As a veteran who has been clanning since 2004 it has become blatantly obvious that the game is no longer conducive to pure clanning. In years past the pure community was constantly advancing whether it was through innovations in tactics, organization, account builds, or adapting to game updates. This, however is no longer the case as the game has stagnated while the player base has continuously progressed. The linear nature of the 2007 servers has equalized the entire clan world which only perpetuates the RNG aspect of Runescape which in the past played only a minor role. Whether it be in clan wars where fights are now determined by the roll of a dice rather than the pedigree of a clan, or the wilderness where the ease of returning, world trackers, and interference of mains has degraded any such sense of objectivity. There is simply no longer an argument for clanning outside an emotional platitude. This is why I propose the clan world slowly increase it's hilariously arbitrary defense cap. We will see the competitive nature of community rise once again as clans will be forced to adapt to an volatile ecosystem or be left behind as it was in the glory days you hear so much about. Quality will begin to take precedence as organizations, ingame skill, and determination will quickly separate the wheat from the chaff.
I'm not saying the entire pure community outright train their defense, but at the very least take an objective look at the benefits of entering the main world, or change the monolithic approach to pure clanning.
If a similar rhetoric becomes mainstream in the pure community could this be the sign that more enter the main scene. The clan world desperately needs an external force to stimulate an otherwise stagnant clan world. Although the replies are mostly unrelated meme's the serious replies are at least open to the notion.