Channel: Runescape Clans
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New Clan Discussion Idea

I thought it would be interesting to discuss the history of each top clan from the past every week to spark up some new conversation on this board. The discussion could be about anything we remember about the clan whether it was fighting them or being a part of the clan. We could discuss the players in these clans if we hated or admired them. We could share old pictures or videos of this clan etc.

Which of the following clans listed would you like to discuss about first?

Every clan listed below arguely held a top 10 position at one point or another within their history. I'm leaving off top clans that are still running to avoid any unnecessary flaming.

*The clans listed never took part in Osrs* (2005-2011)
*Pre 2005 and Post 2011 aren't listed due to the lack of competitive clans during that era*

Adelias (A) -
Aggression (AG)-
Anarchy (@)-
Awaken (A) -
Blacknights (BK) -
Brutality (BRUT)
Chivalry Legions (CL)
Collision (COL) -
Corruption (CORR) -
Crimson Raiders (CR) -
Dark Slayers (DS) -
Divine Kings (DK)
Empire of Honor (EoH) -
Eternal Honour (EH) -
Exercitium (EXER) -
Exodus (X) -
Followers of Malkav (FOM)-
Gladiatorz (GLADZ)-
Lithuanian Forces (LF) -
Mystic Knights (MK) -
Noobs Inc (NI)
Northern Gods (NG) -
Rejuvenation (RJ) -
Red Devil Clan (RDC) -
Rune Raiders (RR) -
Runescape Dinasty (RSD) -
Sacred Templars (ST) -
Shadow Elves (SE) -
Silent Assassins (SA) -
Solace (SOL) -
Syndicate (SYN) -
'The' Clan (THE) -
The Devils (D)
The Dynasty (TD)
The Mighty Red Dragons (TMRD) -
The Rising (TR) -
The Runescape Warhunger Federation (TRWF) -
The Titans (TT) -
Wilderland (WL) -
Wilderness Guardians (WG) -
Zeonic Forces (ZF) -

My vote goes out to Noob Incs for week 1

Surge in Activity?

I'm not sure if it's just me, but do others also notice an increase in activity throughout the wild and on Forums in the clan world? It seems like there are fights daily right now, with everybody currently in the clan world seeming somewhat stable.

Along with this, the implementation of permanent F2P has brought old faces back to the scene; Eg EoS reopening and a couple Gmt clans training up (?). This permanent f2p has also surged the F2p wildy activity, before the update, other than 1v1 single edge, the f2p pvp worlds would be empty, but now small teams and groups of pkers can be seem from lvl 1 varrock all the way to hills and GDZ.

Has the clan world finally changed it's direction? do you see this trend continuing?

F2P Gear and Your Opinion


What is your opinion on "Rag Gear" and not wearing rune for wars in the wilderness

I notice some clans in the past have done this to try and demoralise the enemy clan what are your thoughts on this subject that I am thinking about.



What are your thoughts on a clan reopening for the 979832546454965354531th time just to be a slave of another clan?

If I were a member of that clan I'd certainly be displeased to say the least.

International fights

Hey folks,
It's been good to see so many clans reopening and becoming active as well as the clanworld activity rising in general. I was thinking what about a tournament where each player fights for their own country, almost a bit like a World Cup. We've seen international tournaments before like the Fight Knights tourny which was quite a few years ago where internationals fought each other. Thing is as well I've got lots of friends who were once part of the clanworld and still play but none of the current clans take their fancy but their is a fair chance they might be appealed by the idea of fighting for their country. It could also attract a few more rsbers to rsc.

Also, I wouldn't want this to interfere or clash with the great fights that are going on already (like Sunday nights for example) but only to add onto the current surge in activity. Furthermore, there is the challenge of whether we do it on 07 (which may attract more of the rsc community) or legacy (may attract more rsb). It might be best to do it on both, so people have a choice (like the Jagex tourny for example). Could encourage legacy fighters to step into oldschool or vice versa. Could both be CWA and Wild (providing the wild fights are highly regulated with unbiased judges potentially). The main idea is community integration but it's only just an idea and won't be worth much without your thoughts/opinions. Reckon it's worth giving it a go like once a year or so?


What Happened to Outnumbering

This might be relevant to OSRS but I'm thinking of the most recent fights I've been in with WG in RS3.
All of a sudden numbers have stopped being a legit way to win fights.
In planned fights when outnumbered, the opposing clan insists on matching options.

But if you think way back, numbers were a legitimate overpowering tactic. (Think of Tunescape who did this best)
Now this might be bad or it might not... but as a community we've ditched outnumbering as a winning tactic, calling it unfair.

What's everyone's thoughts on this? My clan is particularly affected because we like to recruit inexperienced PKers who want to start PKing.
If we can't outnumber it's a lot harder for us to win a fight.

Are you glad we've moved toward matched numbers fights?
Because RS3 is all CWA this might not really affect PKing in OSRS as much.
But you still might have an opinion. After all, it may start happening in OSRS later... maybe?

Mid-Sized: A Lie?

One could argue there are many clan worlds: Pure clan world, main clan world, RS3 clan world, OSRS clan world, mid-sized clan world.

However one is not like the others: whereas other clan communities are separated by game or by combat levels the "mid sized" clan world differentiates itself for the sole purpose of not having to compete with the top tier clans. But what happens when top tiered clans start losing to mid sized clans? Today I saw that Ronin beat Violent Resolution and it got me thinking:

When do mid-sized clans become just clans? if they're already defeating top clans like VR than maybe it's time to stop making distinctions.

Onto the Q&A:

Do you think clan communities should be separated by how many members they have?

When mid-sized clans can start beating top clans, should they be considered a mid-sized clan?

