Channel: Runescape Clans
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Exalt Returns?

There has been a rumor mill surrounding Downfall that is speculating Crest227, ex Leader of Downfall, will soon be leaving to create one of the greatest clans to ever grace Runescape. The backstory of how this clan came about is that Crest227 is extremely disappointed in the direction the clan he helped mold has been going. Ronin has been looking for a new start while getting back to their roots with the original leader. Scott and H0tgun have worked tremendously well in the past and this will be no exception. Venomous has been waiting for a chance to team up with the mid-sized dream team and since he has been given an opportunity is looking to make the best of it. Everyone has dropped their grudges with each other with the hopes of making the best mid sized clan to date. Personally I am a proud Downfall member until I die so I have no wishes to join a clan with H0tgun. There is some confirmations that the leadership will be as follows.

Leaders: Crest227, H0tgun, 0robinxhood0, Venomous76
Council: Queen Bitsie (unconfirmed)
Warlord: Lovelost
App Manager: Firehands9

Will post more information about the ranks when my spy calls me on my burner phone.

1. Will this clan have any success/ Do they have the potential to be successful?

2. Will the personality types conflict in this clan?

3. What kind of crash wars could you see this clan getting into?

4. Which clans will take a hit on members because of this newly formed clan?

<Braveheart> Lovelost
<Braveheart> u making a new clan
<Braveheart> with "ThE and poison/ronin
<Braveheart> ?
<+Lovelost> yea dude
<+Lovelost> top secret though
<+Lovelost> dont tell

Clan Cup 2015

P2P Clan Fightpit Cluster?


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Players in the Tzhaar Fight Pit's waiting room ready for battle

Good evening gentlemen and hello to all readers

Let's cut this short, I used to remember that there was an old CDRSC poster had this great idea where he held an annual event by inviting all the clans in the RuneScape Community clan world to participate in a super huge P2P cluster in the Fight Pits where it was usually held during at the end of the year.

Now after several years had passed. Do you guys still practice this joint multiple clan events in the Tzhaar fight pit since OSRS was introduced?

If no then why not you guys have a cluster in the Tzhaar Fight Pit?  A P2P friendly cluster would be nice for you guys to treat it as one of your CDRSC event for this end of the year?

Post thoughts


Best Clan War Videos Of All Time

Feeling nostalgic, wanting to trawl through some of the most memorable war videos from 2001 - Present.
Got any suggestions for a good watch (old or recent).

Here's something from way back to hit you with nostalgia:

[Jagex Cup 2015] Final Results


F2P Categories

30 v 30: Reign of Terror defeats Damage Inc. 2-0

100 v 100: Reign of Terror defeats Violent Resolution 1-0

P2P Categories

10 v 10: Reign of Terror defeats Elite Warriors 2-0

20 v 20: Reign of Terror defeats Ancient Fury 1-0

30 v 30: Reign of Terror defeats Ancient Fury 1-0

100 v 100: Reign of Terror defeats Ancient Fury 1-0

First clan to sweep every PVP category, RoT wins again.

America vs World/World War Event?


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People congratulating the King of Kings :king:

First and foremost, I would like to congratulate again to Reign of Terror for winning the full clean sweep in the Jagex Tournament earlier this month and props to all clans that participated in the Tournament. Congrats to you all once again.

I decided to post this thread after venturing several pages back in CDRSC and noticed a familiar event that we used to held nearly every year back in the days which were called America vs World or the World War event
(I'm not sure if it was hosted by King CJ or anyone else, sorry for not remembering)

So I think we could at least have a a small discussion over here regarding with this lost event.

Does clans in OSRS still practicing this historical event annually? If not, then why not host this event again(maybe Zybez can host it?) by inviting all clans in the clan world to participate in this lost historical event for the sake of nostalgia in RS?

I can see that clan members from distant part of the world could benefit with this event and be-friended with one another in the event. Which is a good trait for their parties to have fun with another clans in the event even if they're in a rival clan/feuding clans.

