Channel: Runescape Clans
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Clan Names

Your clan name reflects your clan, people take pride over it and it can be used to attract members. I've been looking at the clan archives and seen some both hilarious and badass names, so it got me thinking.

What inspired your clan name?

Most ridiculous clan name you've seen?

If you had to change your clan name, what would it be?

Making the Clan War Arena more rewarding with stake option?


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The Clan War Options setting
(image from Tip.it)

Hello CDRSC, it's been awhile! how's everyone doing?
I kinda been having this idea for a while now so I might just as well share this with you guys

What if there is an update in Clan War Arena that allows a new rule that clan leaders able to select a stake rune equipments option for a particular clan fight?

Like for example, in this mode, if a clan members die, they will lose their Runite items that they've put in the CWA staking coffer (fullhelm+platebody+leg+kiteshield must be put into the coffer before they can participate in the clan war)

and whoever gets a kill in the fight, be it whether they died or not or their team win or lose. As long they received a kill, they will be rewarded the items that the opponent they've killed at the end of the fight with noted rune items?

That means if you manage to kill 2 players and you died, you will still get a set of noted rune. But if you killed 1 enemy and you died, you will not lose your rune equipment that you staked.

So the more you kill, the more sets you will be received.

And this mode is only allowed when both clan is fighting a standard Last Team Standing fight mode. Other mode will not be able to tick the staking risk.

The Risk/staking option as well will be on the Misc. option setting on the challenging window

So, will future CWA or even Jagex Cup be more interesting and rewarding with this kind of update?

Post thoughts

...and no, the wilderness wont die.

Scripts and unfair advantages?

Good evening folks, recently certain clans (we wont be naming any names since this is not a bait for any specific clan) have been exposed for using certain scripts to tank and spam. Now this might not look like a big deal but the last few clan wars fights have shown us that it makes a VERY big difference, members that before werent very good now are god tier finnish tanking lvl.

Honestly the clan world has been in an awkward state for awhile, recently with all these cwa teams it got a bit more active so whats the point of using a script to win? Wont it just kill the game?
  • Whats your opinion of someone using an out of game edge to beat people ingame?

  • Is using a script on par with ddosing?

  • Will eos ever reopen?

  • Should wins with obvious scripting be allowed to be posted on rsc?

Shout out to a friend for confirming that black skin ingame is a good pker!

Worst fight(s) u've ever attended

We've seen plenty of topics about the best fights people have been at, but never really one about the bad ones. Everyone who has clanned long enough has tasted bitter defeat, like in one of those fights you've prepped real hard for but ended up losing.

My own would be either;

Losing to Rsd with TT in the jcup semi's where they had changed their names to all numbers, because we got so close with obvious disadvantage but couldn't give the final push. Our performance was superb but that only made it more sour because we got so close.

The other pick would Eh losing what i believe was a 13h fight against Cr. We were all over them for most of the fight yet they just refused to end, and in the end we lost to much people and lost.

Share your experiences


In the days following the wilderness rejuvenation update of March 13, 2014, player-killing was at an all time high, as both skillers and player-killers alike were eager to explore the game's new releases. Everyone seemed to be scouring the wilderness in pursuit of loot, and a sort of food chain was quickly established. P2P powerhouses Damage Incorporated (led by Ghjjf) and Reign of Terror (influenced by Ghjjf) dominated, feasting upon the random teams (e.g. Ancient Fury) who feasted upon PVMers (07 Reddit, Divine Forces, etc), who feasted upon the newly released NPCs (Callisto, Lava Dragons, etc). The update rejuvenated P2P wilderness activity and created new pk hotspots, many of which are still popular to this day!

Reflecting upon said update got me thinking: is it possible to rejuvenate the F2P wilderness?

For those who might not be aware: once upon a time, F2P pking actually existed. Many clans, teams-- and even straight up randy scrandies-- would scour the wilderness for loot and viciously engage each other in hand-to-hand combat. There were many small scraps to be had, and they often turned into larger scale fights as well. Sadly, this is no longer the case. Outside of Edgeville, the only action to be had in F2P is the direct result of the clan world's planned events.

