Channel: Runescape Clans
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Rival Clans

If you could recruit one person from your rival clan who would it be and why?

For me it would be Tika from Genesis back when I was in the PH/Gen crashwar because he was a good caller and overall funny guy when I was in SE.

Best comebacks

Most likely a topic has already been made but cba scrolling through looking for it.

Post the biggest/favorite comebacks, pre eoc/07, clan wars/wildy.

Not rot, but found this video to be my favorite comeback tbh

What if F2P can finally enters Red Dragon Gate/Isle?


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The Red/Lava Dragon Isle
(credit RuneHQ)

What if? What if somehow F2P now allows you to open and enter Red Dragon Gate?

Would it be at least a decent fighting spot in the F2P scene?

There is several skeletons though that maybe is usable for hugging/tanking so it may be benefit during fights

or will it be just a dead and pointless spot to fight inside the isle since people would probably messing around with the gate hugging?

post thought? :$

p/s: Keep in mind that the isle is empty so No NPC dragons is inside since the Lava Dragons is P2P exclusive.

we the people

~greetings fellow zybezians (xD)~

today i visited the clan world to carry out my daily ritual of -1ing some peeps. when my targets were acquired i couldn't believe my eyes...
no -1 button ???????????

-1ing people is the only reason me, and my associates come onto runescape community. this is an outrage and im sure my fellow zybezians will agree that we will not stand for this....

so, my brethren...

what do you think about no more -1ing ???

does the removal of -1ing make you mad ???

do you think they should bring back -1ing ???

have you began to file your taxes yet ???

please respect all others posts and do not flame :p

The positive effect

Seeing as we're the cause of the removal of  Posted Image I thought it would be fun to have a discussion about how it will effect this section of the boards, please respond positively!

Do you think having just the Posted Image button will have a  Posted Image  or  Posted Image effect on clan discussion?

How did prefer to use up your Posted Image or Posted Image votes before? and what effect do you think will this have on how you go about responding to something you would have negged.

There are individuals in clans who choose not to use RSC, do you think this might bring them (or you) back?

Do you think a Posted Image only reputation system will replace some clan beef with well thought out responses or humor?

Thoughts on Mini-Wars?

Mini-Wars are fights you see within the pure community often and they're small cwa skirmishes in either f2p or p2p. These work out for pures pretty well since they have low defense and the damage they take is high, meaning you can have intense fights with very little people.

They don't happen with mains often but they do happen. There are a few very small groups out there that have these fights in p2p and they seem to be a lot of fun. It'd be fun to see more of these with some of the bigger clans out there who have more members to pick from for these types of fights. It'd be another place for clans to excel(or fail in), not to mention it'd be more activity which you can't go wrong with. Thoughts?

When tournament worlds came out, I honestly expected to see a few maxed mini-wars, but no one seems to have taken interest.

Critical Damage Anniversary


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Critical Damage will be hosting their anniversary pk trip on Saturday, March 5th 3:30 Est mass

Pure or not, any and everyone is invited. (especially if you were a part of CD in the past)

We are projected to pull 150+ and hoping to pk for a good bit of the day!

Clan leadership & leadership qualities in real life?

Hey guys!
Do you like Runescape? Great! Are you in a clan? Even better! Please continue reading.

I’m Christophe, a master’s student Corporate Communications at KU Leuven, Belgium.
The reason I’m posting here is that I’m doing research about leadership for my thesis. I’m researching a relation between the transmissibility of online-leadership skills (i.e. Runescape clan leadership) and offline leadership skills.
This is where I need your help! Since I’m doing explorative and qualitative research, I will be needing to interview several (ex-)clan leaders. I’m looking for anybody who is currently or was ever in a clan with a leading/managing role, preferably top-level. The clans can reside in EOC or OS. It also doesn’t matter if there are level requirements or whether the clan is PVP or PVM. The important thing is that the clan is, or at a certain point was, active.
I’m looking for anybody willing to comment on this topic in any way, so please don’t hesitate to comment or refer people. It is important to note that all granted personal information is confidential and will only be made public as an anonymous source. You can also help by referring me to relevant research or even by just listing clans or people you know of that would be interested in this kind of thing. I’m open to any kind of interaction for a first light talk about the topic in general: Ingame chat, IRC, emailing, forum messaging, Skype/TS, …  or we can just do some fishing or woodcutting and talk in the meanwhile!
Thanks for your interest!
IGN: Sir Eerdt

*I will be checking this topic once or twice a day and will respond as soon as possible.

