Channel: Runescape Clans
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A new OSRS

Jagex made a huge update to Afkscape.  It has been reverted back to runescape.  

Will this have an effect on the clan community?

Will clans/teams with higher reqs consider lowering them?

What are your thoughts on this?

Pure hatred

Krunal I know rsc banned you but if you see this ReOPEN THE pure hatred clan

Just DO It!

clanworld gnomeball league

not sure if u guys have heard but ive been in the process of setting up a clan world gnome ball league, im looking for several more clans to join as so far we only have a few...

clans in the clan world:


so far the following clans have expressed interest in joining the league
1. divine forces
2. ancient fury
3. WG

im looking for several more clans at least 16-32 so please get your leaders to pm me on swift irc :)

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a fight broke out aswell
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Who Have You Considered To Be "The Bad Guys"?

Let's face it, what make clanning fun is the alliances and rivalries that have propagated throughout the years. There is nothing more exhilarating than defeating a hated enemy in the wilderness and then gloating about it afterwards. Some of these rivalries can turn bitter, and that clan can twist in your mind to become "The Bad Guy". However, the perception of who you consider to be the bad guy is often arbitrary, as it's largely determined by the first clan you joined. For instance, my first experience with the clan world was with the Dark Slayers, so to me Damage Incorporated was the bad guy, as that was the environment of DS at the time. And just as I saw DI to be the bad guy, so too did many members of DI consider DS to be the bad guy. For every clan has their nemesis, their Lex Luthor to your Superman, but where you started out in clans makes all the difference.

Past or present, who have you considered to be "The Bad Guys"? For bonus points, what was your starting clan, and how did that shape your perception of the clan world?

Please keep your posts clan related, and please refrain from any excessive baiting.

to all the old Elite Assassins members

hey this is charly i cameback to rs 3months ago and was wondering if any of you still play rs

Hold back the tears. RIP

Recently quit RS due to the military and classes but what the stink happened to RS3?

No in all seriousness noone cares and everyone is happy with an active, larger clan world. Although I'm not on RS anymore, I still enjoy viewing fight topics and the beef between the top tier clans. As a spectator, I'm curious so answer this:

What may of caused the sudden downfall of RS3 clanning?
(EDIT: Yes there was a brief time RS3 had clans that were actively warring weekly and would post topics. Now, there is no activity at all.)

Is clanning much better now on 07 than it was a year ago?
Sub question: (Since RS3 clans moved to 07) With mid sized clanning currently active, is there a possibility of a mid sized clan overcoming larger clans and placing in the top 3?

Looking for fights

In hopes of increasing clanworld activity, RoT will be accepting all fights. This includes:

- P2P + F2P 1 item fights
- P2P + F2P rag-only fights
- P2P + F2P 1v1/2/3/4's
- P2P + F2P CWA fights

Pretty much any fight you can think of we'll more than likely accept.

/query brian289
/query erik
/query derek

What year did you start clanning?

Hey folks,
I just wonder what the ratio of experienced members to new/newer members is in the clanworld and how many of these different groups still clan. Also, wonder how many of us actually joined before December 2007 (removal of wilderness) and who joined after.

How different would clanning have looked like today if December 2007 update never happened?

For those who have been clanning a while what Jagex updates can you remember and how has that affected the clanworld over time?


Clans that refuse to fight

after a short stint with a clan I was in, which i cannot name, it became clear this clan had been refusing to set up fights with certain clan. my leaders proceded to brainwash me, and the other members with such things as "they only want to fight tuesdays!!!" when this was not the case. we are all 18 and older now still playing runescape. why not set up fights that promise to be entertaining, and deny your fellow clan members an enjoyable experience. we are all just runescape names plastered to template animated runescape knights, what is there to be scared of ???

so riddle me this ???

has your clan experienced the frustration of other clans being scared to fight you ??

how did you deal with this frustration if experienced ??

how can we prevent this from denying us the juicy entertainment the clan world deserves ???

What Do You Consider A Victory?

According to Google




  • an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition. [color=#878787 !important]
    "an election victory"[/color]

A victory over another clan is certainly a moral booster, but it also serves as a scope to where you stand against others. However, there are other angles of approach to victory that clans can use to supplement their performance. First, there is a Pyrrhic victory:

"A Pyrrhic victory is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. Someone who wins a Pyrrhic victory has been victorious in some way; however, the heavy toll negates any sense of achievement or profit (another term for this would be "hollow victory")" - google

For instance, those 10 hour fights when clans lose banks, the result is pretty much the other clan getting bored or going to sleep, the true performance of both clans is often lost because of the last hour. However, clans can learn what they need to improve on, such as timezone and increasing banks.

Another approach to victory is the RSC battle. We all know, what actually happens in the wilderness does not matter. The real warriors of runescape, are the keyboard warriors. The battle is fought in the wildy, but the war is won on "Clan Fights ". Excuses are often thrown with 15 different POVs of ending options. The definition of ending options is changing from clearing the other clan to ending CC, ending from a diff world, and ending on TS.

For discussion value, I say the only way to determine a clear concise victory, is clearing the other clan. All in all, I can say the real winners are the people who have FUN :)

"What do you consider a victory?"

Why is it so hard to open a new clan?

Is there a single relevant main clan today that isn't a reboot of a clan from the 2004-2007 era?

It's been tried, everyone here could probably name 100 failed clans, so why is it that the only ones that show any sort of consistency are nearly a decade old? Sometimes a new clan will form, they will come of the gate hot, and look like they might be able to compete...and a week later they are closed.

