Channel: Runescape Clans
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Clans keeping the wild alive?



It feels like only a few clans keep the wilderness alive P2P wise, What do you think the bigger clans can do too keep the wilderness a float or even keep the members they retain happy?
I never could understand clans that can pull upwards of 50-60+ but fear other clans, Posts your thoughts.

What if half of your clan members left & made a new clan?


Quiet Conspiracy

First and foremost, I know that most of your clan members are loyal to your clan but...

What if one day you suddenly wake up and received news that half of your clan/team members decided to leave your clan & form a new clan/team?

How will it generally affect your clan/team, the clan world and the wilderness/clan war activities?

will your clan or other clans think it's a good or bad sign as more competitive clans/team to fight on the scene or maybe this news is a perfect chance form a new alliance or a new feud with the newly formed clan/team?

just a random thought for a random discussion in CDRSC :-D

Fools: Enter the Alliance

Hello Zybez, dogs8000111 back at it again. Some of you may have read my Fools & DI break-up topic: http://forums.zybez.net/topic/1773916-clan-breakups-di-fools-a-love-story-gone-wrong/

Today the P2P clan scene saw any interesting 3v8 cluster in the form of RoT/Sv/Di vs Fools/AF/Brut/CT/DF/VR/Vit/Brap. Tensions have been at an all time high between Reign of Terror and the Finnish country clan. Reports have it Reign of Terror were not pleased when Fools gave Ancient Fury clan a clean 1v1 this past Friday.

Once I received word about the massive fight today I quickly rushed over, and witnessed Fools fighting a two-front war with SV on one side and RoT on the other. AF and other allies provided the Fins much needed support on the sidelines. To my surprise Damage Inc did not hit Fools today, hinting to lingering feelings between the two lovers. A further testament to this is no public recap on Damage Inc boards over today's festivities.

Questions for discussion:
1) With Fools in the alliance will the clan world see a lot more P2P clusters?

2) Will Fools try to mend relations with RoT by agreeing to not fight AF, or even better lure AF into RoT?

3) What will CT do to get on RoT's good side now? Will they suicide lose a few fights to RoT?

Stagnation In The Clan World


The goal for every clan is to improve over time rather than stagnant or possibly degenerate, however, in reality they're very few clans that have improved in a meaningful way in recent memory. Have most clans become apathetic, and no longer have the drive to improve, or is it the fact everyone has accepted ROT is essentially "unbeatable" and accepted their position in the clan world. Is this a troubling sign for the clan world moving forward, or is it simply only time until a clan gathers enough momentum to challenge/overthrow ROT.


The only two clans I can say that have substantially improved throughout 2016 has been Sovereign and FOOL's. Both clans have stepped up tremendously in P2P and now comfortably sit in the top 3 alongside ROT. Is this a testament to their hard work, or is it that nobody else bothered to improve their situation. I personally believe Sovereign/Fool's improvement is a direct result of their activity which spurred and increase in quality, whereas other less active clans have stagnated if not degenerated over the year.

Even Numbers



Back in the day we did not complain about even numbers. We often used it as a crutch to compensate for performance but we did not make too much of a fuss about it. I think we tend to forget ourselves a bit to remind us that we are playing a game to have fun. Again I love to see the competitive spirit with these clans and I do not want to see any of them give up. Each clan still has a fire that burns with in them to make this game fun. I however believe that the clan world is turning soft. At the same time I think it just comes to show how great the clan scene really is. People continue to put in the effort to make their clan improve their quality and put in the effort to be competitive as possible. 


Even Numbers is a joke in my opinion. I remember the times of full-out and taking on clans twice the size, knowing the fight will most likely result in a loss. I understand however that the quality has been improving an even playing level is a must for CWA. Do you think sometimes we tend to dwell on it a bit too much?


Forces of Poland, do not close please SADFACE

No Overheads



What do you guys think of this fight format? I think it is pretty good for clans who can not pull as high. I also think with larger options it can be pretty exciting and a test for callers as well. Honestly, I think it is a decent change from the norm because F2P can be pretty band. Would be nice if more P2P clans ventured out but I think we should reciprocate a bit as well. To any clans coming up with ideas to make F2P, I appreciate the efforts that are made and to the newer clans like Vanguard, Wild Might, and possibly *Collision keep using these rules to make fights fun :)

Leaving CC



Disclaimer: I am not pointing blame on The Rising and I do not speak on behalf of Ronin as well :).


I do not think they personally told their members to leave cc. I think it is just a silly domino effect. When one person leaves it can set off a chain reaction and then a "who did it first" situation arises. Southampton however is one of the most honorable people I know, and he would truly do what it takes to prevent a situation like this from happening again. Thanks man, I hope we can look past today as the total **** show it was. It was hilarious though l0l


What do you guys think of people leaving CC? Is it really necessary to video tape every fight? Is that going to be needed for clan fights discussion? 


Also, the Finns almost lost a round against Divine Forces. What do you think of the current top standings? Could you see everyone else tightening towards the ranks?

Honorable Mentions



Who would you nominate as the honor noob in your clan. First off, I apologize to The Rising for making you look like the bad guys. You see, I did not take into perspective your side of the story. I did not know one of ours left CC first. Drama aside, who do you guys, the community, nominate as your Honorable Mention? I know every clan has that one guy who is dependable and clear thinking. If those people are still around, I think Honor will be here to stay. This is also coming from some one who was in Noobs Inc themselves :)


edit: Thanks southampton #

Who's going to win DMM tonight? RoT? DI? AC? Reddit rebels?


I would imagine a fair few people are going to be watching this, seems to be full of drama every season.


