I was wondering if anyone remembers any of the clans back in 07 or whatever before they took out pking and stuff??? im trying to find out more info bout pure clans, zerker clans, and normal clans to think of what ones ive been in lol
RE: Embargo
Recently, Divine Forces have been quite upset that nobody wants to fight them. Immaculate, being a kind, caring, and immaculate clan is willing to fight all and embargoes none. This is an open message to Divine Force leaders to man up and fight Immaculate in a CWA first to 25, 50 or 100 killcount battle. Immaculate is also willing to fight in the wilderness. Pm Joko189, Scleritis or Sus on IRC to set up the fight.
Now to the discussion value!
1) Will Divine Forces finally fight Immaculate or will they continue to embargo them?
2) Is it true that that Divine Forces have forced AF, Liths and Vit to embargo Immaculate?
3) Finally, many believe Immaculate has already surpassed TKO Blitz's CWA achievements in their prime. What else is there for Immaculate to achieve?
Deadman Mode
With every season ending with a $10,000 tournament and it being hyped for maybe 3-4 weeks, do y'all think DMM benefits OSRS clans or do you think it hurts them?
Personally I see it in both ways, it can benefit certain clans with massive recruiting cause everyone wants a team on DMM, however usually these recruits are completely new to the game and just play for the Deadman season. Although, unless you convince them to play 07 that is if you allow them to stay with your clan. Plus another thing I noticed when I was with certain DMM teams it can cause major trust issues between the clan and could hurt the clan as well.
What is your opinion on Deadman Mode?
Large Scale Wars
With Summer coming in very soon, do y'all think we will start seeing more large scale wars, for example clans bringing more then 40-60+ people to fight another clan?
I know this is occuring currently in F2P as it is getting more involvement in bigger fights lately, such as between Damage Inc vs Downfall and Reign of Terror vs Divine Forces, it would be nice to start seeing those large scale battles again in P2P.
Last large fight I noticed either in game or on here was Revenant vs Reign of Terror, or Reign of Terror vs Fools+Allies and that was a while ago.
This is mainly directed to larger clans such as RoT, DI, Downfall, Fools and Revenant.
Discuss below.
I have been doxed and those who were responsible will be punished accordingly.
Did Rot Save the Clan World?
It appears with the ever shrinking Mid-Size, the Top Tier clans are now standing out. Hopefully VR can sustain their pulls and eventually compete for the Top again. Rot can certainly dictate who can and can not enter the wilderness, but I hope for the sake of growth that clans like Violent Resolution, Downfall, and Forsaken eventually join the ranks at the type for the sake of parity. It is not as much the death of the Mid-Size with the closure of The Rising, but the emergence of clans like Vanguard and Explicit to carry the torch. What do you guys think about Rot finally "relaxing" with the crash war? Are they actually the good guys?
Unusual Warring Places
Marty from Rev was telling a story of one of his fall in leaders were warring in a Cave. I do not really war in usual places per se, but I do war in the basement. Where do you guys war?
Current ROT vs Other #1s in their prime
Recently I've been intrigued by the current state of the clan world. After being gone for many years, it is fascinating to play spectator for a lively clan world. While I have no dog in the fight, I am nonetheless curious to the on goings. Beyond that, this renewed interest has led me to brush up on my clan history - tracing back through the likes of DS, THE, Gladz, DI, TT, RSD, VR, Corr and many other historical #1s.
My question is simple: How would current form ROT stack up against other historical #1s in their prime? Against whom does ROT prove victorious? Where do they fall short? More importantly, why?
Disclaimer: I do not mean to insinuate that ROT is/is not in their prime, but am more interested in current ROT's relative place in history.
CT to the Jugular - CWA Revived?
With the latest CJ Tourney Fight featuring Cutthroat and Brutality, both clans were able to pull above 90 people, with CT pulling 100. This fight was pretty intense and I did not expect it to take so long. DeadASS had an awesome tank(not sure if I have the name wrong) but I had a fun time watching. How come clans do not do this so often? Watching these fights from the portal may not be for everyone but there were quite a decent amount of people spectating as well. All in all, do you think the community is ready to be more accepting to fight full outs?
RoT accepts truce w/ SV, Continues to build clan world in their image.
In case you've been living under a rock recently you'll have noticed that RoT is reaching their end-game as far as the Anti-RoT alliance goes and is now trying to make moves to ensure the stability and prosperity of the clan world in the future for all players....something that other users of this forum have noticed..
In yet another showing of mercy, RoT has spared SV from certain collapse and allowed them to step out of the crash war in order to grow, prosper, and eventually compete in the clan world (and against RoT) once again. My sources in RoT told me the terms were as follows...
- SV kick Razza/Hittin (The SV admins responsible for hosting RoT DoX), and SV kick two other members responsible for writing up the dox to begin with.
