Channel: Runescape Clans
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From an outsiders Perspective


I have been lurking on these forums for the past few months planning to come back eventually and from what I have seen the clan world seems as if there is now room for growth.


With the recent closures of vitality and ancient fury along with violent resolution offering rot a truce, it seems that the few clans left opposing rot are running out of support quickly.


1. If Divine forces follows suit with VR and offer rot a truce do you think that once again the clan world will be able to grow?


2. Seeing as AF was the only real p2p rival (if you could call it that) that rot had, do you think SV/Brutality will also try and truce with rot or will they try and muster up enough force to continue to the anti-rot crash war?


3. Now that ancient fury and vitality has closed their doors, which clan(s) do you see benefiting the most from their closure?


4. If Divine forces/SV/Brut seek to truce with rot do you think that the closing of ancient fury is what the clan world needed to grow seeing as they effectively focused on getting their action from fighting lesser teams/clans to stay alive over the years such as 420/rev/SB/ac. Do you think these smaller teams will be able to grow so long as they don't crash rot?

Whenever a Clan Closes



It sucks. With AF closing, another clan is gone from the books. This honestly just sucks. At times though, I feel little can be done when the top clan focuses on closing your clan. Other than that, I hope the members of Af and any clan that close can be welcomed into another community. Good Luck


What do you think of following a crash war after the closing of a clan? Is it worth it to continue to camp people even once they left their former clan. Downfall did it to me in the past when I was in DK and I found it a bit annoying I guess but its whatever l0l

TR closes

To all the people whose main clans are closing

Join the pure scene, more fun, more action, less cancer.

Questions regarding the CJs


You legit goombas do 95% CWA [minus like 1-2 clans] and have like 2 PVP F2P events a month that lasts for an hour each time if that. Why would you not enter somewhere where you can get a full out or even a 50 v 50 going. With someone you might not usually fight, or you do fight relitively consistantly but this time is sorta kinda means a bit more then just an RSC topic. @DI @DF @RoT @Fools


Why TF aren't u entering the 30 v 30 or 20 v 20 to atleast get ur members to do something besides 10 man p2p trips where u get hit by AC @VR


Where are you even @Liths @collison @Brut @CT [Who i believe is entering]


Why would you restrict how many teams some idiot can be on when it can benifit your compeition @CJstaff realize this entire compeition is like the poor mans Jcup, which is MIA af, you should be happy anyone wants to even enter.


Why don't you guys enter as one clan @VNG @Poison that way you can atleast get more events or practice or work on clan relations or something instead of sitting there twiddling your thumbs.


Stop complaining clan world is dying when you guys avoid actually fighting the clans that are left.

Food and Beverage



What is your food of choice before a war? Honestly, I do not mind skittles. Cheetos are nice but they get my fingers all orange. If I had to choose those, coffee is op. I love coffee but it will keep me up all night.


What do you guys prefer a fight?

Reign of Terror/Violent Resolution Crashwar Ends

Personally, I'm glad both clans were able to resolve their problems and the clan world only benefits from more clean fights.
How will this affect the midsize scene?
What does this mean for DF/SV/Brutality?
  • Evizu/Craig removed from the clan.
  • VR members currently in Brutality or any p2p team that crashes RoT will be removed.
  • VR members are not allowed to join anti-rot teams.
  • VR stays away from fights involving RoT (includes crashing a clan ACing).
  • VR will remove any member that crashes RoT without warning.
  • VR can't plan fights with anti-rot clans/teams.
  • VR are not allowed to fight or AC for DF.
  • VR provide RoT officials with alliance communications from the last few years.




Do you think this Jr Clan will work out? Could this lead to other Jr Clans as well? #cyanide 

Fall in Leaders - Choking



Personally, there were not too many moments that stand out, but here are just some run downs of fall in leaders that I had the pleasure being lead by. Ill probably make this into a series :)


Any experience with fall in leaders choking? or anything quite comical to say the least?

Clan World Dead


This expression good to think about clan world dead.


If closed a lots clan in the rs, but if alway have at 1 least a clan. The clan world not is dead.


Clan can fight with teams or make events with own members.


Another thing, chance to it happen is hard, because necessary all clan close.


Then think before of say clan world is dead because one clan was closed, clan world not is a done with a clan but exist because of one clan or +.

Heed my Warnings


Last week I posted this topic

explaining that clan world activity would see a major spike after the closure of AF/TR/Vitality/Infamous and VR trucing with rot.