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The Blue Capes that used to represents non American RS players

So...yeah, Have you guys ever thought or remembered about this event? :$


Is Runin scared of the mighty Exotic clan?


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So aparently Exotic's latest win topic was deleted/hidden, including a clan video topic

As most already noticed, runin clan is probably at their bottom, most if not all midsize clans have overpowered them and all it's left is to prevent other clans from looking stronger than them, when they indeed are.

Seeing that some Runin member has also banned/suspended an Exotic member from rsc, what is your opinion?

Has Rinin got to a point  where they have to hide other clan's wins so that people think that there are still some midsize clans who are below rinin?

Should Exotic wait for runin's 1pk trip/year and kill them off for once?

Have the BR/Arroz (or whatever other clan that opened to "close" Exotic) members killed off runin from the inside?

Eternal Honor

Hey old schoolers. What's the best memory from your first experience in a real clan? Mine was when EH finally pulled 399 and we kept walking in circles so the other clan couldn't right click and see our options haha.

Descent's First Birthday


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Our story began 365 days ago when Pengy and Christhetics came together with the idea of founding a new RuneScape 3 legacy team. As the RuneScape clan world was riding the hype of the release of Legacy mode we planned to form a group of friends to participate in the festivities. Pulling anywhere from 11 to 20 members we fought in a short lasting world that quickly began to fall apart with members quickly realizing that oldschool RuneScape was the way to go. As the Legacy world began to die our pulls fell sharply and we came to the brink of closure, but with a decision to move to oldschool RuneScape we soon found our place. Expanding at a rate we had never seen before our 20 man memberlist expanded at a rapid rate. First to 30, then 40, and finally settled to where it stands at 83 members of whom 73 are actively participating in our events. From a team with an average pull of 15 members we rose to a team constantly pulling over double that at 30+ members per event. From our loss to The Wilderness Guardians in our first even we have come to a place where we are competing with and defeating currently ranked top teams in oldschool RuneScape. While teams have come and gone around us, Descent has stood tall and proud. Entering oldschool as the 2nd longest consecutively open clan wars team, we are now the longest standing with other teams trailing behind.

Thank you to the members and staff (especially Adam) who have and continue to make Descent great.

Original Topic

Team Trinity Returns


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About 3 months ago, Team Trinity's leadership decided to take a hiatus. Today, we're proud to announce that we are now open to accepting new members, as well as open to giving events to clans and teams. Many of you will probably think that we're just going to be just another cwa team with the same shared members. However, that won't be the case. Our vision is to construct a leadership and member base that will challenge the best clans and teams.

If you're interested in joining, register and intro at http://rs-trinity.org/forums/



Jusin Bieber





To be honest

Without entering into the details and explain, "KDR" is needed

Is KDR needed?

Without entering into the details and explain, "KDR" is needed

Do you prefer CWA fights or Wilderness fights more?

Question in the title, I'm curious as to what the majority of the clan world prefers, considering such a high percentage of fights in the clan world these days occur in CWA. (I do think there has been increased activity in the wilderness  in recent months, especially P2P pking but it's still obvious CWA fights dominate the Clan fights forum)

Couple other questions I've been thinking about:

In the past there used to be F2P Pk teams such as Team Kenya etc, why do you see so many CWA teams but such a small amount of Pk teams(this includes P2P Pk teams). Also, why don't Cwa teams ever set up wilderness fights? Perhaps because of the crash wars?

Curious on everybody's thoughts! Thanks for reading.

Personally I much prefer the wilderness, clean or messy I don't really care as long as there is action. Wilderness is where I began clanning.

Edit: Thanks for all the responses! With the poll pretty one-sided, another question to ask is why don't you see more teams organizing fights in the wilderness if the overwhelming majority prefer fighting there?

