out the question. These days a simple 1 v 1 against simple Mid-Size Clans will bring everyone from the ladder in one world. P2P clans will camp Greaters, Moss Giants, and even the idea of returning is now an art l0l. If this is what it takes to bring the clan world together, then why not?


What do you guys think of the expectations we are setting for ourselves and the fights that we try to plan? You think this can blossom into a new era? Honestly, if more clans come back, then why not. An active wilderness is what we need at this point. It is time to buckle in and enjoy the ride. #

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