Channel: Runescape Clans
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Your last memory

What's your last memories of any clan you join or have been in?

Plague of pures reminds me of so much, we pulled 117 and fought so many clans in one day and owned. I also remember the vr vs rsd war it was epic. Both clans pulling 150+.

Divine kings crash war vs TT

And also closing pop into fatality and final ownage elite. Both clans pulled 120 in a epic 4 hour p2p war.

Frozen fury and kill orgys rivalry. Lasted so long but was fun

Come back?

The prospect of team's coming back? Reading through the ' if you could correct one mistake topic ' it got me thinking and it's most likely a wasted thought. And I'll be honest it's more of a topic aimed at the (P2P) scene but the premesis does apply to the F2P scene as-well.

But the main point is why are clans like Infliction, Brutality, Kill Orgy, Higher Force & Frozen Fury closed? The leadership haven't left the game and if they have they still lurk around the community and for what? To see if the clan world is rejuvenating it's self and if it's worth coming back. Not realizing that they are a key component in this process completing, instead of waiting for this to happen why not push it along? Not to mention the countless members saying ' letting it close '. Most members have piled into other clans because they were a haven, while everything else was destroyed, they didn't go there out of desire they went there because they had too. If they had a home to return too, I'm sure they would..

Yes former members may be in other clans but in experience I think we can all agree that most people are truly dedicated to there roots and friends of past, not the recent and present. And most people who have quit have accounts built but left the game because not enough of there friends were in one location and people are no longer familar with playing with strangers and building relationships but this can be restored. And I'm sure open teams would actually welcome losing a handful members in the hope for more clans to open.

The game at the moment is at quite a high point believe it or not and this can escalate if pushed in the right direction people enjoy hype. You don't need as much time to run clans any more, the average member is more capable of taking control and needs less direction. Members don't expect 5 events a week most would accept 1-2.

The P2P/F2P multi scene seems to be quite active at the moment and even the single scene looks like it could be built on. But figures recognized for leading in the past and forming communities need to act and bring people together and not invest all hope in fresh blood being able to open and compete with experienced leadership.

On a side note for people who single, it does look like it could be expanded on with, DP, Brap, Lemon, Unique & possibly others int he mix atm.

The key-points are;
  • The leadership is still here.
  • The members haven't left and if they have they're on the sidelines.
  • The demand is there.
  • So why isn't it?

'THE' Clan Turns 15

'The' Clan turns 15 today everybody!  We may not be active in RS but we all play League now (and tagpro).  

"I thought you guys were dead!"

We actually have 3 people in our ts at the moment which is more than we had when we were active!


For Trust, For Power, Forever

Best overall clans of 2014

Who are the best clans overall in 2014?  I'm talking about the runescape community awards coming up. This is for osrs

Clan wars:

What would the clan world be like if there was only 1 world?

Discuss implications for how and where clans fight, if pure clanning would exist, etc.

Is Sovereign This Era's Noobs Incorporated?

Through the years of 2006-2009 Noobs Incorporated were the main "No Honor" clan and considered pests to most. Of course they had their reasons for doing what they did but enough clans were around to anti-crash thwarting any effort they ever made. Overall they still made the biggest impact of any clan specializing in crashing until perhaps now where we seem to have another clan that takes pride in only crashing as a third party instead of participating in a battle themselves, Sovereign.

Upon NI's rebirth in 2009:


Leader: La Hire 44, Pjw225, PArko272
High Council: Blade_V1per(Paariah), Iceman520, James Br0wn
Warlords: Anurag and Bloodarrow(I heard he's in but can't confirm)
Then people like KTV and shadowsmage are on board but idk what ranks

Lots of ex-NI & DK Joining

[Noobs Inc High Council] Blade V1per says:
Main Goal is to bring back a NH clan like the ones that existed in 2006ish

Still recognized today as one of the more famous crashing clans, Noobs Incorporated put no honor on the map when there was such a thing. In today's world it has become more acceptable to use some of the tactics NI once did as clans have evolved. Crashing, one iteming, and ragging in green hides should still be frowned upon in my opinion if we're ever going to make a push for a better clan scene. NI were best known for all of the above tactics and more. Strategic at times, spies in some, and rivals with a few, NI always had an objective and a specific target.

If I were to begin comparing them to anyone in today's era I'll take a look at Sovereign. Upon joining the main clan community they have grown into a habit of one iteming in both P2P and F2P. Crashing fights now seems to be a daily event as loot happy and uncompetitive as they are. Creating new enemies upon the main community while continuing to pester those in the pure community they were once a part of. Someone is always going to be the most disliked clan, but they're going about it in the wrong way with aimless attempts at almost everyone apart from RoT.

