Channel: Runescape Clans
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The 11-Year-Old Country Clan in the Room

In early 2004, a fellow by the name of Hiqpo took the leading role in what was a band of skilled mercenaries, and came up with the name 'Future of Old Style'. The clan's high requirements would have it effectively wresting the #1 rank from among a multitude of other Finnish clans on its opening day.

Fast forward 10 years, and the progressive declining of the clan scene had seen nearly the entire Finnish clan scene to its grave. In 2014, when Fools customarily went to sleep for the summer, it consisted of the scene's remaining more or less active members. For its 11th year, the clan set out to enjoy the increased amount of action the introduction of the CWA would bring about.

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The 11th Year
During fall of 2014, we did just that. Given the limited amount of clans in the scene, we actively fought Vitality, Damage Inc, Divine Forces and Team Trinity, netting a total win ratio of 74% for the period, and later participating in the Holiday Tournament with high success. In the wilderness, the time was marked with RoT intervening in all of our fights by crashing the opponent and generally causing us a headache.

Then, an upset took place in the main-clan scene. DI and DF were not happy with the treatment they were receiving from RoT, decided VR was the lesser evil and finally overthrew the former from its untouchable position. Fools, with its single-digit number of shared members with RoT, immediately became a clan that most of the clan scene would either avoid fighting (or in VR's case, crash).

Come spring 2015, clans would skirt around the subject when asked for fights, and (despite countermeasures) bear lasting grudges over things that we either had little control over, or that were petty enough that they would quickly have been overlooked, had they been committed by a more appealing (= easier-to-beat) opponent. From more perspectives than our own, it looked like reasons not to fight us were aplenty and readily used. It was apparent that whether clans wanted to simply forget Fools existed, or actively starve us to death, we wouldn't be getting fights from them for as long as they had easier foes to replace us with.

With most older (in 07) clans out of the question, we turned to ask newer arrivals that had come with the advent of F2P. It was to no avail, because again, they would rather repeatedly fight the clans that avoid us rather than us, since our organisation and levels are unequivocally 'too good' for them. Doesn't matter if they pull over 20 more than us in PvP, or are offered a 5–10-man advantage in CWA; the answer is still no.

The Impending Outcome
Today, with our 11-year-anniversary-battle against DI (one of the very few brave clans) behind us, Fools retires for the summer once more.

It's ultimately going to be up to the clan scene, whether fall of 2015 sees the return of a clan that is still ignored, driven to a corner, and eventually forced to choose between 'honor' and staying alive – or a clan that will bring welcomed variety and challenge to the GMT scene.

Why does it seem most of the runescape community hates clans?

I was watching a recent sparc mac live video which is basically another community channel like Chris Archie, where people send in their clips and he uses them to make videos with and get their name out there.

Since whenever there was a video regarding clans in any way, there's always a ton of hate in the youtube comments ( I know not the best source to cite from but take it).

Video in question

Some of the comments:

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^^^^ My favorite. Please make a community clan so we can get free loot.

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^ Whoever this is you are a legend

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So that's enough pictures for you to get the general idea. My question to you guys is this:

Why do pvmers seem to hate clans and pking in general? How can we remedy this?


disregarding the crashwars, what are the chances of all the clans coming together and doing a pkri between all the european members vs the north american members using 2 different teamspeaks for each?


I just thought this was absolutely hilarious.

How get experience?

Hello tried join a clan and they say me get more experience. How get experience? best way? like job application :-D how get start experience if all want experience? :-(

:king:  any tip maybe help thanks!

AF Staff Incorporated Official Clan World Statistical Analysis: ROT


Disclaimer: This is a unbiased analysis of clans pulls based on recorded Sunday events. This is not a bias against any clan as every top 5 clan will be analyzed within the span of the next two weeks

AF Staff Incorporated Clan World Statistical Analysis

Sample 1: Reign of Terror

Welcome to the Clan World Statistical Analysis Series, beginning with a statistical analysis & breakdown of Reign of Terror Clan. This is series of unbiased statistical accounts on the progress and results of each of the major clans in the clan world.

Data has been gathered for the months of April & May recording Sunday Pulls along with member list size and/or loss in members for all major clans in OSRS.

A thorough data gathering and analysis has been completed for Reign Of Terror.

Part 1: Data Display

The following table displays the data gathered by our analysts for ROT’s Sunday Prep Pulls for the months of April & May.  Rot's peak pull, to which all other pulls are compared to, was 90 people occurring on April 7th.

All data numbers are completely accurate and can be proven with evidence.

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The following graph illustrates ROT’s memberlist shrinkage in the months of April & May. As noticed, ROT suffered the largest member loss on the week leading to April 19th.

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Furthermore, the following graph displays the decrease in ROT’s pulls over the past two months. As seen with the negative trend line (y=-10.321x +112+82), there is a significant correlation between % of pull as compared to peak pull and increase in time. This verifies the hypothesis that ROT’s pulls have significantly decreased in the past two months.

