Channel: Runescape Clans
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Can rot be stopped?

So today i bore witness to something that i am not sure has ever been seen in the clan world, rot was victorious against 3 top clans (vr + di + df + jaja)

i have been anti rot in the past however this seems impossible to ignore, to my knowledge no clan has ever done this...

so riddle me this?

1. is rot the most unstoppable clan that's ever been alive relative to their time period?

2. has rot finally put the final nail in the coffin of the alliance?

3. has rot turned into the "honour"side of the alliance due to the shady actions of those in the alliance?

i think there is good discussion to take place here, please be open minded and non biased and avoid using personal insults against eachother :-)

Any old MK or similar era players around?

Hey guys,

Briwightman here. I just came across the old MK boards (http://z7.invisionfr...act=Reg&CODE=10 ) and got to wondering if anyone was still around.
I'm trying to see if anyone got back into OS RS when it reopened. I'm former Golden Helms, Mk, TD. Looking for anyone that may still talk with Aran Kildare, Anticrash, Wizardgir, Draygoneye, Majinvegeta. Anyone from that early MK era.

I also had brief stints in Corruption, THE, and BK.

Thanks! :)

Stop the crashwar !

Let's start movement .  Anyone can make underbanners with text : stop the crashwar ?

A New Alliance Emerges?

Greetings "Runescape Community", St33l_Pkd back again to talk about the latest and exciting developments happening in the clan world. If you guys are a bit out of the loop there was a big cluster last night and alliances were broken and reforged all within the span of a few hours. Most notably the clan "Echo of Silence" seems to have offered an alliance towards the Reign of Terror clan. Now many clan world analysts such as myself predicted such a move or thought there was something going on behind the scenes after they were spotted last week by one of my informants taking ending near each other with no hint of aggression.  Now as a result of this many Ancient Fury members in EOS left their clan's "PK" in order to form an AF pile which attempted to kill ROT stragglers. This severely weakened EOS and led to them doing some very uncharacteristic things such as mass logging, deathmarching, and teaming with "The Moon Clan".


My questions to you, clan world, is the following:

Will ROT accept EOS's alliance/pledge of loyalty?

If so Will this new alliance last?

Is one side just getting used here or will it benefit both?

How will the overall crashwar be effected from these changes?

As always keep this topic flame free and flame bait free. Thank you guys and I hope this topic will lead to some good clan world's discussion.



KO power to return ratio

Right now with quick hop and gdz tabs, its possible to return in like 20 seconds and with just maple shortbows and rune scimitars its extremely hard to clear any clan. This means clans can stay in the fight even when they are being destroyed.

Do you think the clan world was better in:

2007 where gdz teleport was only available to rangers and there was a 45 second delay to hop worlds
2011 where there was canoe available for binders but gravites were also available to KO people faster
2015 where there is a 20 second return time for everyone and no powerful f2p weapons

Vote and reply with reasons and things you would change in todays clanworld. Appreciate some people may not have clanned in 2007 or 2011 but feel free to name another time you prefered. No need to flame on this topic lads / lasses.

Clan members and leaders of the actual 07 era. Have you kept in touch

Hello everyone.

It seems every few years I like to pop in and propose a question with regard to how runescape has affected your everyday ordinary life. I have had great experiences with runescape. From being on teamspeak with my very early on friends, whom eventually became clan mates and eventually real life friends. So I'd like to ask, have you made any good friends over runescape? Do you guys still keep in contact? Ever meet in real life and hang out?

As for me, I've kept up with a few people whom use to play runescape and whom belonged to my clan (df) and then later on played other games with me around 06, 07 era. I've met a few in real life and we're friends on face book, and we still talk massive amounts of smack still to this day. We're still trying track down some of our good friends and the original members of dotn (dragons of the night) which was the clan of level 70s - 90s that fused with TMW to eventually join and become it's own clique in titans that eventually became the Divine Forces.

Anyway make any cool relationships with any clan mates? I've heard rumors of a marriage but i forgot from where.

Can We Make this 0fficial?

