Channel: Runescape Clans
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Current state of affairs.

I'd like to make a topic about the current state of clan affairs since the release of osrs. Many powerful clans have shut down due to the addition of rs3 and later osrs. Not only did many clans disintegrate but many other clans had been rocked to the very foundation. Faced with the question "Do we start over?" or "Do we stay"

What're your opinions on the current state of clan affairs? What're some powerful clans that have closed because of the addition of these two versions of the game? Do you think it was a positive change in runescape? How has it impacted your clan?

As for me. Like any other clan, DF had been hit with the task of completely re-leveling new characters. As I am coming to find since im currently leveling my own account. It must have been extremely challenging. I'd really like to congratulate them on their success and ability to transfer to a new game, and to keep the DF name going strong. I understand Corruption had closed. I found it very interesting because I still remember the beef with Titans and later Divine Forces all through out their careers, and it was legendary.

Note: These are peoples personal opinions. You have every right to disagree but please state facts when doing so.

RoT wins again.


Tried luring bear for over 4 hours straight, finally got it right. #RoTWinsAgain.

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Today I was doing some thinking ^.^

So today I was browsing various clans forums and came across that Violent Resolution has reached their 9th birthday. Quite an accomplishment, with Divine Forces being on their 10th birthday and Violent Resolution their 9th, making them two of the oldest clans still around to this day but it also raised some questions.

My questions to the Clanning Community is.

- When is it clans should call it a day & close their doors?¿

- How old is your clan?¿

- Has your clan ever closed and re-opened, if so how many remakes?¿

- Do you think the current clans will still be here in 5 years time, if so which clans?¿

Please keep this flame free and have a healthy discussion ^.^

VR refuse to mass on their birthday?

it has come to my attention that vr has refused to PK on their birthday due to their poor pull and fear of rot :P

my question is as DI and EOS continue to battle alone 2 vs 5 clans is the following

1.  how does this bode for the crashwar?

2. why do you think vr refused to mass?

3. why do you think df ended in 20 minutes?

4. can rot be stopped?

5. if rot lowered their requirements would you happaly join the best clan ever?

do clans with less real life obligations have better chances of winnin

yesterday at the battle between di/eos vs ronin/downfall/rot )later divine forces and vr would join in (i began to notice a trend... members from many of the clans got off because of real life and then i began to have some thoughts...on this situation :suspect: so i decided to perform a survey with the help of the following clan leaders over the course of the day:

jaja legacy
desmonious troyeriousage

and i have asked all these men the following data: what percentage of your clan either goes to school(at this time summer courses but this applies for during the school year more ;)  )and what percentage work and what percentage have girlfriend or boyfriends... i have gotten some interesting results which i will now share with you :P

Ghjjf was the first man i asked and after an extensive poll of DI members he gave me the following data
76% of di members currently attend education(unknown how many take summer courses)
88% of di have jobs of at least 25 hours per week
83% of di have girlfriends or boyfriends
and he added another question to his census finding that 94% of di currently attend the gym and work out on their muscles

Evizu was the next man i asked and he was indeed very helpful :P
75% of vr are currently attending education with 21% registered for summer courses
82% of vr currently have jobs of at least 25 hours per week
71% of vr currently have girlfriends or boyfriends

Eos oli was the next man i spoke to and he gave me some information aswell...
79% of eos are currently attending school with 33% registered for summer courses
85% of eos currently have a job and work at least 25 hours per week
80% of eos currently have girlfriends or boyfriends

True 2k8 was the next leader i approached to find some informations...
92% of df are currently attending school, with 34% in summer courses
76% of df currently have a job that works at least 25 hours per week
74% of df currently have boyfriends or girlfriend

Rendual was the next person i ask....he demanded i beat him in age of empires for answers which i did :hi:
63% of if are currently attending school
72% of if currently have a job for at least 15 hours per week
64% of if currently have agirlfriend or boyfriend

i then ask venomous...76 for some information
94% of poison currently attend school
86% of poison currently have a job for at least 20 hours per week
94% of poison currently have a girlfriend or boyfriend

then i ask the speedster aka sp333333dy20
83% of ac currently attend school with 22% currently in summer classes
92% of ac currently have a job of at least 20 hours per week
83% of if currently have a girlfriend or boyfriend

i then ask all of jaja legacy, they do not have a leader so i ask all of their clan on teamspeak at the same time
52% of jaja currently go to school
41% of jaja currently have a job
98% of jaja currently have girlfriends

i also ask dethmoon for his answers...
89% of tmc currently go to school
97% of tmc currently have jobs
92% of tmc currently have girlfriends or boyfriends

i then ask TR who were very helpful desmoniousage troyerage was very good and helpful....he said stats is most important of all ;)

81% of tr currently go to school
88% of tr currently have jobs
92% of tr currently have girlfriends or boyfriends

I then ask 0robinxhood0 who i had to trick into giving me answers..