(Only if you're in a top 3 clan): Has your clan ever fought a mid-sized clan? Would you liken their abilities to a regular top tier clanner?

top 5 clans of all time

hey guys i was just eating 12 hotdogs when i began to have some thoughts.... who were the top 5 greatest clans in the history of runescape?

now before you post realize i have decided to quit my education and focus on being a runescape historian so my opinion carries some weight...when you rate clans please be UNBIASED in how you rank them not picking favorites or clans you hate -.-

1.Damage incorporated- for the sheer fear they inspired in their early days
2. Dark slayers- for their year and a half of dominance would be the greatest ever imo if they would of lived another year
3. Violent resolution- went from being a merge of 2 seemingly irrelevant clans into a powerhouse which forced many other top clans to team to defeat them on numerous occasions
4. divine forces- always in the mix among the top 2-5 clans since their breakout in 2006
5. corruption- despite their falling in the standings post 2010 they were the most consistant top 5 clan from 2004-2009

please comment on my list i literally live to discuss and learn of the clan world

Critical Damage Reopens

We all started fresh new accounts and bullied the LPC world for a bit.

Next we all plan to train to level 90 and ONLY CRASH VR. Gl PPB

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Future of the clan world?

I've only recently returned to Runescape after a several year absence so apologies if this topic is rather vague in it's questions.  

The recent update of f2p has certainly ignited a revival of some sort with multiple clans training to re-open, and other having already reopened.  Just this past night I spent the evening helping former clanmates that had left the game long ago become reaquianted with the game.  It was a lot of fun, and the nostalgia factor definitely kicked in as we all talked about our personal histories as well as our history with runescape, the clan world, and Synergy in general.  Basically, it was just really nice to catch up with friends after many years.

This leads to a few questions

How long will the nostalgia factor last for these returning players?  

Do you expect this upsurge to last longer than summer?

Do you expect Jagex in the long run to once more find a way to meddle with the clan world?

Where do you picture the clan world a year from now?

Team Trinity turns 4.


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#Trinity | Forums | /cat/

Our legacy started when Jusin Beiber and itz_gandalf formed as a team capable of competing with any other clan/team in the cwa era with, mike being the one to organize us efficiently and also while gandlaf edated all the girls in the team and mass recruited everyone and even sent them letters to get them to join (serious). 4 years later we've become a strong team that can compete in these hard times with not many teams being opene and with a crashwar ongoing we managed to keep clan-beef related issues away from the team. We've come through many hurdles and many hardships because of the crashwar and managed to keep a positive out view on the team. We've had the best callers in our team and have also had the best officials the clanworld can offer coming from different clans.

Current officials:













Wee Man



Official words


Thanks to all our great members past and present.

Original topic: x

Your Allstar Calling Lineup

You're having the biggest fight in your entire clans history and you get to choose 3 people who will call for your clan.

Who would you pick?





Which Clans Have a Debt to Hell Left Unpaid

I can name the only clan the clan that owes me is Rot I gave them a deal 1 year of life now I am here to get payment for the debt I am closing my hand around them and they are dying

There members are slowly being asphyxiated by my grasp...

Goodbye Rot it was a pleasure doing business with you...

Fight us

Ronin out with 30 people. Fight us. w326

Poison is scared to come out

8B stake 16B in total


#cdrsc on swiftirc my friends

this is the official channel for beef.jpg on grill.gif with sauce.png - we remember you, jool

idle :-D

"Superclans" Past and Present

Hey guys I am pretty new to the clan world ( I started RSC in 2010 ) and I was wondering if there were ever any superclans that were made from merges of lots of other clans? I am also wondering if they have ever been successful?

What are the most succesful clans that were built from the ashes of at least 3 other clans?

I think that clans built from the merging of lots of other clans never really work in the long run especially those that are made specifically to kill another clan for example: On another game I played we created a large clan but there was a lot of infighting between the older members of the clan and the new and we could never do what we wanted to do which was kill the other clan we all hated.

Thanks for reading guys please stick to the questions and lets try to keep this topic flame free. `.`

Why war in Old School?

Hi I'm fairly new to clanning (Started in 2011) and I'm not really into OSRS, but a good amount of people I know are starting up. I prefer warring on legacy, but I love to spectate Old School warring and view competitive fight topics on here. As someone who doesn't play Old School, I'm interested to know what clans do to attract members and how would you attract someone like me into Old School.

So answer these:

What do you have to offer in your clan?

How do you get members to join?

How do you welcome new members?

What makes your clan unique?


Silver Blood declares on Ronin


WELL, since Ronin is trying to pretend as if they didn't schedule this war and are hiding from us....

Silver Blood challenges Ronin to a full out P2P wilderness war. Your date, your time. Step up Ronin. We understand that it's dishonorable to declare on a dying clan, but to be quite frank, we really don't care. It's too bad you're getting bullied by an RSB clan.

Hell Ronin, if you want to keep trying to avoid us, we'll even step the hell up and fight you in F2P too! Same terms, full out wilderness, your date, your time. Thank you for banning us from your IRC. :#

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Don't try to deny that you P2P Ronin, there's been plenty of recent topics P2P events from you guys both on here and your own forums.

Keep trying to say you're better than us though. :hi:


Our wheelchair unit is massed up Ronin, is yours?

Streaming 07 cluster wars

Hello :)

I just wanted to know your thoughts on what you think about if a twitch Runescape player streamed your clusters on Sundays. I think it would be a good idea in order to bring more people to the 07 warring scene when they see how busy the wars can be when clans clash, I came across a streamer on twitch. His official channel is called *ArkanisOffical* He had streamed his clans war against Corruption and he was up for streaming any f2p wars. If this was to go ahead, He wouldn't give away the clans locations only stream when the clans clash. His Rsn is Arkanis if you wish to speak to him. Would clans be okay with streaming the Sunday clusters? thanks for your time.
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