Channel: Runescape Clans
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Just a thought?


Wouldn't it be better to have clans in the clan recruitment section that have no members, no valid website, or shown that they are indeed closed be removed from the clan recruitment thread? Instead of people looking through the complete list of clans that are officially closed, could maybe get a few more members to clans? This is mainly to the Staff.


Also another thing, what do you consider a official clan?


For me personally, I think an official clan has offsite forums, a Teamspeak/Discord for people to chat in, and already established thread on Zybez.


Others are just groups of friends or teams.

We've got it all wrong...


Countless topics are being made about the decline in both clan world and zybez activity. I’m talking about pages and pages of essays and graphs talking about this decline. Many narrow-minded players are quick to blame “toxic clans” or bullies” (referring to Reign of Terror), without offering a real solution.


To blame a single clan for the state of other clans is nothing more than a scapegoat. See, the thing is, the players blaming Reign of Terror for killing off all of the competition are actually the reason the clanworld is the way it is. The root of the problem is the people on this forum. Majority of you are almost obsessed with the idea of having win topics.


Do you honestly think it’s a coincidence that as a clan like RoT continues to get stronger and stronger, zybez activity does the opposite? No. It’s not. People don’t even need to read zybez now, they know how every fight ends. People know RoT will not lose – it’s been this way for over 3 years now. Not only that, it makes it almost impossible for other (losing) clans to get a say. 


What do I propose? I genuinely believe we, as a community, could revive both the clanworld and zybez by only allowing loss topics in the “Clan Fights” section. Although I am a part of a clan that does not lose, this rule still logically makes sense… clans that are winning apparently do not need help. Clans that are losing obviously do. 


Anyways, post your opinions / thoughts / whatever







So I got this for a drop and when I teled out,  it disappeared. Have you ever in your clanning experience brought you such a high then drop you back to earth? What do you think?

A "new" Super Clan Merge?


Greetings Zybezians, Nice_Story here! 


Earlier today, I received some sketchy intel about a possible super clan being opened. I didn't quite believe it at first but soon I was informed of their first fight.. Being eager to see who was going to be apart of this prestigious movement, I came to realize that this was going to be three clans merging under the name of Echo of Silence. The clans taking part in the merge will be Echo of Silence, Divine Kings, and Brutality


Some names you might recognize:



I have a few questions in mind, 

How long do you think they will last ?

Do you think they will become a clan to be reckoned with ?

any thoughts about this prestigious new Echo of Silence?

Will they be honor?

Do u see them taking on Fools or Uncle Robert anytime soon? 


:-DSo many questions, so little answers, discuss!  :-D



Curious, for all the actual relevant clans who have major history , f2p and p2p. How would you compare the competitiveness between old school and pre eoc. Would you say it was harder or easier? Obviously pre eoc had a more active clan world then it does now, but with all the alliance/teaming up on one another now, it seems fitting to ask.

Btw Rev just got a 4 man ely drop ayyy lmao.

A "new" Super Clan?


Greetings Zybezians, Nice_Story here! 


Earlier today, I received some sketchy intel about a possible super clan being opened. I didn't quite believe it at first but soon I was informed of their first fight.. Being eager to see who was going to be apart of this prestigious movement


Some names you might recognize:



I have a few questions in mind, 

How long do you think they will last ?

Do you think they will become a clan to be reckoned with ?

any thoughts about this prestigious new Echo of Silence?

Will they be honor?

Do u see them taking on Fools or Uncle Robert anytime soon? 


:-DSo many questions, so little answers, discuss!  :-D



With a lot of clans coming back to the clan scene can we stop the dumb retarded crashing/sniping thing? We all want the clan world to have atleast some action again but at the same time every single fight we got this problem (when i say we, im talking about about clans in general not only exotic -my clan-)


I know its runescape and **** but come on, the mid-size scene could be WAY better and grow more and more if ******* ppl dont ruin every PKRI just because they want to or some****. Do you even realize that if the clan world die you dont have anything to crash? 

Clans like Exodus are trying to bring back action to the f2p scene but if I'm a guy trying to come back and get crashed on my 1st pkri I just give up cuz this game sucks.

More heraldic choices? P2P


This is just something that has bothered me for awhile. Heraldic shields are a big part of the multi pking genre. Yet, a lot of us are limited to selecting only a few.


ZT/Vanguard/Fools use the same crest.


Ruin/RA/RBH use the same crest.

WG/INF/420 use the same crest.


I believe RoT/CT & DI/Rol/TR use the same crest.