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Finally, data has been analyzed to determine the inactivity increase of Reign of Terror Clan. The following graph displays the percentage of ROT members attending their Sunday events for the months of April & May 2015. With the significant negative trend line, there is a clear correlation between ROT members inactivity increasing in the past two months. Furthermore, it is also related to the huge quantity of ROT who have left/been kicked in the past two months.

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Part 2: Data Validity

Gathered Data was analyzed to prove validity of the work done by #AF-Staff Incorporated.

Data of Pulls in April & May broken down

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Data analysis proof:

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Hypothesis Testing:
Alternative Hypothesis: Reign of Terror’s pulls have significantly decreased over the course of the past two months. (p < 0.05)

Null hypothesis: Reign of Terror’s pulls have not been significantly affected over the past two months. (p > 0.05)

That is, if our p value is less than 0.05, we reject our null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis that ROT is slumping.
If ROT’s pulls did not decrease by chance, then there must have been an external factor influencing their pulls resulting in the slump. However, if ROT’s pulls DID decrease by chance, then we accept our null hypothesis that they are not slumping.
Using the data AF-Staff has collected, we have attained a p-value of 0.016
As 0.016 < 0.05, we reject our null hypothesis and accept the fact that ROT is slumping to the 5% significance level.

The next report, featuring a clan soon to be revealed, will be posted next week.

Disclaimer: This data has been gathered through Statistical and Analytical analysis by AF-Staff Incorporated. If you believe any of this data is incorrect or fictional, please contact AF-Staff for revisions in the analysis.

© 2015 #AF-Staff Incorporated. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder. For permission, contact #AF-Staff.

Mid-Sized Clanning On The Decline


DO you guys think that mid clan world is dying it looked very promising recently but it seems that one of the most promising clans EOS has pulled away into the upper bracket with their most recent win over ROT.

There are other clans likely to leave the bracket also with THE pulling a very good amount and Downfall looking promising.

Do you've respect for rs3 clans?

Yo guys i am wondering do 07 players have respect for people who do the pvp in rs3? cause i am a rs3 warrer and tbh i think some clans in rs3 will wreck most of the 07 clans, we have a good clean world unlike your game,  do u give credit to rs3 clans or what?

Vitality Knights


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We will be back in Summer 2015 to OldSchool as soon as possible in June. See you out there in the wilderness ;)

"red:shake: Time for the Dancing Knights!"

Video -- cwa Fight

Requesting Runescape Kill/Death data - 2nd of June

As you know the AF Staff Incorporated Clan World Statistical Analysis Unit has recently been collecting statistics about the clan world and so far we've focused mainly on mid-sized clans. Today 1 of them crashed Violent Resolution vs Divine Forces, to see how effective they were mathematically we are requesting everyone in either of these two clans to please post how many times they died to the crashing clan Reign of Terror. Everyone's replies will be very helpful.

© 2015 #AF-Staff Incorporated. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder. For permission, contact #AF-Staff.

RKOF joins the reopen club


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Forums: http://rkof.arkku.net/forums/index.php | Memberlist: http://www.rsclanbas...ghts-of-finland

After Jagex released some good updates on OSRS, many people from our notorious group started playing the game again. Even though most of us are still quite low level (107 average) we are training hard and coming back strongly. Intros are open to all Finnish people with over 95 combat.

Leader: Unwiii
Co-Leader: Hagitsu, Taatuh
Warlord: Puuteri, V0l
FA-manager: iTomba

#rkof @swiftirc if you feel like saying hi or challenge us for a war. Somalia cc in game.

Banter or No Banter?

Just a general question, do you enjoy rsc banter, or do you find it annoying or even a waste of time? How important do you think banter is to the clan world? Personally I figure if you're viewing these forums that you at least find it at least somewhat interesting. Without banter the rsc might gain a bit more respect from outsiders, but certain clans might also suffer, since they thrive on it.

Get Out of Jail Free Card

So basically, a few friends and I were chilling, talking about being No-Honor and one of them, who would like to remain Anonymous, thought up the idea of a "Get Out of Jail Free Card". Personally, I thought this was a GREAT idea! One of these cards could be earned for recognition from member of the month, or winning training competitions. With this pass, they had the ability to do whatever they wanted without being striked. I:E bring full addy during fights, skip cwa fights, crash snipe other fights, or loot. The possibilities are endless, plus players could sell these cards to other clan members.

To this I ask

"If you had a Get Out of Jail Free Card, what would you do?"

Crashing clans may be a bit selfish(but most likely choice), I would probably tank to single, if i could, and log :)

Mid-2015 OSRS CWA Clan Ranking (based on RSC aftermath posts)

There's a lot of trolling in the "rank the top clans" thread, so I went through the last 6 months' RSC aftermath posts to try to rank the top CWA clans in a more rigorous manner.

