Channel: Runescape Clans
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Why I Started Vlogging


The reason I started Vlogging was for more attention :) For real though, it was because I was sick of the same discussion that plagued these boards for the past 3 months. It was all the same material.





Over the past few months, not too much has changed except for a few rant videos and some "two-cents" here and there discussions. At this point and time Zybez itself has conceded and the future is looking dim. Yet from Des Troyer 


"I heard that the Twitch viewers of the recent DMM tournament peaked at 25,000. That has to transate as 25,000 people who are interested enough in PvP, lest why would they have been watching in the first place. In addition to that, there would have been people who couldn't watch the stream, forgot to tune in, or people who are interested in PvP warring but have zero interest in watching people doing it on streams (I didn't bother tuning in, did you?). So that 25,000 is an absolute minimum number of people interested in PvP (or at the very least are curious), which means over 25,000 people who would enjoy being in PvP clans."


There is still potential for the clan world to take advantage of. I say day in and day out to make Jr. Clans only because it can be difficult for higher levels who are already settled in to actually want to change their ways. Why not find ways to capture the younger generations who actually have interest to play the game in which we all share together. At this moment, I still play this game out of nostalgia but it is slowly going away. There is still a dim light lying in the faint enthusiasm that I have left. Clans like Vanguard, and New Bloods continue to follow through and try to tap into the potential that this game currently has. 


Unfortunately, my way of telling clans to make Jr. Clans certainly comes off differently. I am wrong to think that clans are not actively trying to recruit but I am simply asking you guys to think outside of the box. My apologies if I come off as arrogant, or even oblivious to how other clans bring people into the clan world. It is only because I think you guys who continue to play day in and day out have what it takes to help out the Zybez Community and the Clan World all together. If it was up to me, I would have Jagex pay monetary prizes for the J-Cup. I would have Jagex bring more attention to clans like Fools, clans like Rot, and clans like Di. I want you all to remember is that if you feel clanning is really fun for you, why not put more effort into bringing new people in :) 


How have you guys felt about clan discussion this past year? I can only hope more people get involved aside from the weekend banter on CD Fights and same crash war ideology. 

Fools Dominance

Single teams?


i've been out of the loop for a while in terms of pking multi/single. My question is how is the single community going? are teams like CI, tml, lemon still dominating? or is it dead?

Curiosity of CD

Well weeks ago I saw a topic where Jay is just declaring on VR and he's going crazy saying they're going main now so my question is will they go main? Or will they stay pure? Honestly this is interesting CD will always have respect and forsure has mine. In my opinion it's time to go main

Pking community - VOTE




By creating this topic, I am asking each member of the pking community to VOTE.


I have seen a lot of people complaining about the past / future updates of OSRS. But this survey shows that, the pking community is too lazy to vote. It is sad that at the moment #1 are PVM'ers, #2 are Skillers.


Is the pking community dying (once again)? Or the people are just too lazy to vote?


Let's all show our voice and become atleast the #2 in this survey. Log-in to your all accounts.

Common Denominator?

clan world game


~ greet zybezianz! :) ~


greet. today we will be playing an original fun game :) pls copy and paste the form below and fill in the names of people in the clan world you think most suit the title :P


pls respect all others posts and no flame :d


biggest tanker -

biggest flamer -

biggest irl -

smartest man -

most troll -

greatest war speaker -

spookiest man -


rEIGN OF TERROR killed the clan world?


will rot go down as the clan that successfully killed the clan world?


discuss cuzins

rEIGN OF TERROR killed the clan world?


Before the crash war that involves RoT, VR, DF and DI started, the clan world was not as active as it used to be but there were still frequent fights between the top clans in f2p.

Now after 2 years of crash war, F2P activity has come to an unseen low. It wasn't even this low back when EOC was released before 07scape came about. 


As an example to my point:


10/02/2016 VR's last claim of an actual F2P wilderness fight


10/02/2016 DF's last claim of an actual F2P wilderness fight


As you can see, 2 of the current top 4 clans didn't have a F2P wilderness fight for a full 28 days. That is 4 weeks of not fighting anyone in F2P high wilderness.  


Q: Has RoT succesfully killed the clan world?


Q: How can the clan world recover?

what is the clan world state?


hello, last time i played runescape was back in 2015. just wondering what clans or teams are active? 


is rendual still alive?