Playdead uses all the crests (hehe jk ;))


With more clans opening: EoS, Exodus, Col, etc... It might be nice to add a little more variety. I think Jagex would do it if they saw enough support, I mean it's simple enough.


So, would you support more heraldic choices on osrs?






No Overheads



What do you guys think of this fight format? I think it is pretty good for clans who can not pull as high. I also think with larger options it can be pretty exciting and a test for callers as well. Honestly, I think it is a decent change from the norm because F2P can be pretty band. Would be nice if more P2P clans ventured out but I think we should reciprocate a bit as well. To any clans coming up with ideas to make F2P, I appreciate the efforts that are made and to the newer clans like Vanguard, Wild Might, and possibly *Collision keep using these rules to make fights fun :)

Leaving CC



Disclaimer: I am not pointing blame on The Rising and I do not speak on behalf of Ronin as well :).


I do not think they personally told their members to leave cc. I think it is just a silly domino effect. When one person leaves it can set off a chain reaction and then a "who did it first" situation arises. Southampton however is one of the most honorable people I know, and he would truly do what it takes to prevent a situation like this from happening again. Thanks man, I hope we can look past today as the total **** show it was. It was hilarious though l0l


What do you guys think of people leaving CC? Is it really necessary to video tape every fight? Is that going to be needed for clan fights discussion? 


Also, the Finns almost lost a round against Divine Forces. What do you think of the current top standings? Could you see everyone else tightening towards the ranks?

Honorable Mentions



Who would you nominate as the honor noob in your clan. First off, I apologize to The Rising for making you look like the bad guys. You see, I did not take into perspective your side of the story. I did not know one of ours left CC first. Drama aside, who do you guys, the community, nominate as your Honorable Mention? I know every clan has that one guy who is dependable and clear thinking. If those people are still around, I think Honor will be here to stay. This is also coming from some one who was in Noobs Inc themselves :)


edit: Thanks southampton #

Fact Checking RoT


Hello friends, it's Vio, and I'm working on something very secretive and mysterious involving RoT.

Part of this involves RoT's, and by extent the clan world's history, and RoT's own record has been my primary source of information.

I'm very keen on giving them an honest representation, and as a precautionary measure I'd like to consider any alternative input.


As follows is a simplified list of notable points which revolve mainly around RoT's history in the clan world.

If there is anything here which is disputable or questionable, please bring it to my attention.


- All clans adopted the Honour Code pre-2004

- "The" Clan and RSD were two of the top clans in 2004

- nMe was the first no-honour clan

- nMe's collapse resulted in the first RoT in 2004

- The clan world was gradually shifting away from P2P and into F2P from 2004 to 2006


- RoT developed a rivalry with DI in 2006. DI was the #1 P2P clan at the time

- VR was the #3 F2P clan at the time behind DI and DS

- RoT merged with Most Wanted in 2006

- RoT was a contestant for #3 P2P in 2006, after DI and Aggression

- Honour clans formed AC teams and alliances to crash RoT fights


- RoT became an honour clan in 2007, stopped crashing, and even started ACing fights


- Crashwars began in 2008

- RoT's first crashwar was against TSC and caused TSC's closure in December 2008

- RoT's second crashwar was against DI and lasted until June 2009

- By DI's closure in October 2009, RoT was securely #1 P2P


- Brutality was #2 P2P in 2010

- The 11-hour RoT vs Brut fight in May 2010 was the longest P2P fight at that point

- RoT did not lose the rank of #1 P2P until their closure in 2011

- RoT defeated RSD for the rank of #1 F2P in September 2010

- RoT was the first clan in 5 years to hold #1 F2P and #1 P2P simultaneously. who was the previous, DI or RSD?

- Runescape-focused DDoS attacks began in October 2010

- RoT and EoS entered a crashwar in October 2010

- RSD reclaimed #1 F2P in October 2010 during the RoT-EoS crashwar


- The previous crashwar ended in a truce in January 2011

- RoT retained #1 P2P during the return of the wilderness in February 2011

- RoT and RSD were close competitors for #1 F2P in 2011

- RoT closed in August 2011


- RoT returned in February 2013 for OSRS

- After 2 months, RoT was #1 F2P and #1 P2P in OSRS, and this position has not been revoked since.


For 2013 onwards, if the last point is correct, I'll consider RoT's account to be accurate enough.

If any of the above points can be argued by anyone, let's discuss it.

