Channel: Runescape Clans
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Clan Wars League


Clan Wars League

For some time i have found the whole CWA scene has seem abit stale, almost tot he point where fights are "meaningless". It has also become very much a scene with one style of fight, a matched run in. Last week i approached all of the "mid sized" clan world and a vast amount of teams also about the idea. Receving on the whole very intrested and positive feedback. I have yet to approach the "top" 4 however they would also be welcome if they wished.


The idea is to create an, active ranking system for all teams and clans that wish to participate. Hopefully increasing activity within the clan world, bringing together more fight opponents, inducing new types of fight along with making CWA fights more meaningful.

I dunno if you any of remember the RAW or RSB ladder rankings, however they would be a similar format. Where by you challenge clans above (either 1 or maybe 2 ranks) for there rank and they can either accept or decline. You get a certain amount of declines (probs 3) before your rank is fortified. Each decline will last 5-7 days depending on what is decided on the creation of the league, before a new one can be made.

Below is a rought format and layout of how it may function. This is currently just an idea and interest is being gauged. Look forward to hearing back your thoughts, any questions feel free to ask.

Rules and that:


Any feedback received will be great appreciated. Please reframe from saying "this wont work" without posting some reasons. This is still early days and far from perfect, however most "issues" with the system people have pointed out are easily dealt with.


Mid size clans during the summer?

With the recent activity in the mid size clans and some of them (tr,downfall,liths) all pulling 60 people, recent truces and "the" back from the grave, how do you pals feel these clans will be during the summer?

Do you see any of the mid size clans out growing the current midsize tier?

Edit: rsc mod was nice enough to edit my topic when both clans admit to using non jagex clients o.o fair enough from someone who was in solace

12 years a Fool

Approaching teenage, it is once again time to look back to another year of success and ownage. As we advance to our annual summer break, I’m glad to say that the 2k15-16 season was one of the better ones for us during my time in Fools. We made a point of still being a top contender in every aspect of warring, beating some of the top competition in both F2P and P2P. We also had our part in the crashwar, showing clans that Finns are not people to the ****ed with. Apologies were accepted, clans were put to their place.

We have always been the clan that’s always going for the win. No matter the opposition or the situation – we are in it to win it. This obviously calls for a lot of disappointments. In Jagex Cup we faced our better ones in Round 2 and just like that we were no longer in the race. We started this year rough, with 6 losses in the first 2 weeks. But from there on we slowly built ourselves back up to our usual level, only losing 3 clan wars matches in the last four months – 2 of which were on foreign ground (P2P).

We have got a lot of new blood into the scene this year which obviously accounts for the raise in activity – and the small slump in quality. But we also managed to put past beef behind us and gained a lot of ex-NG and ex-RKOF members to even out the noobs. With all their help and effort we managed to take on the big guys several times throughout the year in both clan wars and the wilderness. However, due to some unfortunate events we couldn’t celebrate our birthday with a big fight.

Regardless, I want to thank every clan that took their chances against us this year and (probably) lost. I welcome you back to try your luck again as we return in a few months.

Have a nice summer everyone!

Gonna add some pics and stuff below..

Our CWA score from Jan 1st ->
[First is fights, rounds below it. WIN DRAW LOSS]

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If you want to see more specific details feel free to click here: http://fools.fi/foor...s-cwa-tilastot/

Our mighty list of warriors on the day we faced VR @Jcup fullout was pretty damn big achievement to pull 99 people in 2016 as a Finnish country clan.
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Random spam pics:

Regarding the recent bans on osrs for ''harassment''

Apparently the OSRS community is all up in arms over a couple of Jmods banning some people for ''harassing'' a female streamer. Mod Ronan issued a post here (Reddit :#) and ''evidence'' of the streamer in place can be found here

Well, this is rather interesting. In the past silentcore was removed from his position as a Jagex Moderator for killing some random ragger that kept attacking a streamer as you might know. However now people are completely banned for performing a couple of emotes..makes you wonder.

Now you might say Duck how does this affect us? I was thinking, some pkers stream too (Ice poseidon lol) and while I believe he wouldn't do such a thing, recall numerous (silly or false) claims against some RS clans that have been posted on other sites which can also be categorized in the same section as 'harassment' or 'toxic behaviour'. While they might not be true in essence, it kind of worries me people are now banned for witty reasons already.

My question to you:

do you think this issue will extend to the clan world too, or is it simply a different playing field?