Ronin Closes


~~~ greet zybezians :( ~~~


greet. today i have very sad news :( ronin clan (aka ribbit, rinin, ronalds, rueben, and noob clan) have dead. forums are no longer up so pls drop by roninclan cc to say ur goodbyes.


to all the haters then ended up killing us: how can you sleep at night knowing YOU helped kill our clan world


rest in pepperoni.

RoT FA JoJo Dips With $10,000 - Thoughts?

Recently RoT Future Applicant JoJo Cashed Out $10,000 and peaced out from Reign of Terror.
1) What do you think hes spending his money on?
2) How can clans avoid this in the future?
3) How would you feel if that happened to your clan?

Partner in Crime

Clan Breakups - Di & Fools a love story gone wrong

Today marks a dark day in RS clanning - Fools have broken ties with their longtime allies Damage Incorporated. Previously, Fools and DI was a love story for the ages. Fools leader, Lrd, supported DI every step of the way. It was said the Fools members in DI were their best members in both activity and performance. Where did this love story go wrong, and can these two old lovers ever be reunited?

I, dogs8000111, speculate this schism developed on October 30 when Damage Incorporated cheated on Fools with Reign of Terror. Eyewitnesses at the scene were shocked as Damage Inc lured in Fools for Reign of Terror, hand delivering them on the platter for Reign of Terror to devour.

Over the past week factions had started developing in Fools, with Fools Hitler, Eomeri, leading the anti-DI campaign. The anti-DI movement had a surge this week, and finally today all Fools in DI, with the exception of 1, have parted ways with Damage Incorporated. My questions for discussion are:

(1) Do you believe Fools and Damage Inc will get back together again? That is, will the Fools in DI rejoin DI?

(2) How will this change impact Damage Inc in the short term and long term?

(3) If a large group of people in your clan left, how would you handle it?

Clan President



edit: not sure if i mentioned you true2k8 <3

Restricting your members right to pk on a video game - Thoughts?


It has come to my attention that certain team leaders do not allow their members to pk on rs even though that is the main reason a lot of them still play the game.


How would you feel if your leader kicked you for small man pking for fun?


Would you want to be in a clan that only allows you to enter the wilderness when you are on mand 1 item trips?


How many spies do you think your clan would have if this was the case?



Discuss below please no flaming



Relaxed PvM Up and coming Requiem PvM




 Hey guys whats up. So pretty much i'm going to jump right to it. I had the liberty of about a few weeks ago come into a clan that's looking to rebuild themselves. So I want to warn you off the bat, no this clan is not the size of ROT or FOE . No, this clan does not play 110 hours a week looking to make top scores (but damn it would be nice wouldn't it) This clan is a group of friends. Some know eachother IRL but that doesn't matter because upon meeting them I feel like I know them. Were all adults, 18+, working for the most part full time . I cannot promise you that everytime you long on currently, someone will be in the chat. Although, that's why i'm making this Forum topic. It has been entrusted to me, that I give our clan a shoutout every where on the internet I post, to give people a chance to give US a chance. Every big community needs to start somewhere, so here are some things we would like to grow towards.





Raids are coming out soon. We would like to build a PvM community towards that plus other activities, bossing, group slaying and skilling ect ect. We would like to build a community where, no longer do you have to sit in a silent mindless numb grind , making sure you have a community to play this game with! We would eventually develop means to give you news of our doings in the clan such as a website (currently ironing out details) Making sure eventually , when you do log in, there IS someone in the CC or online that you know. 


If you want, obviously you're more than welcome to go join any clan you'd like; but if you want to be apart of something that's crowing, and seeing where we can take this thing please reply, and I will give you information on joining.



Your ideal fight duration


How long do you enjoy fighting for? Do you miss uncapped fights that used to happen much more often years ago, or are you content with the 1 hour caps you see pretty often these days. Or perhaps you enjoy capped fights but wish they were longer by an hour or two.


I personally miss longer fights, I feel that F2P is so inactive because F2P PVP is irrevelant lacking any competitive drive. When you clump for an hour and then compare endings, usually the clan with more people will win killing all competitiveness. Having longer fights allowed for clans with less to push on and hopefully change the tide of a fight through dedication and superior organization, but with only 60 minutes there is only so much you can do. I believe it's also why you see more competitiveness and activity in P2P, where fights are uncapped and usually dedication and momentum become more of a factor.


Curious on everybody else's opinions. 



Curious on everybody's opinions. 


Voice for the Losers



Gotoheaven threw a suggestion to me the other day so I kindly obliged to make a video. My apologies if it was a bit of rambling but the general jist of it was asking why do the losers of fights have no voice? Whenever there are close fights and two topics are made, moderators will ultimately have to clean up and merge the topics together. This I have to kind of have to agree with because the forums could be way too messy, plus our community is not strong with numbers and lacks parity between other clans.


I personally think a polling system would be great but are we ready to handle what the outcomes could be? Will the X Day's Out be the only resort for a loser to post a topic? What do you think? 

Is Rs an E-Sport?



Do you guys think Rs could be a potential E-Sport? Basically, what if Jagex did what they do for DMM would that help the clan world out a bit? Could that cause PVM clans to venture in and compete? 


I think Jagex does help but they will always be one step too late. I hope the community can continue to grow despite what you guys think. The clan world dying idea needs to be out our minds. Although I am disappointed when I see nobody in the wildy on a Sunday but Ill continue to hold on for once was. I think the f2p boss with the club is kind of nice but there is still more. What do you guys think?


To the people who say no


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