You know what really grinds my peaches? You know what tickles my gears? We still do not have Official Wars. Yes, we do have CWA, and it's like sorta good I guess with the selection of maps and rules, but you know what? There is a taste left in my mouth, well, I should not say taste, you know when you were a kid and your stomach hurt, and your parents fed you this milky chalky goo that made you violently go to the bathroom? That is sort of the taste I feel. My stomach is relieved for the most part, but it did not taste well. What is an Official War? Way back in the day, we did not have the luxury of an arena, so we had the wilderness as our barometer for proving who was better # I know Mini and Official Warring will not solve any clan beef(May cause more from crashers), but I think it will be fun. Bring back the old solid capes and have a taste of the past. Yes, I'm stuck there apparently since I always post these topics.

For discussion value: Would you like to see these happen? #TwoWeekPrep

What's the biggest transition streak your caller/clan's gone o

Excited to see what some of the other clan's biggest transition streaks have been.

These are two of Rot's best from our one and only brian289:

First one's from two days ago

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DF1 / DF2

Well I was sitting around in zybez TS when a controversial subject came up: which clan (Divine Forces & Downfall) should have the abbreviation DF1 or DF2. Some people said they called Downfall DF2 because they are the newer clan where others protested that Downfall should be called DF1 due to higher pulls + better ranking on the F2P ladder. Both are valid arguments so I decided to see what the rest of the RSC community has to say.

Question: Which of the 2 clans (Divine Forces & Downfall) should have the abbreviation DF1, and which should have DF2? and why?


disregarding the crashwars, what are the chances of all the clans coming together and doing a pkri between all the european members vs the north american members using 2 different teamspeaks for each?


That awkward moment...

That awkward moment when you log on to RSC and RS for that matter and see a clan from 7 years ago. Then wonder how the hell they are still around, and realize they are struggling now just like they were struggling back in the day.  You the real MVP EOS.

Middle of the Pak

My clan leader Des-Troyer, wait, I wonder if there is supposed to be a hyphen there. Oh well, I'll ask him next time, but to this tangent I'll converge to the original topic that I'll attempt to discuss today. Des, enjoys the middle-size clan life. Somewhat less problems, less beef, and the fights are typically not drawn out(I have no idea how he feels I just want to name drop loll) However, some middle-size clans are about to embark upon the top. That transition period is fun, but it is tough, since competition becomes a bit tighter with experience.

So for discussion value: If you are in a clan, why do you like being Small, Mid, or Top?  If you are in a mid-clan, do you look forward to the top?

I have been in a top clan Eos, and quite a few mid-size clans as well, being in a top clan is nice because the sheer amount of people is impressive and when times are high, times are great. When I was in Eos I had the luxury of starting imid-size and eventually becoming a top clan before I left to ok with Ni. Being in a mid-size clan is great because it is easier to become friends with the majority of the members. The growth process although can be a bit boring at times, is worth the excitement when the transition into being a top clan takes place.

to all the old Elite Assassins members

hey this is charly i cameback to rs 3months ago and was wondering if any of you still play rs

Requesting Runescape Kill/Death data - 2nd of June

As you know the AF Staff Incorporated Clan World Statistical Analysis Unit has recently been collecting statistics about the clan world and so far we've focused mainly on mid-sized clans. Today 1 of them crashed Violent Resolution vs Divine Forces, to see how effective they were mathematically we are requesting everyone in either of these two clans to please post how many times they died to the crashing clan Reign of Terror. Everyone's replies will be very helpful.

© 2015 #AF-Staff Incorporated. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder. For permission, contact #AF-Staff.

Hold back the tears. RIP

Recently quit RS due to the military and classes but what the stink happened to RS3?

No in all seriousness noone cares and everyone is happy with an active, larger clan world. Although I'm not on RS anymore, I still enjoy viewing fight topics and the beef between the top tier clans. As a spectator, I'm curious so answer this:

What may of caused the sudden downfall of RS3 clanning?
(EDIT: Yes there was a brief time RS3 had clans that were actively warring weekly and would post topics. Now, there is no activity at all.)

Is clanning much better now on 07 than it was a year ago?

With mid sized clanning currently active, is there a possibility of a mid sized clan overcoming larger clans and placing in the top 3?