Forsaken's birthday


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Forums | Lovely Community | #Forsaken on SwiftIRC | GMT Based | Darkruler633 cc ingame | Recruitment topic

Forsaken's birthday

Today is a special day for our lovely clan as we are celebrating our first (or third if you count the first 2 years of Forsaken in 2010-2012) birthday! With none of us knowing what to expect with our reopening last year, we were eager to make the best out of it. It was a hard start with many old members coming back to the game as a level 3. We lost some people halfway during their training, but a lot of members continued to push theirself to max out just for Forsaken. A big shoutout to all of our members who came back! This shows how much they care about this clan and our community, which is something our whole clan appreciates :wub:

It wasn't easy for us to start. We basically lost to every clan and we had low numbers/levels, but as we kept on pushing ourselfs we managed to improve bit by bit.
We are nowhere near the quality we want to be, but I think it's safe to say that we developed ourselfs pretty well the past year.
I never imagined us pulling 60+ members (a few months ago) after we came back last year. So far our journey has been amazing. Forsaken still has a long way to go and we will continue to work on our goals. We will never compete with the EST timezone, that's just not possible for us as a GMT clan, but we do hope to challenge all clans in our own timezone as we progress. Lets hope next year will allow us to do that.

Most famous Runescape clan?

Although clans have been around since the beginning of the game, its obvious that the majority of the Runescape player base have very little knowledge/understanding of the clanning community.  However, with the recent popularity of Reign of Terror (which can be attributed to various twitch streams and reddit exposure and through events like the j-cup and dead-man mode), it seems that the clan world has more exposure now than it has ever had before.

This is especially true with RoT, which has become famous among the Runescape community to the point where their signature uniform is recognizable by many.  In addition, it seems like many reddit posts and videos are made about them, such as this one:

My question to you is, is RoT the most well-known/famous clan in the game?  I'd most certainly say so, considering how they're the most dominant clan in the game and they're pretty much involved in anything relating to the pvp aspects of the game (dominant in dead-man mode and often make appearances on twitch streams).

Will RoT Be Able to Take on AF in a 1v1 CWA - 55 Def Capped P2P Fight?

Ancient Fury is known to have an unbeaten CWA set record when it comes down to 55 defense P2P capped fights. They have lost about 3 rounds in total on different days vs Brutality (and one recently to DF) but have always taken the set 2-1 (on 3 rare occasions) or most of the time a 3-0 clean sweep and have probably won over 100+ P2P cwa rounds and lost 3-4 in total with 0 set losses.

The question comes to thought that there biggest rivals - Reign of Terror DO NOT do CWA apart from Clan Cup, however they have still done a lot more F2P cwa fights (eg. with FOOLS) than they've done wilderness gear P2P fights.

Here's something for everyone to discuss:

Will RoT be able to beat AF in a 1v1 CWA (multi spells or single spells) 55 defense cap P2P fight without the involvement of ddosing from either side?

Will anybody (the clans that does/have done P2P cwa in the past - Brut, RoT, Fools, DI, CT, SV, AC, DF, VR) be able to end AF's record of being undefeated in P2P capped CWA fights?

Post your thoughts below!

Rune Med Helm. Chainbody and Sq Shields, Are they still viable in F2P


Simple question

Rune Med Helm. Rune Chainbody and Rune Sq Shield

Are they still viable in the current state of the clan scene in Wilderness fights primarily in F2P?

Rune Med Helm vs Fullhelm
+1 better ranged attack bonus
+3 better magic attack bonus
-1kg lighter than fullhelm

Rune Sq Shield vs Kiteshield
+2 better magic attack bonus
-2kg lighter than kiteshield

Rune Chainbody vs Platebody
+10 better ranged attack bonus
+15 better magic attack bonus
-3kg lighter than platebody

Cons about these is just lack of defensive bonuses

I mean, seeing people in Adamant is laughable in F2P but what about these cheaper 2nd tier Rune Equipments?

Are they just a remnant of the past and people should feel bad/ashamed to ever wore it again in F2P?

Post thoughts.


Will Clump fights encourage clans to fight in Lv.38 Temple?


Judging from the recent clump fights coming from several clans in the recent clan event threads
We've seen the potential of clans to instagibbed anyone fighting in the clump and it got me thinking

Will we see clans fighting at the Chaos Temple(Wilderness 38)
in the near future soon just like in the old days?

Back then, several clans have fought there for their official and miniwars and it was a pretty decent fighting spot as well
The location inside the temple is multi zone while outside of the temple is the bad part of the location, it's single zone :-/

  Also, Free prayer restore is available at the location inside the altar.
So this implies that clump fights may be(theoretically on paper) much faster paced fighting if everyone turned on their +15% prayer boosts.
So we will most likely see better KO power coming from both clans.

Returning will be easy as well if you have access to Ghorrock teleport.

What do you guys think? :$

Clan Wars League, draft 2


Clan Wars League

Please note: I use clan alot meaning both clan and team!


The idea is to create an, active ranking system for afew different types of fight, that all teams and clans can participate in. Hopefully increasing activity within the clan world, bringing together more fight opponents, inducing new types of fight along with making CWA fights more meaningful. We hope to build a dynamic league where there is alot of action and clans move about freely in. Please do not feel hard done by if you lose a rank for whatever reason. The idea is to have alot of movement and for clans and teams to move spots often.

