I'm sure everyone has their reasons, so let's here them.
Personally, I first joined DI (in osrs) because they were one of the top clans and I just wanted to settle down and be a good member and try to get away from the game by just going to events and playing occasionally. I had always known of DI from back in the day, and it's a clan I always thought of joining one day. I remember reading a topic here about old clans coming back to osrs and thought that was pretty sweet. I remember training my account at spiders and seeing a bunch of EOS camping there and being like dam, I remember EOS. I had never heard of ROT because I think I quit before they opened, and I had only briefly heard of VR when they became dominant a year or so after I quit. I did know of DF though, because after DS closed a lot of people went there. Wasn't really familiar with p2p, so I didn't know anything about AF, and I knew a few mates in DI so yeah I ended up there.
And of course...as the story goes my intentions went the opposite and I was actually way more active than I intended to be. I instantly got hooked from the standard oldschool IRC/forums/TS routine. That's something I always enjoyed back in the day, even though TS and IRC were just becoming a thing, while forums had been popular for almost every clan for a while.
So why am I still DI?
I guess it just stems from their values. They've always seemed to be labelled as an honourable clan, and that's something I've always cherished. Hell, I remember when I started pking in osrs with New Intent (was intended to be like an rsb clan) and people were teleing, and I'm like what? People tele now? Sure that may have been a silly rule, but it's just funny how things stick over the years. I wasn't around for DDOSing, or atleast I wasn't aware of it, so I'm glad DI is strict towards behaviours like that (stick to recently I guess because I wasn't around pre osrs or early osrs and no nothing about actions that occurred then).
I've always enjoyed the vast variety of f2p (wildy + clan wars) and p2p that DI has offered. I never really p2p'd back in the day, but it was easy to learn. I like having the opportunity to pk almost everyday, and running into clans that you wouldn't normally fight, even when outnumbered. Thanks to ROL, AC, Anarchy, The Storm (when they were around), VR as of late, and anyone else we have ran into over the last year.
Community has always been a big thing for me, and I feel like that is something that is important in DI and something they do very well. I could list more I guess, but I think this is rambling on a little too much.
Post your thoughts about the clan you are in, and try not to get into a quote war about why you disagree with someone's opinion. This is meant to be why "you" appreciate your clan and to generate some discussion on what is valued from person to person.