Your top 20?


What would your "dream team" of 20 men be in this Clan World?

Here is the real challenge, you can only name 7 from your clan ^_^ (it was 5 but i thought that wasnt enuf for sum ppl lol)

interesting finds are expected...

Looking for fights

In hopes of increasing clanworld activity, RoT will be accepting all fights. This includes:

- P2P + F2P 1 item fights
- P2P + F2P rag-only fights
- P2P + F2P 1v1/2/3/4's
- P2P + F2P CWA fights

Pretty much any fight you can think of we'll more than likely accept.

/query brian289
/query erik
/query derek

Divine Forces vs Damage Incorporated - PVM Competition Results

Topic on DF Forums: http://rs-df.com/for...howtopic=115408

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~ Divine Forces - Where Amazing Happens ~

Forums | 'True 2k8' Clanchat | @DivineForces | YouTube | #DF @ SeersIRC | Memberlist


Total GP Gained: 1,977,072,825
Divine Forces approached Damage Inc for a PVM Competition with every intention of clearing them off the face of the planet. This dream nearly ended when 24 hours into the competition, Damage Inc recieved an Elysian Sigil! With a quick 100 points and 800m+ cash lead, Divine Forces knew we had to act quickly to even the scores back up!

Fifty Five of Divine Forces greatest PVM'ers stepped up to the plate and through almost 5 days of intense god wars, dag kings, wilderness bosses and zulrah, we managed to reclaim our throne in the competition as Top Point + Top GP Gained. Damage Inc tried to smite us down with 3 more sigils(2 Spectral, 1 Arcane), but we fought back valiantly, keeping our lead and never looking back!

The competition ended with Divine Forces amassing 1.1k more Points, 260m more GP and 134 more Drops than Damage Inc, securing a flawless victory!
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Listed below is the drop summup of our competition, for a full breakdown visit: http://ml.rs-df.com/pvmcomp.php
Big Drops
Comprehensive Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/2XPLk8


Armadyl Crossbow(6)


In addition to our main God Wars\Zulrah drops, we managed to receive:
  • 9 Zulrah Drops
  • 25 Dragon Axes
  • 27 Dagannoth King rings
  • 106 God Wars Shards.
You can find all of the drops of the competition(from both sides) in the "DF Pics" and "DI Pics" tab here: https://goo.gl/2XPLk8
Hands up for PDMitch:

Thanks again to every DF member who participated, Erin for the Badges\Banners and Damage Incorporated for giving us the competition and drive to nearly make 2 billion gp in a week!

P.P.S: Shoutouts to Sutty for getting an FFA sigil 45 minutes after the competition ended:

Zeonic Force

I re-read the rules to make sure this didn't go against them. As its not usual to post about a specific clan in clan discussion. But I believe this old clan deserves some recognition. Does anybody remember Zeonic Force? or zf? After much searching on Google and the Zybez forums I was only able to find a little bit on them. In fact, the only reason I know of their existence is because back in 2004 my clan of level 70 noobs (dotn) saw them in the wilderness fighting DS.

Zeonic Force was a powerhouse clan back in 2004. Much like how you see di, ds, gladz, bk, anarchy, corruption, titans, eos, wg, rot, today. However, ZF was different. ZF closed down in the end of 2004 to preserve their legacy. However the exact opposite had happened. Because zf closed down so early and because nobody wrote about their history. The clan just sort of faded away from clan history. Zf's an interesting example because not many top 10 clans just dissolve and disappear that easily.

So, do you remember this clan? Were you a part of it, or know anyone who was? Can you help us shed more light on one of the earliest clans in runescape?

The concept of an Australian and New Zealand pure clan..

Kia ora and hello :)

My names David and im putting the question to the clan community to if the think an pacific pure clan would gain intrest and prosper in todays runescape intrests?. Could this work? I often think this because i dont fine, nought clans in my timezone wonder how else is in my position. I do believe theres possible success but only with the right people. Most of whom i know from back in the day are either ranked or retired..  either way this goes i appreciate all advice and comments given and thanks for reading :)

Mr Tamou
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