So, clan world:

What would it take to rejuvenate the F2P wilderness so that F2P pking would be viable for a variety of player-killing entities?

Would you support a boss monster that is unique to F2P, or has it existed since August 7, 2006 in the form of Violent Resolution?

How do you think a rejuvenated F2P wilderness would affect the clan world in terms of existing rivalries? In terms of recruiting?

Favourite pictures of clan fights

What is your favourite picture of significance from a clan fight?

Heres mine

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From the day we buried df2 for good

And in a close second, the day when #EW dominated Ancient Fury in the 10v10 Jcup

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The hibernation is over

What do you expect from the summer?

***Please try and avoid flaming, not looking for vr v rot fighting***

Pretty self explanatory question, what do you expect to happen this summer? Touch on any of these topics or others

-Increase in activity from summer months
-Crash wars ending/beginning
-New clans?
-Who do you see rising/falling in ranks?

Who comes to mind?

Hello clan world. It has been so many years. Clans have come and gone-but they all leave a memory. So who comes to mind when you think of the following clans? It could be one person or more



Ancient Fury:
Damage Incorporated:
Divine Forces:
Future Of Old Style:
Reign Of Terror:
The Rising:
Violent Resolution:

What should your clan do if one of your members scammed someone ?

Being plain and simple in this thread, regarding some recent events ( Click Here , Here and Here)

What should your clan do if one of your members scammed someone ?

And what should that "someone" do to the person who scammed them ?

Serious topic boys.

Nicest Clan Forums



hello valuable community members. today i was doing some forum browsing when i came across a very nice looking forum... :d


this very impressed me and i decided the clan world should partake in the discussion.

so riddle me this..?

of who do you think has the nicest forums in clan world ???

please respect all posts and no dis respectfulness pleas xD

"Peace in Our Time"


Earlier this evening our beloved Downfall Leader announced the conclusion of the Downfall/Ronin crash war with the following topic (originally posted on http://downfall-rs.com/forums/)

Jack, on 24 Apr 2016 - 6:49 PM, said:

On October 27,2015 Ronin began a campaign of aggression against Mother Downfall, fullout crashing our fight against The Rising. Shocked by this unprovoked assault, we were determined to bring this clan to their knees. While this goal was quickly achieved as we compiled numerous victories while simultaneously banning them from the wilderness, they continued to resist admitting their defeat. However, on this date of April 24th, 2016 I can proudly say that Ronin officials have finally thrown in the towel. After their humiliating loss to FOP they quickly contacted us and expressed their strong desire to be spared. As a man of mercy I was willing to grant their request under the condition that they publicly admit their loss to atone for the acts they committed against this great clan. Despite some initial hesitation they relented:

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Therefore I now decree a cessation of all hostilities against the Ronin clan. We will continue working to make ourselves even stronger moving forward as we leave them in the rearview mirror. Shoutout to all who were around for the duration of this conflict and goodjob defending the honor of this prestigious clan. Downfall wins again.

As Downfall's Official Zybez Minister, I would like to encourage all clan & team officials to query Daddario on swiftIRC to negotiate clean fights.

Will Ronin sustain this truce? If not, how long will it last? Was FoP the last straw?

Echo of Silence

Freedom of Speech in Clans?

In the democratic and liberal age we live in, the ability to speak your mind, to express certain views on matters important to you is often taken for granted  but still is seen as crucial in most parts of life! Runescape clanning is a bit different.

What I've noticed in some clans, is if the leadership is against discussions/opinions they will do whatever is needed to squash those views (even if the majority of the clan likes the opinion). A more recent drastic example has member A raising a controversial clan issue and then 2-3 days later member A is "coincidentally" guested by the clan's leadership..

It brings us to interesting discussion points such as what is permitted to be said in clans.Are clan members entitled to rights or are they just future victims of the system? Do you value a drama-free zone over intellectual discussions to shape the future and improve your clan? It also touches onto issues such as can some people be able to speak their mind whilst others get their posts removed or forum accounts guested? for e.g. in the unnamed clan mentioned in the last example, a higher up member expressed similar dissatisfaction/touched on some touchy areas only to not be clearly reprimanded.