68% of ronin are currently in school
81% of ronin currently have jobs
69% of ronin currently have girlfriend or boyfriends

then i spoked to crest227 the toothpaste man
97% of downfall are currently in school
75% of downfall currently have jobs
76% of downfall have girlfriends or boyfriends

i then asked brian289 but he was busy playing neverwinter and he never got back to me, when i get the data on rot i will be sure to update ;)

RoT August 31st repeat?

After the previous fight on Sunday, it has become obvious that RoT can and will be stopped. Just like the great stories and fairy-tales, the hero/heroes swept through and vanquished the villain.  

In late August of 2011 Vr placed the final few straws that broke the camels back, the fights were very similar to the one RoT went through two days ago.

Discussion Questions:

Will RoT close before August 31st?

On August 31st?

Shortly after August 31st?

Forum Archives

How would you feel if your forum database from previous years was compromised due to a hacker?

Would you care about generic posts that are no longer relevant?

Would it boost your morale to read back to times when your clan was doing better than you are currently?

Recent example:

Looking for a Warlord or Warlady, Specially Warlady!

Yeah as the title says it's for F2P clanwars in Infliction.

I'm yet to recruit/have a member that can call after I die, all you have to do is do a 5minute preview of your calling skills to me and my friends on our teamspeak if you are up to my caliber you will be auto-ranked Warlord and you will take calling order after me in our fights and we will rise to the top.

For discussion purposes:

1) How will this affect the F2P Clanwars community in terms of calling power if Infliction can find another Rendual caller to take lead after he leaves portal/dies this could make them unbeatable


2) Is there even another F2P Clanwars caller that can be up to par with him?


@Team-Jakaarhut @Zybez Mods or Admins

To Jakaarhut (@Sippin) get this snake out of your team.  

To Zybez mods and/or Admins, please investigate and prove that nobody hacked this snake's account. Thank you very, very much.

@UPC , don't ever try to play me buddy. :)

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Clanning: A Sausage Fest?

A social- taboo to say the least, is the female player-base in clans. Yes, I will make a feeble attempt to lure the Runescape Community away from Crashgate, so I will ponder this question of discussion. Female players are typically the minority in clans, well, they were in the clans I have been in, but I always thought like anyone else, added an extra perspective and input for clanning. It can be boring to listen to a bunch of dudes all day, so adding a woman's touch can be nice from time to time. However, with the positives, there can be negatives. Instead of bashing woman, I will mention, male players tend to have their egos, or it could just the testosterone, oh my, but we all know how rivalries start or even crashwars(*cough/bait) . Female players however, in my case, tend to love drama. I do not blame them, drama is fun, talking about clan politics or sports can be boring at times.

I have been in many clans, with different and unique player bases. Knights of Order for example, believe or not, had probably the closest male to female ratio at 2:1. From my perspective, girls could not tank. Nah, some were good, they were like one of the guys. So, with any disparity, either it be gender or even race(A future topic possibly?), we are pretty much the same :)

How has your experience with the female player-base within your clan? Females can answer this question as well #

P:S - Recruiting new players into clanning can be rather difficult, but females, I find 100x harder # Well, my rsn, does not help at all

Divine Forces - 10 Years Running


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Ten years ago, on August 13th 2005, the clan known today as Divine Forces was founded.

It's crazy to imagine that it was a decade ago when a handful of individuals would come together and create something still celebrated far after their time. Little did they know at the time, they would create something that would accomplish so much, experience so many things and for some of us, change part of our lives in a way nobody could imagine.

Luckily for us, Schol, one of DF's founders, is still around to provide some insight on his perspective of DF's origin:

When Death240 approached me to help him start a clan I wondered why the hell me. I wasn't popular, I didn't have high stats, I was just a stand up guy who stood up for my clan, Titans, on RSC. We set out to start DF with a dream, the dream of one day beating Damage Inc who were #1 at the time. Not in a million years did us thirsty PKers think that we were going to create such a great community that would last a decade.