*I hope I am abiding by the Clan Discussion Rules here. Possible issues I can see:

IX. No More asking for Information About any Clan.
I’m not asking for specific information about anybody, rather, I’m looking for leaders to gather a deeper insight in clan leadership. This can be done anonymously if this is prefered.
I believe this discussion is relevant for anybody to reflect on the mechanics of clan management, which makes it relevant to a clan’s day-to-day activities.

The reason I’m not posting this in the Academia section: I’m really not looking to hold a survey with lots of candidates, I want to have an open discussion with anybody involved in clan management.
If you think this topic is still unsuited for this forum, I’m willing to open this topic up to anybody. The main subject would be:  Do you think that Runescape teaches you certain skills that come to good use in the offline world? Do you/should clan leaders consciously invest time in expanding their knowledge about leadership? Do you think there are similarities between leading a clan and managing offline? If so how, and which skills does it require?
I think that makes it super relevant for this forum.
In the end, however, the goal remains to also have a discussion in private.

@Moderators, please let me know if anything should be changed or moved.

Mid tier clans, is it worth it?

What do you pals think about the mid size clan scene, do you think its worth clanning outside the crashwar 4? Currently clans like Forsaken, downfall, exotic, damage inc and others have been having clean fights while the top clans just cluster. What do you think is more fun?

*edited, left out a specific clan and they might get mad :(

Highest Pull by a Single Clan?

A few days ago, Critical Damage pulled 170+ people to our anniversary pk trip

This got a few us thinking:

Was this the highest pull by a single clan on OSRS?
What about pre eoc?

what was the result of that pull?

(cape counter)
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Reign of Terror vs Violent Resolution

Heard Rot and VR were having a legit 1v1 so I decided to go up as an unbiased spectator and thought I would share what the view was like as soon as I got there:

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And since the fight is still currently going, I leave you with this question...

Who do you think will win?

Is It Possible to Crash a Fight Before It's Even Started?

Aka last night's RoT vs VR fight. Continued from the HUICD, because while I'm tired of you guys bickering on it, it IS is a pretty interesting discussion.

So, if a clan is marching up to fight another clan, but get intercepted first by a third clan, is that third clan crashing or is the first just leakier than the Titanic?

F2P Returning speed and possible changes - Thoughts?

This topic may have been made before, but can't seem to find it anywhere.

Since Jagex made quick hopping and greater demon teleports, F2P returning has become the quickest it has ever been in the history of clanning, with members being able to regear and return to the fight in a record time. Its safe to say that you can return much quicker than you can kill people on average, meaning that actually clearing clans is nearly impossible.

In my eyes the way to deal with this is either to making hopping to a f2p have a timer like before, or to increase KO power with the introduction of say attack potions, yew shortbows and something to balance out magic.

Onto the questions:


Do you think returning speed is too fast?

What can be done to fix this issue?

Combat Requirement Elitism

A little over 5 years ago I left my clan of 2 years and started a new clan from scratch.
I set the entry requirements as 70+ combat and started recruiting in-game at the rune rocks.
In 2 month we had a 50+ memberlist, and would regularly pull 20+ to PK trips and 30+ to wars.

Today, no active main clan with a recruitment topic on RSC has a combat requirement of under 100+.
The majority of active RSC main clans are 115+ with a 120 average.
No surprise though - the clan world is as old as the game, and it's a complete decade since the golden era.
It's understandable that we're elitist as hell these days.