Alternatively if there's anything incredibly significant in regards to RoT and the clan world that I've missed, please do mention it.

2016 Clan Awards


Special thanks to Tuksuli for making the underbanners for the awards.

Keep in mind the rules for underbanner use are as follows:

You may use ONE of these underbanners in addition to your current signature until April 1, 2017. After that, you are liable for the extra size, and could face suspension if you don't get it down. That means if you are using a clan underbanner, your sig can be 500x180 until April 1. 


Here are the 2016 Clan Award Voting Results:

Clan Awards
Best F2P Clan -


Best P2P Clan -

Best Pure Clan -

Best Organization -

Most Improved -

Best Community -

Most Respected -

Best Maxed Gear Warring Team/Clan -

Individual Awards 
Best Fall In Leader -

Best Tank -  

Best Poster

Funniest Poster-

Best CD Staff Member -

Most Biased -

Most Annoying -

Thank you to everyone who voted and taking part in the Zybez Community.

Monthly F2P Cluster


How about this.


On a Sunday of every month, the f2p wilderness has a cluster. The time will be at 3:00 PM EST - 8:00 PM GMT. Each month a winner is declared, based on clan fight topics & designated judges? For every new month, the cap increases 1 hour, making December a 12 hour fight. (Or you can just say uncapped)


I could go further with this if people wanted me to. Perhaps, find a way to make the fights a bit more fair.


Or na?



My name is kane1254

My name, rather my old runescape name was Kane1254. I played roughly 10 years ago with clans like Corruption, Damage Inc, Reign of Terror, and Divine Forces. Id be surprised if anyone is still around who would remember me, but for those that do I would like to say..

I am sorry for being such a petty asshole. I was young and stupid.

Thank you.

Crash wars


imagine that crashers can't join JCUP and cant win any RSC awars, Does it help to avoid crash wars?

Brexit, Trump, and the Clan World


Put the kettle on and start afk splashing, because here comes another nauseatingly-overthought RSC topic by Vio.


So America's got a conservative businessman as president and Britain is about to leave the politico-economic union.

Both events have seemingly divided western society into two halves.

One side we refer to as progressives, social justice, multicultralists, and globalists.

The other the conservatives, cultural libertarians, nationalists, and the alt-right.


Now if you're only familiar with one side of the debate, there's a good reason for that.

In recent times I've discovered that most of my word-of-mouth sources (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit) are highly biased towards side one.

These are not bipartisan products, and there are many cases of where they have pandered to a particular ideology.

Unless you match the time you spend on the above with equal time spent on Breitbart, 4chan and /r/altright, you're at a disadvantage.


I implore you to do your own research, but here's a basic tl;dr of the past few years of politics and society:

- The left won the cultural war

- The left refuse to engage the alternative viewpoint

- The right fought back with their votes

- The left are struggling to cope with defeat


fgvfgvfgvfgvfgvtttttttttt cvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcvcv

^ here my cat decided to walk across my keyboard


Consider that second point, for which I seem to find more and more evidence of these days.

If any of you are ex-liberals like myself, you might also have noticed this trend on social media:

The "progressive" left constantly dismissing opposing arguments as "racist", "sexist", "x-phobic", "hate speech", "offensive" etc etc.

They frequently seem to disregard entirely the facts, and their counterarguments, if any, are usually weak or unfounded.


But I suppose I should avoid going on a political rant and actually tie this in with the clan world.

Now I don't know where RSC stands or what the consensus here is (hence the poll), so I can't yet draw a parallel between RSC and the clan world as I want to.

I do have a theory though - I think we're mostly right wing.


The left may have won the cultural war, but in Runescape they don't have much authority.

If you get "offended" by something said IRL, you actually have some social ground to stand on (believe it or not).

But here, if VR starts flaming you and your only response is to complain about being offended, it's pretty much meaningless.

Liberal culture seemingly has no place in the Runescape clan world.


I was talking to Lordship recently regarding the toxicity of flaming and such within the clan world, and found myself defending it.

I suggested that what we consider flaming (and what society considers "cyberbullying") is in essence, criticism.

Sometimes it's strong, but isn't that what the internet is for?

If we try and counter it, as we have considered since around 2007, do we inevitably move toward censorship, and the retraction of free speech and expression?


To sum up, I suppose my questions are such:

- Where does RSC stand on the political compass?

- Is the modern clan world a reflection of the ideal (or perhaps the extreme) right-wing vision of society?

- If so, is such a vision inevitable once we are post-Trump and post-Brexit?

- And more importantly, are we OK with that?