The events of the final hour will be streamed live from the RuneScape Twitch channel on Saturday December 17th at 6.45pm GMT. Do not miss out on the action - be sure to watch the mayhem unfold! Immediately afterwards, Season 4 will begin!



So which clan is going to have a member to win it? are clans going to pull it off or be outdone by a rogue player?

Reign of Terror wins $10k DMM Tournament Again








Reign of Terror wins the $10,000 Deadman Tournament by a Landslide (Again)



Clanning is stale


Obviously, you've been fighting the same people in the same ways for years.


There's a post on the front page of reddit right now which addresses both the clan world's stagnation and Jagex's desire to stream pvp competitions while being completely clueless as to what those are supposed to look like. I've never even been in a main clan and I haven't played the game itself in years but I found the suggestion of the clanning world reaching out to Jagex to help create streamable pvp content when they're desperate for it to be an interesting one.


They've never listened to you before but this is a unique situation where they're actually looking to rot for guidance in how deadmanmode should end. You could possibly work with them to create content which compliments and reinvigorates how clans war.








greet cuh's. today we are opening a new team, comprised of mostly dk and other loyal cuh's. we are named TWISTED.


we are undecided if we will be nh or not yet so watch ur backs and dont tempt us


ts: dk.clants.net


the ban list has been cleared, swarms, dylan and king gucci we are doing a roll call so you can rejoin.

Crash war over?


The biggest crash war in the Clan World is over with DK basically closing its doors after Derek launched his rap career again, with both clans ruined, Poison pulling 45 at the start of the crash war and now can barely pull 10 with friends, DK turning into a Team or whatever, do you think there will be more Wildy fights now for all the clans? Do you think Poison will manage to venture into the wilderness again with strong pulls?


Discuss boys

I personally think the crash war or whatever was inactive months ago since none of the involved really fought each other or whatever just the usual keyboard fights at zybez and even those were so small to be noticed

How is your CC



How important is your Clan Chat to your clan? In Ronin, CC at the moment is not a priority and it can be pretty tough to recruit new people to an empty Clan Chat but every now and then I manage to bring in new people. Retaining them however is another story. I know some clans may not care about their Clan Chats because people honestly do not actively play this game. People can be found on Teamspeak, Whatsapp, Kik and rely on other forms of communication. I know their are some clans out their that have active clan chats, and there are a flurry of personalities that keep the in-game community flowing. Damage Inc, The Rising/New Bloods, Vanguard and Divine Forces are some of the clans that come to mind with active Clan Chats. PVM/Skilling clans however may be a little different.


What do you guys think about your Clan Chats. Is it important?

Biggest Slump in the Clan World?


[Zybez Exclusive]




What's the biggest slump you've seen on OSRS?


Is the clan world shrinking or just certain clans? 


Here's an example of what I would consider a "slump" appropriate for this topic:



Whatever happened to..?

Simple concept as I know myself and I'm sure a lot of others browsing this forum don't play too regularly or are returning to the game and have lost contact or are unaware of what has happened to certain people / clans.

Ask the question "Whatever happened to ...?" and fill in the blank with a person or clan you are interested in. The first person to answer the question above then asks the same one. Please try and keep trolling to a minimum.

I will start, whatever happened to Solace?



Why are people in the clan world still using irc and teamspeak when discord is better then both? Do people just refuse to adapt?


Imagen if cdrsc had a public discord, all the **** talking and beef without the ddosing and stupid ****

Merry Christmas to the Clan World




Hope everyone has a good and happy holiday weekend!


RSC CD Awards for 2016


RSC Clan Awards 2016

Another year is in the history books, along with everything that that comes with the clan world. With the year coming to an end here is another round of Awards to commemorate all of you and the clans you reside in.  We did add a few awards back, to give a wider variety of opportunities for clans to win.

  • Use the format at the bottom of the post and then post on this topic.
  • You are allowed one vote per category
  • Your account must have been registered in November 2016 or earlier and must have 50+ posts.
  • Voting for every category is not a necessity
  • Voting will be open from 25th of December to 4th of January
  • Votes made solely to troll will be nulled.
  • You do not have to justify your votes, however, if you feel the need to then do so at the bottom of your post. However, if you post any baits or flames your vote will be deleted and nulled.
  • You may only vote for a given clan a maximum of 3 times
  • All posts must contain your votes otherwise they will be deleted; this is NOT a discussion topic
  • Only vote for clans that are currently open

If you feel the need to persistently break these rules or purposely attempt to disrupt the awards you will be suspended.

If you have any questions or concerns about the awards, PM and ask.

Good luck to every individual or clan nominated.

Best F2P Clan 
Best P2P Clan 
Best Pure Clan  
Best Organization  
Most Improved  
Best Community
Most Respected
Best Maxed Gear Warring Team/Clan
Best Fall In Leader 
Best Tank 
Best Poster 
Funniest Poster 
Best CD Staff Member 
Most Biased
Most Annoying

If you are willing to make underbanners for the winners please PM me. You will have to make several, but they will all look similar just with different colors and text.

New Year Questions


With the new year of 2017 coming across the corner, what is everyone's opinion on what will happened to the clan world?


Do you think it will increase in size and hopefully new clans to be created?


Or do you think it will continue to just be how it is now?


Personally, I hope it does grow with the incoming Zeah Raids and new weapons coming a foot, maybe this will cause more people to create new teams/clans and might try to use them in PVP. Also, with JMods giving some hints of giving some concern to the Clan World, it will be interesting to see what happens.


Discuss below on what your thoughts are.

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