Clan Fights Rule change

The following has been added to the Clan Fight Rules on a trial basis and from this point forward fight topics will have to adhere to these rules if applicable.


Winners of an individual fight are given first priority in posting a topic in the forum. Winner is determined as last clan standing. Exceptions are as followed:
  • If a clan can prove a significant portion of their opponents had substandard gear, they may request a merge. Please note that a merge will only occur if two conflicting fight topics are posted. Community Leaders can use their discretion in these situations, whether there is enough proof for a merge or not.
  • The default standard is T40 gear with the following exceptions:
    • ​In F2P, magic and range gear is not judged as long as the player has T40 armor for tanking.
    • In P2P, rangers are required black dragonhide.
    • Pure clans are not affected by these rules.

Please familiarize yourselves with the rules if you are interested in posting topics in the CF board.

A Middle Merge

What if Downfall, The Rising, and Ronin merged. Basically, the majority of the Mid-Size clan world just merged. The idea will obviously have it's flaws but besides the fact that it may not work due to inner-clan politics, how could this hypothetical idea change the clan world? In a somewhat stagnant clan world, a "super-clan" could as flak and competition. Just food for thought.

For discussion value, how would a "middle-merge" change the clan world.

is #1 f2p now firmly in the hands of DI?

Hello men, Today i witnessed something i have not witnessed in many weeks, in the first true prepped f2p fight between 2 powerful clans fought in a 100% clean war today, DI vs VR which DI dominated and defeated VR.

Divine forces did an amazing job(where amazing happens!!!) acing as they fought rot for #3 of which i am not sure of the results :king: ... anyways i have some question for you :innocent:

so riddle me this ?

1. By defeated VR today in the first true 1v1 in many months has di secured its grasp on #1 f2p?

2. Has ghjjf proven he can lead a clan to #1 in any era of runescape showing more adaptability then any other leader in history(hail ghjjf) ?

3. who would win in a 100% clean fight between rot and di?

4. could DI be considered a 'dynasty' of runescape clanning?

:suspect:  please be  respectful of others posts guys....i want a clean topic of discussion of the f2p clan scene if you flame eachother or act immatures :cry:

Funniest member in your clan

Something I've been wondering for a while, who is the funniest member of your clan? While during the fight you depend on your best members which everyone is already aware of, I'm sure every clan has a few members who lift the morale of the whole clan or are the class clown on your own boards, so to speak. I've never actually been in a clan myself, but I do remember hanging out with Revenge Rock in the wilderness once which was quite amusing though we died multiple times.

Any memorable moments from your clan? :-)

Corrupt Pures - Zybez Clan of the month

PK Trip Today!

Hey if there's any 1-20 def pures looking to go pking today send me a message. Going to go f2p pking and most likely p2p directly after, pm me for details! :D

is the only clan that can defeat rot...rot?

This weekend i have seen some things that i have never seen before... on saturday ROT defeated the alliance in f2p then in sunday rot defeated the alliance once again in p2p...both times the alliance did not last even 90 minute... for this i do not have much to say besides i have some questions for you...

do riddle me this?

1. at this point is it even possible to stop rot?

2. should rot do fights vs themselves to make it fair for the rest of the clan world?

3. what makes rot so much greater then every other clan combined?

4. out of all the alliance clans how did EOS become the stongest within 3 weeks of opening until they slump and die?

How did the current clan world's times is set up?

I have thought about that topic for a while now, but haven't had chance to throw it out there really. You all know that clan fights as such have been now set in rather formal times. Clans that are mostly GMT based are willing to get their action around 8 pm GMT (3pm EST), clans that are mostly EST based, want to start after 10 pm GMT (5 pm EST)

But how did those times really is set up like that?

If you think now, most of people who work from 8 am or 9 am, do 8-10 hour days and are free by 5 pm or a bit later. Now according to the EST zone, it's mostly when the clan's activities kick in, after the days work or school.
But if are now focusing on the GMT zone, we can both speculate whether there are more EST or GMT based people in the active clan world now, for them despite which of those clans they are in most of activities kick in at the so called evening prime time, around 8 pm.

Now, let me rephrase myself, taking the time back to 10 or so years, the times weren't that fixed yet. A lot activity was more spur of a thing and you saw clans like DS (PST/Aussie based) to be willing to go out on Saturdays at like 3 pm Gmt, just because there maybe was some Lithuanians pking, same with also every other clan..

So, was the times set like that, to allow both of main timezones to have somewhat fixing hours for both?
Was it more on EST favour, because of their numerical advantage?

Now, let's throw another thought into that mix. When are talking about this somewhat community based activity within clans, most are also driven into EST favour, let's say that you can find groups PvM or PK a lot more when you are going out on EST afternoons, rather than GMT afternoons. That even despite of the person's own timezone.

Have the GMT based community just blended themselves into the most dominant fix (EST) or does GMT based people just like to have that kind of activities later?

Rot Vs DI.

I just keep looking at fight topics that get crashed and with other clans accusing the other clans of wearing subpar gear. I think it's time to settle the score and I am sure most people will agree. Why not just do a week or 2 week prep CWA fight. Not 3 rounds but a 1 hour or first to 100 kills. If Rot out pulls DI (Which I am sure they would) then maybe DI could borrow some members from the Alliance but still give rot a +5 advantage since it's not their fault they pull more.
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