Divine Forces was built upon a foundation of spam towers and organization. Before teamspeak became mandatory, we had in-clan practice steel wars (the legendary Mc Burger vs b33n war) to practice hugging and organizing piles without TS. Divine Forces was built upon a thirst for PKing in an active clan world, where we could go out almost every day and find some action. We fought clans we had no business fighting on our PKRI's, and we hunted anyone and everyone.

And that thirst would be the driving force of DF for the next ten years, through each and every generation of members that would follow. While the faces and names that represent DF would slowly change over time, the principles, values and strong community would continue to run through our bloodline until this very day. Today DF remains a strong and stable clan and, like I said before, privileged with one of the greatest communities across Runescape.

This achievement would have been impossible without the people who made DF what it is through the years. We appreciate of each and every past and current member. Each of you had your place in DF's history, no matter how brief or short lived. We are also quite appreciative for the clans of Runescape who have provided us with clean rivalries and fights over the years. Divine Forces, no matter how strong of a name on its own, couldn't have done it alone.

Quotes from our members:


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If Clans Had Sales

What about if Clans briefly lowered their requirements to allow lower levels into the clans. I find it rather hard to try and recruit higher levels. Here is a graph of real statistics.

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The clan world needs new blood, so why not allow some minions to enter our world. Would be interesting to entertain the thought of a brief window of low reqs, lets say 95 combat instead of 110.

So for discussion value: Would lowering reqs for a brief moment help introduce new people into the clan world? If not, what else can be done?

when was each clan their strongest


currently 4 of the clans alive today have held the number 1 position at some moment:

- VR
- DI
- DF
- EoS

each clan has had a period of undisputed number 1 at some point in their history. sorry medium size clans that you are left from this topic but i dont know your histories enough over who has been 'undispited top mid clan'.

from these 4 super powers who have held number 1, when was each clan most dominant? give a year (or years!) you can also add a reason if you want. also each of these clans have held number 1 multiple times

vr - 2009 (osrs 2014/15)
di - 2005 (osrs 2013)
df - 2008
eos - 2011

what you guys think?

420 pkers operation no sleep

Reopening for the second time on osrs during December of 2014, we 420 pkers were on a mission. A mission the naked would never see. Speedy a once loyal member of 420 (2006) left with our ex members after our first departure on the summer ending to 2013. About a few months later Dcranger the king :king:  returned to old school and noticed that speedy was running a clan of 90% ex 420 in which he recruited fresh off the streets. First Jeff himself joined speedy's community to help them out as of main caller to becoming the only one in the community to recruit for a short while to contribute to the leader's respect in the past. Few weeks pass and Jeff is ready, ready to have a ride of his clan coming back together again (the family always returns). He then notifies  the community leader of his departure before the rest knew. As the only main caller/ best tank/ motivator/ recruiter to the community, speedy was upset much angry very doge to have this happen. As they talk one on one in which speedy is on the edge of his seat to not lose Jeff as he was the core of this community and leaving it would result death. Speedy became a different man that day banning Jeff off ts due to not handling the talking anymore as he could not believe it.

During our first few events the community leader decides to crash us in honor for Jeff to return to close 420 and join the community again for his own beneficial use. We the leadership were always a few steps ahead and expected it to happen but what we knew was how to handle it. Taking away our members, one rank, to spy on us for a chance in his pking community to demoralize us did not go in his favor. The leadership as mentioned earlier were always a step ahead. The rank hacking Jeff in hopes to have forum admin cp access to delete or do what ever to destroy us never worked. Our other leader having cp access , the community got nothing but a replaceable bank for the bank loss of the king Jeff (did you ever know kings are rich?), knowing this is leading to nothing 420 leadership resulted into operation no sleep. Closing after a few weeks to Jeff's hacking and several loss of weak members to join a pking community. At this point the pking community broke due to no action which was just us. Speedy community soon reaching out to ancient fury of an alliance our plan was just at the beginning. Members left as there was no action in this dead community due to our closure, most got hyped up off Reign of Terror's crash war against the alliance and yes they all mass joined the anti rot alliance due to members leaving for ancient fury. At this point the remaining are in di as being in eos  got them shook by Reign of Terror.

Being nothing but fakes in the clan world such as the rest of the anti-rot alliance they are nothing but numbers trying to be a threat in mass joining. Once pulling up to 30 against us to only 16 today and closing the pking community to a cwa community our plan was a success, they will forever decline in numbers and only be fresh meat for Reign of Terror.