Let's make F2P PvP great again!

Well it's no secret the F2P Wilderness is "dead". You can still have planned fights whenever you want, it just requires 2 clans to be willing to do so, which at the moment only occurs within the handful of mid-sized clans (Exo/Exotic/TR/Ronin/Downfall). However, back in the day you could go out PKing at almost any time and get a group of people out in deep wilderness/low level wilderness as a lot more people (it seemed) enjoyed the game for the PKing aspect. It seems the majority of players these days only care about PvM and skilling, which is a shame as what makes Runescape such a unique game is the simple and addicting PvP aspect. 
Nonetheless, I can't quite fathom why this is. I have a Jagex Mod on Facebook that I've met IRL before and I want to pitch him / get in touch with the OSRS Moderator (Mod Merchant) regarding bringing back F2P PvP activity (for clans). Whilst I have nothing against P2P PvP and it certainly has gotten a lot more active, F2P will always remain close to my heart as I find the clan fights to be a lot more enjoyable. I will only be suggesting minor updates that don't take a lot to implement as they've made it clear in the past that they don't want to stick out their neck for clans and potentially make other players annoyed. 
Here are some small changes I feel will help bring back F2P PvP activity and make clan fights as interesting and exciting as they once were:
  • Take off the instant world changer when a player is in a PvP area or has recently died in a PvP area (and bring back the 30-45 second timer). Instant returning ruins fights as it doesn't give clans who out-perform their opponent an advantage as they can literally return to the fight in 10 seconds. It also makes clans/people who want to 1 item return & crash fights a lot more destructive and annoying. 
  • Bring back corrupted F2P armour / weapons. Melee seems a tad under-powered these days and new updates always entice people to obtain them.
  • Put some rune rocks or a similar object in the middle of the wilderness which will entice skillers to enter and give PKers someone to kill. E.G Move the rune rocks from their current location to east rocks (beneath members gate) and make them exclusive to F2P worlds.
I think the main issue in general is the lack of new clans being created and thus the clanning player-base constantly shrinking. The Clan World has become so elitist and there are no entry level clans allowing inexperienced players to get a taste of our world. You were either in a clan back in the day or you're not invited, essentially. Whilst Jagex made a lot of mistakes in the past, almost every MMORPG has or is experiencing this and there's no reason why Runescape can't come back from it. In addition to the ideas stated above, I feel like Old School Runescape needs to have a separate URL and be differentiated from RS3. It's by far the superior game, or everyone would still be playing RS3 and it needs to be marketed properly so that new players will be attracted to OSRS rather than only knowing about the game through the RS3 website.

More ideas appreciated, or any comments on the ideas stated above.


EDIT: I created a topic on RSB & will be sending the link to OSRS Moderators.
Quick find code: 322-323-231-65872390



2017 Specific Clan Expectations


We're down to about 19* F2P clans, excluding the 3 junior clans (which is up from last year), which are:


Reign of Terror

Future Of Old Style

Divine Forces



Damage Incorporated



Violent Resolution

The Rising

Divine Forces Academy (jr?)

Echo of Silence






New Blood (jr)

Cyanide (jr)


Wild Might

Wilderness Guardians


And also some of the rest of the clans in the P2P list which I'm not familiar with:


Ancient Fury


Cut Throat






Zero Tolerance


Although we've seen an increase in the number of clans, I wouldn't say we've seen a considerable increase in total activity. P2P activity has definitely surged from last year's start, so that's good. Perhaps after a few more weeks, we can see a little improvements in activity, especially the weekends.


So the questions are:


1) Do you see any positive expectations for any of the clans on this list?

2) Are there any clans that you think are going to probably improve and/or move up on the list?

3) Do you expect clan activity in either the F2P or P2P scene to improve or decline in the near future?


Refrain from bait replies, instead boost your own clan if anything

Wilderness Rejuvenation v2?


With many people suggesting updates for the Wilderness, do you think any of these will be put into place and do you think they could help bring more people into the wilderness?


And if you don't like their ideas, what is some ideas you would like to see be brought into the wild?



Here are the suggestions people have put up so far: 


Wilderness Rejuventaion v2 Suggestion



Revenant Caves 



Mage Arena Expansion




Personally, I think more skilling updates and the Revenant Caves would bring more people into the wilderness. One thing I noticed is people suggesting Farming for Skilling and making the resource dungeon better to go to. Personally, would like to see this and ,as from the suggestion, the Wilderness Impling.


Discuss below.

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