This is NOT an overall ranking of the "best clans in oldschool" (ROT and AF aren't featured in this ranking because they don't do much CWA, but they're certainly top clans by most metrics). Instead, it is a brief summary of OSRS clans' year-to-date CWA records, with the top clans in this ranking generally having won the most fights against other good clans. (One inherent caveat is that not all clans post aftermath topics for all their CWA victories, so a clan's rank reflects both its CWA prowess and the consistency of its aftermath topic posting.)


Main clans only (including country clans):
  • Fools - 1375 rating - 18W 2L (90%)
  • DF - 1281 rating - 18W 10L (64%)
  • Vitality - 1244 rating - 17W 10L (63%)
  • VR - 1207 rating - 6W 6L - (50%)
  • DI - 1107 rating - 9W 17L (35%)
  • Ronin - 1055 rating - 4W 17L (19%)
Including runepure clans and smaller teams (Imperium/TT)^:
  • Fools - 1375 rating - 18W 2L (90%)
  • Imperium - 1308 rating - 16W 5L (76%)
  • DF - 1281 rating - 18W 10L (64%)
  • Vitality - 1244 rating - 17W 10L (63%)
  • Team Trinity - 1210 rating - 6W 6L (50%)
  • VR - 1207 rating - 6W 6L (50%)
  • Valhalla - 1196 rating - 18W 16L (53%)
  • Empyrean - 1177 rating - 6W 8L (43%)
  • DI - 1107 rating - 9W 17L (35%)
  • Silver Bloods - 1104 rating - 3W 11L (21%)
  • Anarchy - 1083 rating - 6W 15L (29%)
  • Ronin - 1055 rating - 4W 17L (19%)
^ Some clans, including Team Trinity and Poison, have indicated they post a significant number of fights' aftermath topics exclusively on sites other than RSC; consequently, these clans' rankings (or lack thereof) are subject to more error than those of most other clans.

  • Fight results are from RSC aftermath threads started between Jan 1, 2015, and June 6, 2015
  • CWA only - no wild fights
  • No pures (many pure aftermaths are posted on other sites and not on RSC, preventing accurate ranking)
  • No distinction between P2P and F2P fights (and other variations in rules): only the result is considered
  • To be included in the ranking list, a clan must have been featured in at least 10 RSC CWA aftermath topics since Jan 1, 2015.
  • Ratings are computed using the Elo algorithm, similar to those in League of Legends and professional chess. Beating someone with much higher rank gains you a lot of rating and loses them a lot. Clans' ratings were set to 1200 on Jan 1, 2015, and updated sequentially in order of RSC aftermath thread start date.
Raw data available upon request

Your Top 20 warrers 2014/15

Hey folks,
Last year I made a topic called 'Top 20 classic warrers' where people posted their best 20 warrers of all time. I thought this year I'd do one for the best of 2014/2015 starting from Summer 2k14 till now. Don't just put your mates/clanmates, think of people who genuinely have really stood out for you over the past year. There is a link at the bottom to the Classic 20 lists as a reference point if you get stuck or want to compare. Feel free to make an Osrs list separate to RS3 list if you feel that's relevant at all.
Generic Template:

CXX lists - http://forums.zybez.net/topic/1621508-your-top-20-classic-warrers/page__st__20__hl__+classic%20+warrers#entry15736404

CD in decline?

March : 2,145
April: 1,823
May: 1,637

These are the post number of CD since I start tracking, includes all sub forums.

Will this continue? How would you like see improvement?

Zoa Arch passes away

It has come to my attention that ZOA ARCH one of the old leaders of Noobs inc sadly passed away on Monday he was a great player who did a lot for the clan world and had a lot of friends may he RIP and thoughts are with his family.

R.I.P sp33dy20 aka brad

Leader of Ac good friend of mine has passed away in a car accident. Ac will still stay open in memory of speedy

R.I.P brad

Clan hard men

Ok I found myself on here for the first time in years today correcting a mistake so thought why not make a topic.

The topic is Runescape hard men

We all had that guy on team speak with the deep voice sounds a bit edgy has a few storys you get the picture every clan had one

Your hard man might be a rugby player a boxer MMA fighter or even just a guy from the hood but when that ultra deep man voice told you to shut up you paid attention.

My question to the clan world is who was your clan real life hard man and why? what made him hard and what made you believe?

My vote been a member of noobs inc when open was Saddampbuh was very quiet the hard silent type had a few storys we all believed them and he had the respect of the whole clan.

Who was yours and why?

Who would be the greatest loss to the clan world?

Recently there have been a lot of topics mostly fake (-.-) claiming that some of the most influential people in the clan world have died(sp33dy,venomous). My question to you is:

who would be the greatest loss to the clan world?
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