The end...P.s try thinking before doing next time wheely it only got your empire killed.

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Rumor in the wind

EOS may have surrendered to ROT, how will this affect the clan world?

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Is the clan world on oldschool or the new stuff

just wondering been a long time just wanted to know if the warring clans are on the old school or this new ****

Echo Of Silence Invite Clan World to Celebrate Grand Victory

Hello Clan World!

I am here to invite you on behalf of Echo of Silence Clan to celebrate our GRAND VICTORY over Reign of Terror in officially the longest fight to ever occur on runescape. This is a great victory for EOS clan engraving EOS' legacy as one of the most dominant clans of all time.
All clans & teams in the Honor Lions are invited to participate along with AC, Poison, THE Clan, Vitality, ROL, Downfall and Brap Single Team.

There will be kegs of beer and much food to be had in this great celebration:
Beverages & Food List:
Kegs (Drink one and your runescape screen spins like you're drunk just like IRL. Its awesome!)
Pizzas (Cheese, Meatlovers)
Pies (Apple, Meatlovers)
Fruits (Apples, Watermelons, Pineapples)
along with many more!

The celebration will take place at 7PM EST at the Dancing Donkey Inn in Varrock World 22!

Note: Dress to Impress, please wear your best runescape outfit if you are attending our celebration.
Note2: No-honor clans are not invited. (That goes for ROT, SV and Ronin)
Note3: Please RSVP via private message to receive 5 free kegs on entry!
Note4: Those who do not comply to these rules will be removed from the area by our Team BRAP bouncers including famous single pker Wiggled and famous tber Toensi1.


Ronin CWA Embargo

So, as many of you know, EOS has recently placed a CWA embargo on Ronin, topic can be found here: http://forums.zybez....bargo-on-ronin/

earlier tonight, VR (a clan not permitted by EOS to fight ronin) participated in a clan wars battle with Ronin, thus violating the CWA embargo. Proof: http://puu.sh/ixUXZ/db5150b911.jpg

So... my question to you guys:

-Will EoS react to this recent violation of the CWA embargo?

-Do you think other clans will follow EOS' policies and fight ronin, or not?

Please try to keep clan beef aside!

2015 Jagex Clan Cup Is Coming To Runescape 3 In September

The Clan Cup is a Jagex hosted event that takes place once per year during late summer or early fall. Clans compete against each other in pvp and skilling related events to see who is the best clan around. This topic will be focusing on the PvP events.

All fights take place at Clan Wars and it is a single elimination tournament. Each week you are given a new opponent and if your team wins, you advance to the next round but if your team loses, then you are eliminated from the tournament. Teams are expected to arrange times to fight each other then post the results to the runescape forums. If you would like to compete, you first need to join a clan chat and have them sign up for the Clan Cup.

This year, registrations begins August 21st and close September 4th. Here are the following events.

EoC Fullout P2P Combat Cup
EoC Fullout F2P Combat Cup
Legacy Fullout P2P Combat Cup
Legacy Fullout F2P Combat Cup
20vs20 P2P Combat Cup
20vs20 F2P Combat Cup

Finally if anyone here needs a Runescape 3 clan to join to compete in the Clan Cup, you can join my clan Our Pride. We will definitely be competing in the F2P cups. We're a PvP clan who specializes in F2P combat and Clan Wars and we have an active community base who loves to pk and pvp. All you need is 100+ combat and teamspeak so you can hear commands during wars. You also do not need to go to any forums to get accepted (although we do have our own site and forums)  However, we do ask that you stay active during early September during the Clan Cup and watch the chat for times when the fights are.

If you would like to join us, then pm me  xxDark Horse  or join Our Pride as a guest and ask one of us to invite you.

Do rot have a monopoly in P2P?

Despite the struggles of rot last week it has come to my attention that for the last several weeks af have ceased to do events in p2p due to their inability to compete with Reign of Terror, and despite di and ac joining forces in p2p it seems they are still unstoppable as AF is unwilling to assist DI.

so riddle me this?

1. despite their recent struggle in f2p last weekend is rot completely unstoppable in p2p?

2. did AF leaking 2 year old forums have any affect whatsoever on reign of terror?

3.now that EOS has purged AF from their clan will their quality improve?

4. did af losing to rot every day for 3 months in p2p help rot regain their dominance after they were redused to 20 man pulls in addy in april?
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