ROT Leader Bullerik Found in Japan

The Zybez Effect

For those who have ever had an extended conversation with me about Clan Discussion over the years, you would know that I have always argued that RSC does not affect the clan world. I believe that CD does not change how the clan world interacts with itself: that we are just a neutral third party where the discussions happen. I don't believe clans will change their behavior if we change our policies, I don't believe that clans fight with RSC in mind. I also don't believe that RSC has an affect on who the most powerful clans are.

Lately I've been beginning to doubt that.

It seems to me that RSC actually does have sway over the power dynamic of the clan world. To me it seems like the clans that post on RSC: RoT/DI/Fools are the most powerful clans, whereas clans that don't post here have been slumping. While it is very possible only the powerful clans post here because they have victories to post, just two years ago RoT was boycotting RSC and ever since they've stopped they've been as powerful as ever. Same has happened to DI. On top of that, it seems like there has been less ragging ever since we implemented our t40 rule (although it could very well be clans just stop posting it).

So let me hear your opinions: Exactly how much does RSC affect the clan world?

Real oldschool Foe

Are there any original foe members I think I started in like 07ish my old tag was pure st773. My new tag is Haxed Pure training atm ill pobly join again when I have decent stats

what was the worst clan you've ever been in and what did you do ab

Hello men....this is first times i have made a topic in quite a long time ;) due to me being busy with some real lifes... ;) i have some question for you and this may be the last question i will ever ask :P

so here are my thoughts....

1. What was the worst clan you were ever in?

2. Why were they the worst?

3. what did you do about it?

4. what were your biggest regret?

my answers !

1. What was the worst clan you were ever in? the worst clan i was ever in was DI

2. Why were they the worst? they were the worst because we lost every fight we were in except 1 time we outlasted af, we constantly ran from rot and even vr in p2p unless we had at least 10 more then them and the community was terrible along with delusional members who didn't realize how undedicated and poor quality the members and callers were...

3. what did you do about it? i spied and sold +1's to rot infliction and brutality got di hit on login ect

4. what were your biggest regret? i should of spied for af too but i wasn't on speaking terms with them at the time

Favorite Place To Fight

Posted something similar on RoT forums, was curious about the rest of the clanworld.

Out of any place in the wilderness, where is your favorite place to fight in F2P & P2P?

Is the clan world finally growing again?

Before F2P was released on OSRS it seemed the game osrs playerbase had become stagnant, and with lack of action the clan world along with these forums were slowly becoming less active.

In present times, despite a couple of crash wars it seems the clan world has become stable again and IMO seems to be growing slowly. There are again 3 stable tiers of power that can be seen in F2P, the first being the top clans (ROT, VR, DI, DF, FOOLS), the second holding the mid sized world (TR, FSK, DFall, Ronin, Liths,) and the third being the smaller clans (THE, Poison, Exotic, Br, FoP, Tugas Legends). This third tier is where I believe there is potential for even more growth. With the release of F2P much of the F2P wild has become active again, this includes pures and open cc teams. This allows for a food chain that lets smaller clans pk and still find action without being hunted down.

The P2P clan world also seems to be stable and active. Updates implemented have created incentive for PvMers to enter the wild, and once again through chain reaction, smaller teams have opened and clans are being drawn into the wilderness to Pk.

The CWA scene has obviously surged to a point where your seeing multiple fights a day being posted, something never seen before in the clan world.

Even here on RSC it seems like topics are getting way more posts/views and general activity is up. To compare activity levels, go back 30 pages in the clan fights forum and it brings you to August, look at the topic sizes then and compare them to the first page you see today. You can definitely see an increase.

This brings me to my questions: Am I just being hopeful and imagining thing or are we really seeing a clan world growing in size? Where do you see the clan world headed next? And lastly would the eradication of crash wars increase the potential for growth?

Who is your favorite Clanner and Why?

Hello friends

This is a special game where special friendships are made. So i'd like to know who is your favorite Clanner(s) and why is he so dear to you?

Personally my favorite is Elrond140. He and i share a bond over Turkish Kebabs and Portuguese Drones.

So let us know your favorites!
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