This is the second draft, plans are to start it all on the: 30th of May

Any quires or questions #CWLeague on SwiftIRC. Feel free to idle in it if you wish to show support, or have an interest in helping the running of this league.

==============General Rules===============


==============Fight Rules==============




===============Clan information and Certified Officials==================


=================Fight Times=================


=======================Different Leagues=======================


Any feedback received will be great appreciated. Please reframe from saying "this wont work" without posting some reasons. This is still early days and far from perfect, however most "issues" with the system people have pointed out have been taking into account, as best possible.


What Gives you the Zeal to play?

Seeing as I haven't been on these  fourms forever and as well as the clan world scene , what drives you guys to play the game Other then the Clan your in?

What makes RoT so successful?

It seems that they are always on the winning side of wilderness fights, and everyone knows that they swept the j-cup which is an incredible feat considering how many clans were involved.

My question is, what really sets RoT apart from the rest of the clanning community?  Is their member quality simply superior?  Do their officials place their members in a position to succeed in a manner that beats out the rest of the competition?  How are they able to dominate not only the f2p wilderness, but the p2p wilderness as well?  Are their tactics innovative?  

On the other hand, can their perceived dominance be blamed on the fact that the clanning community is so much smaller than what it used to be?  Lastly, how long will RoT stand at the #1 position before they are dethroned, and which clan stands at the best position to take them down?  

I'm very curious as to how they are so successful in what they do.  What do you think makes RoT so dominating?

Dragon Spears

With a post about people wanting Dragon spears nerfed skyrocketing on reddit currently, what is your opinion about the current state of dragon spears and do you believe it should be nerfed?

Compliment The Member Above You

The winning side?

I feel like the action has not been the same since vr/af/brut bent the knee recently, When should we expect fights?

Is it fair clan leaders force there members to go through miserable times just to compete, How would you feel if your clan leader led you on?

And It All Comes Down To This

So i think we've all been waiting on this to Happen, So im gonna break the ice
Im tired of Seeing RoT & Vr , Literally cheat themselve's, Since When Di Helped RoT
& Since When Vr Got Helped by DF & You guys call yourselve's top 5?...Your kidding right?
You both look weak in my Eyes. What Happen to 10hrs+
No Clans Helping, Only Memberslist & Team on Crashers, No DoSing  Know What I Think this fight must
Be Seen And This is where it boils down to and we all wanna see a real winner, So Whats It gonna Be?

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Saturday  @ 4pm (2-Weeks Prep |Pull Your Max|)

-MembersList Only ( Will be checked Before fight by Each Clan)
-No Cap
-25 Sniper Cap
-No Outbounding
-1st to Log Loses
-Team On Crashers
-No Name Changing
-Anti-Crash Unit (Kill Looters & Fake Watchers SNiping)
-No DI, No Df, No Af, No Brut

Here's Some Entertainment While we Wait
DK Leader :

A Ceasefire (Ceasecrash)

There should be a ceasecrash for a day out of the week (even month!) where clans in a crashwar decide not to crash and just fight other clans, crashfree.  This could give the possibility to actually have clean fights. I am dying to see a DF vs DI, Dfall vs DI/DF, Rot vs VR or even a clean 2v2 (Rot/DI vs Df/Vr)

I know Dfall is dying to prove themselves and have a clean PVP against top clans like DF and DI. They want to be ranked ahead of them legitimately.

What are your opinions on a crashfree day once a month. I know it will not happen because clans have too much pride but if all clans can agree to this, I am sure it's possible.

Even North and South Korea have a ceasefire for the past 50+ years lol.


greetings zybezians :0

after discovering that poison had recently cranked ronin in a recent prepped pkri (topic here), something no one thought possible if we were going back 5 months ago, and seeing the direct aftermath in ronins teamspeak with decreased activity, inner clan drama and low morale, it had me thinking. do you ever feel humiliation, embarrassment or emotional distress from your clans performances? it interests me to see how big of an influence our hobby of warring has on our real-life well being. for instance, people have warred for 24+ hours just to avoid the "humiliation" of losing, calling off work, school, friends and other obligations just to avoid cyber embarrassment.

do you feel real emotions irl when your clan is crushed ?

do you think ronin can recover from this full-circle turn around of events ?

do your emotions you experience when playing ever follow you off the computer ?

do you believe clanning is a mental game as it is in sports ?

who will win the nba finals :p ?

remember to respekt all peoples posts and no flaming ;)

What clan is the hardest to get into?

Many of the top clans/teams are hard to get into.  For most people, if they do not have anyone to vouch for them, they must spy in an opposing clan to even get a shot in the clan.  

My question is simple, which clan nowadays is the hardest to get into?  Also, which clan has the highest requirements and expect the most out of their members?

My theory is that the harder it is to get into a clan, the more indicative of that clan's success and dominance in clan wars and/or wilderness fights.  Do you guys find this to be true?
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