In the past week both p2p and f2p have seen increased activity in which I predicted.


I predicted smaller clans would start branching out and growing in p2p example here:


Along with F2P we saw RoT vs Divine Forces fight today just a few short hours ago for around 2 hours. Even though it seemed it was somewhat one-sided, fools decided to not crash the fight despite having roughly 75~ members online, and Di decided to not crash either with VR anti-crashing for rot holding true to their truce.


Now head my warnings DF, Brut and SV. The clan world is seeing increased activity from what it previously was and unless you would like every single clan that is now receiving action that previously was not involved in any crash war (rev,downfall,ronin etc.), to start crashing you, think wisely on what you are going to do going forward. As I stated from an outside perspective, being ex-VR, you are basically slowly writing your future in stone.


So here are my questions for the clan world.


1. Do you think Divine Forces, being the last F2P anti-rot clan left in the original (DF+VR+EOS+DI+AF) crashwar, will continue to try and campaign that they are doing the right thing by crashing rot or should they maybe try something new like VR?


2. Brut has received 40+ intros within the past week due to the closure of AF, can you see Brut becoming the next P2P "rival" of rot as AF once was in 2014/early 2015.


3. How effective does SV seem to be in the crash war currently? I have come back to osrs over the past few months but from what I've seen they are almost non-existent now that they are in a crash war with rot.



Side note: I have seen this Wack sparrow fellow make videos about the state of the clan world and how we should improve it, let me quickly say that making junior clans is a waste of time if the actual clan themselves do not have a stable/large enough community to sustain one. Prime example is TR, they themselves were in my eyes and others, a junior clan in terms of community.

What would you do


if u were DF right now?


illistration for pol votes:



as a member of fools i will not personally vote as this will violate any alliances we hav with DF . we just look for fun to pk on wildy so please df don't crash us











Changing scenes


Well with recent rumours spreading like wildfire with SV potentially moving to LPC. What do you think about clans changing scenes for greener fields?

So I ask you this:
Have there been any success stories of clans changing scenes and actually doing well?
Will RoT allow SV to PK as a LPC once they close their doors as mains?
Who will compete with RoT now that AF and SV are gone?

Ty 4 read /****post

If u lock this ur biased as ****




I have no idea what is going on. Personally the idea itself is great but at the moment it is silly to starve clans of actions. In the end Rot can choose what they want to do, but I think if there was a community who can withstand themselves, it would be Divine Forces. Despite how I feel at times about them, they have their community down pact. Wondering how this will turn out, what do you guys think?

Recruiting For Your Clan


I'm just curious on how everyone recruits for their clan. Via Youtube, Reddit, or just in-game or even these very forums, what is the best way y'all get new people to join your clan? 




Discuss below.

would you do it?


 - greet zybeez -


no time to explain,  answer below questionnaire if you were in this hypothetical situation.


~ ur clan is being crashed by 40+ people every fight until you kicked one of your weak-link officials ~


using emojis, what is yfw you are crashed ???


would you kick ur official ???


would you be mad ???


would you join in on camping your official ???


who will win le coup du stanley ???








Acceptable Behavior



I know there is always that special someone who's antics often tread that line of acceptable behavior. What do you consider "Acceptable Behavior" and who often treads that line. Spencstarr was that special some one from Ronin but sorry to say he got kicked. Farewell my friend, but I will be happy if you come back as well. 


Back in the day Hell Zeon was that guy, and I often acted out when I was in The Rising. What do you guys think?

This needs to be said


This needs to be said. Why are clans adhering to laws created by another clan? If a larger clan embargoes another clan, this directly affects your clan as well (assuming the embargoed clan was in your bracket). Every clan should be putting forth effort to resist against this tyrannical behavior. If you think this doesn't affect you, then think again, because if you allow a certain clan to continue in this path, then you give them power to do this again, even to you.

Reign of Terror Weak Prep This Sunday


Im looking forward to seeing who they will be fighting this Sunday :)




Sorry I did not include discussion in the video so I will write something up instead. Has anything ever brought the hype the max then get dropped to a low? Personally, the merge with Exodus was great, but once Tr closed the hype slowed down a bit. Back in the day it reminds of Rune Raiders during the remake. Eventually when TayTay left the hype died down and the clan eventually evaporated. At this point in time, the grass is till green #


Disclaimer: I do not speak for Ronin :)

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