- SV do not cooperate with Anti-RoT alliance clans, instead setting them up for RoT whenever possible.
- SV make a proper return to the clan world, giving clans fights and providing competition, not ragging/1 iteming clans for no reason.
- SV show RoT proof of Brutality+AF begging for their help once they entered the crash war
In just the past two months, RoT has closed down two of its enemies, and shown mercy to two more. The current dynamic of the clan world is as follows:
- Clans that don't crash RoT are all having fights, both in the Wilderness and CWA, they enjoy anti-crash when they do fight and are generally free from harassment. They are free to prepare fights knowing that it will not be crashed, and if it is, there will be a clan to help them.
- Clans that do crash RoT do not fight in the wilderness anymore. They've been barred from CWA and struggle to keep their community tight while having massive failures and humiliations undermine the clan's leadership, ultimately degrading it until the point they close or submit.
- Clans that don't crash RoT are having daily/multiple PK trips a day, they also enjoy anti-crash by RoT when they have planned/large fights in the wilderness. They are free to prepare fights knowing that it will not be crashed, and if it is, there will be a clan to help them.
- Clans that do crash RoT are forced to 55 Def cap in CWA and fight in PvP worlds (for 5 minutes, before they're forced to tele out and end their pk trips)
So onto the discussion...
- Do you think ROT's actions are arbitrary? or are they apart of a larger plan to reinvigorate the clan world?
- Do you think it is fair that RoT freeze out enemy clans from this new, active clan world?
- Am I the only person who isn't super surprised RoT isnt using their power only for their gain? why are they suddenly using it to help out the clan community?
- Do you welcome these changes?
Another Crash War Ends, This is Very Promising.
Just got word from my sources that not only has the RoT/SV crash war ended today, but CT and Rev have also agreed to stop crashing each other. I'm not sure how that came to pass but props to all clans today for moving away from the cancer that is crashing and moving towards clean, organized, consistent, fun action.
1. Do you think CT/Rev's truce will last?
2. Do you think this is the right move?
3. Do you think there will be a lot of beef despite the end of the crashing?
SV Officially ends Truce with RoT
removed pic - Dan
Future Anti-RoT alliance?
Noticing that RoT pretty much has full control of the clan world now, and has killed off the majority of the former Alliance with Divine Forces, Sovereign and Fools being the only alliance clans left, do y'all see a new and improved alliance rising up against RoT in the foreseeable future?
I know it will probably be killed off again by RoT, but would be interesting if another alliance was formed and could actually stand up against the current top clan (doubtful though). If it does happen, this time without getting every clan crashed, but more so the new Anti-RoT alliance vs RoT.
Discuss below.
RS Police
Back in the day, Divine Forces used to be the RS Police along with Eternal Honor clashing Ni whenever we stepped into the wilderness. Now it appears the roles have switched and Reign of Terror is now policing the clan world into their standard.
Divine Forces back then after Dark Slayers closed became the RS Police. It was pretty rough having them anti-crash but back in the day it was better off the for clans having their war. For us in Noobs Inc, it was pretty rough but at the same time it was flattering having them be our adversary and definitely made us a better group in the long run.
At this point I do not really know how this crash war started, it is due to my laziness but I would like what you guys think about having a RS Police and how this actually started. l0l
FOOLS Closes (Temporarily).
In case you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard by now that FOOLS has temporarily closed (albeit earlier than they usually do, which is strange). How will this affect the clan world? Will some clans open up their doors and basically take seasonal applications from the FOOLS members who don't agree with their clan closing for half the year? Will this affect the current dynamic of the F2P/P2P clan world?
Hurry back FOOLS!
Demais has been nice enough to allow me to spectate a pure fight and it was quite interesting. Basically, they did a spur of the moment 20 v 20 and I enjoyed the action. Seemed kind of tough though, imagine being the one guy who get koed and costs the team the fight? I have been that guy before, but it looks like it is quite the responsibility holding your own and being aware. Honestly, I would not mind if main clans did these fights just too mix up the action. Would Rev, CT, Brut, or VNG be down? Or any clan for that matter?
Damage Inc. Closed
I do this not because I have to, I do this because I want to -
Following a tumultuous day or two we have finally started receiving some answers...
As of today, Tuesday May 9th 2017 Damage Incorporated clan are officially no more on OSRS.
-After flip-flopping with the Alliance and trash talking the entire clan world at various points, do their ending members stand a chance finding a new home anywhere else?
-How will this affect the clan world?
-Does this mean the world is officially RoT's for eternity?
-Does their potential breakoff clan stand a chance of success or, even less, simply survival?
Where To? - Bye Di
Remake, RL, or Another Clan?
If your clan closed, what would you do? Honestly, I do not know. At times I do not mind taking a break, the clan world is pretty toxic but at the same time, the fights are fun. What would you do if your clan closed? Gl to all the Di on whatever they do #