Here's the problem though: by the time a player gets to 100+ in osrs, they're already committed to something.
PvM, skilling, slayer, minigames, whatever - but they've no experience in clanning.
I was introduced to the clan world 10 years ago at level 71, when the average requirement was about 80+.
There were active PvP clans who went as low as 60+, and that's where we got all our new blood.
We groomed players fairly early in their RS careers, showing them that clanning was the most enjoyable pursuit in the game.

OSRS is still getting new blood, but we're getting only a fraction of it into traditional clanning because of this combat requirement elitism.

There are a few reasons why we don't just get up and start making 70+ clans again.
Firstly even though there are a lot of competent leaders still active, we're committed to our current clans.
I've been around mine for going on 7 years now, and I can't really see myself being comfortable anywhere else.

Secondly, the sheer effort starting a new clan requires.
Leading is not easy, nor is recruiting in-game/from scratch, or dealing with a bunch of 70+ who don't know what tanking is.
The rewards at this point are fairly meagre compared to how much effort we would need to put in.
Not to mention there are pretty much no clans out there like that already, so there's not much to go on activity-wise when it comes to events.

My ideas on how to counter this are pretty farfetched.
A global initiative to start a mass of clans all at once might get the ball rolling.
I think it's worth starting a discussion though - if combat requirement elitism is as severe an issue I think it is.
And furthermore, if the clan world attempted a fix and we succeeded, if it would have any significant impact.

CD staff in crashwar clans

it shocks me that in 2016 we still have biased people in power who will do anything to save face for their clan, I think we should unify in a petition that noone involved in any sort of crashwar should be able to have mod powers on these subforums. I ask for your prayers as rsc goes through these hard times.

What do you class as "taking it too far"?

What would you class as "taking it too far" on this game? With SV going from pures to mains again they have already got certain info / ips from members of TUF and hacked their site. Can people really justify these out of game actions because they can't beat the clans/teams ingame?

So the questions:

Could this also be one of the reasons people don't want to clan?
What would you class as going to far?

Is the Clan World More Segregated Than Ever?

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Rivalries in clans have existed for many years however many people would still have friends or acquaintances in other clans. Even with some of the toxicity of the current clanworld this still existed somewhat in 2016, mostly through CWA teams. However, lately myself and several other analysts have noticed a trend where these cwa teams are becoming increasingly dominated by one (or more) clans. These minority clan members soon find themselves persecuted against and often choose to abandon the team they once called home. This phenomenon has led me to ponder some questions:


Do you think the clanworld is more segregated than ever?

Do you personally have friends in a "rival" clan?

Is it possible to have friends in a clan you are in a crashwar with in 2016?

Runescape Robots ?


~greetings fellow zybezians :D ~

from a young age i was always told by jagex there are NO RUNESCAPE CHEATS! but while chilling on ts with my inferiors i learned some shocking news....


THERE IS RUNESCAPE CHEATS! one of my minions alerted me he has purchased a tanking script that automatically enables his prayer and puts on his Armour upon being attacked by 3 or more people faster then any person ever could. another minion suddenly burst out he uses a script which automatically spams "x name" whenever he attacks a pile.

this left me pondering...

Do you use a script to give you an advantage during fights?
Do you know anyone that does?
Are good clans only "good" because there members aren't even playing?
What do you think about this revolution?
Have you filed your taxes yet?

please respect all other posts, no flaming :l

Best fight you have ever been

What is the best fight you have ever been? Personally I had my greatest times basically on all Wilderland vs The Call of Legends I fought but mainly the uncapped ones ^_^

How do you feel about the current state of CWA?

Just something I've been wondering since I came back. I guess CWA is still very relevant considering that's what clans do on weekdays mostly

How would you rate the current map compared to the old ones (Turrets/Classic)?

How would you feel about having something similar to FoG armour and/or DG weapons?

Do you think it's better now than it was in the past? If not, what era would you consider being the best?

Personally, I haven't done much cwa but I'm interested on how people feel about it at the moment.
Sorry if this topic is somehow a repost of something similar.
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