Clan leaderships need to work together and put their differences aside, things can actually be achieved and we can finally say UNC helped accomplish something instead of clans trying to get one up on each other. And when someone does something wrong they need to realise where they are wrong and try to resolve it. Clans try to be sneaky and push things under the rug, all clans do; not just one or two. UNC is dead, and it shouldn't be; it should be active with Officials coming up with ways to handle these problems
Clans/Individuals are so obsessed with trying to get something over their opponents whether it's crash war wins, spares on them, or anything in general. While in reality this isn't ideal as everyone seems to be doing it. It just ruins the fun and the sport of this "Game" people get so hyped up about being better then the other, but it's not meant to be about that. I thought we all started playing this game to have fun, now the clan world has changed almost; it's now dependent on crashing when it shouldn't be. It's about having fights while also having fun, once the fun stops; the fight should as well.
If we worked together to AC for each other and Team to clear to stop these problems, we may reverse the flow of the declining clan world. But everyone needs to try, not just two clans or three; a majority of us need to put the effort in. You guys all refer to the clan world like it's a dead thing or a lost cause when it's not, it's what you make of it. Which means it can be many things, if you want it to continue on you have to think about your actions before you ruin it for everyone.
Clans need to start ACing because they enjoy it and know that those clans will return the favor, it all starts with one effort and it turns into a build. But everyone is so self appointed that they wouldn't want to start this trend. If this trend begins, then everyone will have clean fights, and we can achieve what we want and our goals. The spares need to stop though, and everyone needs to chip in their efforts. NH tactics should be shunned upon, and clans who enforce these endeavors should be punished; Clans who AC need to work together to make sure that the NH crashing clans can't crash. Even Teams need to be Against crashing, it's all one big effort; that starts with everyone's small efforts put together.
This is all based on working together though, if we don't achieve that first; then we will never even grasp the idea of this.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Clans/Individuals are so obsessed with trying to get something over their opponents whether it's crash war wins, spares on them, or anything in general. While in reality this isn't ideal as everyone seems to be doing it. It just ruins the fun and the sport of this "Game" people get so hyped up about being better then the other, but it's not meant to be about that. I thought we all started playing this game to have fun, now the clan world has changed almost; it's now dependent on crashing when it shouldn't be. It's about having fights while also having fun, once the fun stops; the fight should as well.
If we worked together to AC for each other and Team to clear to stop these problems, we may reverse the flow of the declining clan world. But everyone needs to try, not just two clans or three; a majority of us need to put the effort in. You guys all refer to the clan world like it's a dead thing or a lost cause when it's not, it's what you make of it. Which means it can be many things, if you want it to continue on you have to think about your actions before you ruin it for everyone.
Clans need to start ACing because they enjoy it and know that those clans will return the favor, it all starts with one effort and it turns into a build. But everyone is so self appointed that they wouldn't want to start this trend. If this trend begins, then everyone will have clean fights, and we can achieve what we want and our goals. The spares need to stop though, and everyone needs to chip in their efforts. NH tactics should be shunned upon, and clans who enforce these endeavors should be punished; Clans who AC need to work together to make sure that the NH crashing clans can't crash. Even Teams need to be Against crashing, it's all one big effort; that starts with everyone's small efforts put together.
This is all based on working together though, if we don't achieve that first; then we will never even grasp the idea of this.
United we stand, divided we fall.