So, Runescape Community, let's simplify it.
Do you believe there should be freedom of speech in clans and have you experienced leaderships stopping expression?
Do certain current clan leaderships need a makeover to fully represent the views of their members?
And can a clan ever get out of a slump and improve without touching on the issues that are holding it back?

Pro and Demotions

After seeing Cravez pop up on the forums it got me wondering, is there anyone around (besides
Dave on rsc) who comes close to his track record on getting pro and demoted?

Is there anyone in your clan who held a rank, got demoted and then later promoted again, multiply times? It may also be from past clans/forums/anything that comes close. What were the reasons for the demotion, was the person in question made fun of?

searching for a mid level clan

Sup im ash,

rsn; game of weed

fully quested b gloves ancients etc, around 400m bank so enough for return sets.

searching for a mid level clan or mid level/maxed main clan to pk with.

Looking to start a new clan!

Hey everyone! I am looking for people to start a brand new PKing clan with me. There are obviously no requirements to start out and so anyone is welcome. If you're interested please leave a comment or PM me in game at 'Goldswarm'.
Thanks! :)

New style of fighting?

Lately I've noticed this trend where clans are fighting in clumps instead of getting fall-ins, sending snipers or clearing snipers like fights used to be.

Why is this? Do you enjoy clump fights?

Critical Damage Anniversary


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Critical Damage will be hosting their anniversary pk trip on Saturday, March 5th 3:30 Est mass

Pure or not, any and everyone is invited. (especially if you were a part of CD in the past)

We are projected to pull 150+ and hoping to pk for a good bit of the day!

Clan leadership & leadership qualities in real life?

Hey guys!
Do you like Runescape? Great! Are you in a clan? Even better! Please continue reading.

I’m Christophe, a master’s student Corporate Communications at KU Leuven, Belgium.
The reason I’m posting here is that I’m doing research about leadership for my thesis. I’m researching a relation between the transmissibility of online-leadership skills (i.e. Runescape clan leadership) and offline leadership skills.
This is where I need your help! Since I’m doing explorative and qualitative research, I will be needing to interview several (ex-)clan leaders. I’m looking for anybody who is currently or was ever in a clan with a leading/managing role, preferably top-level. The clans can reside in EOC or OS. It also doesn’t matter if there are level requirements or whether the clan is PVP or PVM. The important thing is that the clan is, or at a certain point was, active.
I’m looking for anybody willing to comment on this topic in any way, so please don’t hesitate to comment or refer people. It is important to note that all granted personal information is confidential and will only be made public as an anonymous source. You can also help by referring me to relevant research or even by just listing clans or people you know of that would be interested in this kind of thing. I’m open to any kind of interaction for a first light talk about the topic in general: Ingame chat, IRC, emailing, forum messaging, Skype/TS, …  or we can just do some fishing or woodcutting and talk in the meanwhile!
Thanks for your interest!
IGN: Sir Eerdt

*I will be checking this topic once or twice a day and will respond as soon as possible.

*I hope I am abiding by the Clan Discussion Rules here. Possible issues I can see:

IX. No More asking for Information About any Clan.
I’m not asking for specific information about anybody, rather, I’m looking for leaders to gather a deeper insight in clan leadership. This can be done anonymously if this is prefered.
I believe this discussion is relevant for anybody to reflect on the mechanics of clan management, which makes it relevant to a clan’s day-to-day activities.

The reason I’m not posting this in the Academia section: I’m really not looking to hold a survey with lots of candidates, I want to have an open discussion with anybody involved in clan management.
If you think this topic is still unsuited for this forum, I’m willing to open this topic up to anybody. The main subject would be:  Do you think that Runescape teaches you certain skills that come to good use in the offline world? Do you/should clan leaders consciously invest time in expanding their knowledge about leadership? Do you think there are similarities between leading a clan and managing offline? If so how, and which skills does it require?
I think that makes it super relevant for this forum.
In the end, however, the goal remains to also have a discussion in private.

@Moderators, please let me know if anything should be changed or moved.
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