The antics by both are about the same between SV and NI if you were to compare them. I'd still give NI the edge over SV based on how productive they were though.

Provided SV continues to go down this desolate path, how comparable are they to the clan formerly known as Noobs Incorporated?

More reads on NI for the Un-informed:
-The Return of NI: http://forums.zybez....e-return-of-ni/
-Discussion of NI's Purpose: http://forums.zybez....s-incorporated/
-How NI/Crashing Affected Your Clanning: http://forums.zybez....ing-impact-you/

SV Camping Returners:
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SV Crashing DI vs. RoT:
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SV One Iteming (P2P):
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SV Chased to single after crashing:
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Holiday Tournament Feedback (Post Week 1)


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Week 1 of the holiday tournament has now come and passed, and week 2 of the tournament kicks off on December 29. Now that the first week of matches has passed, I am interested in what kind of feedback people would have for how things are running to this point. I believe that constructive criticism is important in achieving a desirable state for as many people as possible. Thus if you are a member of a participating clan, or just a sideline bystander, I would like you to let me know how things are going so that I may correct important issues by the start of week 2.

Below is a form of sorts that you can fill out to let us know the basics of the experience.
What are some good features of the tournament?:

What are some bad parts of the tournament?:

What can be improved?:

What are some good features of the tournament?:
  • Pengy was in attendance of most fights allowing clans to easily verify rules etc.
What are some bad parts of the tournament?:
  • The default times were not suitable for my clan.
What can be improved?:
  • Try to rebalance the times in order to better fit the schedule of some other clans.
Please try to keep the negative feedback to something within the powers of tournament organizers. Therefore, if there was a bad experience getting communications with another clan, or something related to relations between clans, please try to refrain from posting that.

What if?

We stopped using clan discussion altogether for a month or two. We could possibly make exceptions for official non returning wars, but for the most part, abstain from using this sub forum. We can do the same for other clan forums as well.

Why did I think this? Got this from Billy "honored member"(his word holds merit). "The reason clans don't fight as often is because most (not all) are still afraid of losses/etc, it has nothing to do with too many worlds."

This could force clans to advertise themselves in game more, and hit the wild more often without the fear of being shamed. Maybe small teams will go out more as well rather than the whole clans.


A song from very old DI p2p pk

Sup lads I'm looking for a very old DI p2p pk video from 2004 or 2005 with a characteristic screamo metal song in the background. There was a massive fight between DI and some other clan and the guy who made that video was wearing magic shortbow and archer helm. I tried looking on yt but couldn't find that video nor that song. If anyone remember that and can help me it will be much appreciated. Thanks.

senseless returning in p2p

hey guys well i was shown a quite interesting video today :king: and i was wondering to ask a question as of the general consansus of the clan world :suspect:, what do you men think if returning senselessly into the other clan with no clear hope if actually kill anyone, when for example you die the moment you teleport back to gdZ? :#

that is the example of what i am interest in knowing :-D

so Riddle me This ¿

1. What do you think of clans who return sensesslay into others with no chance of winning except through outlast?

2. has your clan ever taken part in such activities? if so what were your personal thought on this matter?

how to revive the clan world

so i was thinking really hard today and to revive the clan world, rot,df,vr,di should split into clans of 5 and close their main clan and rename themselves therefor having over 20 clans then  have clusters and start beefs and alliances and the clan world will be very active

1.who shud be the leaders of which clan

2.which j mod will split the clans


Hey ROT where you at we p2p pking right now lol

Come into the wild ROT we're p2p pking w18 right now lmfao

can you only pk once a week????
not everyday????
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Hey AF where you at we p2p pking right now lol

Holiday Tourney: Week 2 Fixtures


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This is a listing of all the matches that will take place starting on Monday December 29 through Sunday January 4. A list of contacts for each participating clan will be found in the replies of the topic here.If you cannot make contact with the other clan, please let us know, and we will try to connect the two clans

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[Group A]

Violent Resolution vs. Future of Old Style

Merlin - Bye

[Group B]

Reign of Terror - Bye

Team Trinity vs. Damage Incorporated

[Group C]

Ben's Boyz vs. Jaja

Arroz - Bye

[Group D]

Sovereign - Bye

Ancient Fury vs. Critical Damage

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[ Group A]

Downfall vs. Hell Army

[Group B]

Extermination vs. Clan Rorope

Clan Europe vs. Wicked Fury

[Group C]

Wilderness Guardians vs. Warriors of Heaven

Exotic vs. Team Crusade

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Because we allow clans to set up times and rules that they prefer, and can negotiate like any other clan fight, we ask a clan leader from one of the two fighting clans to fill out the following form, and a leader from the other clan to quote, and confirm that it is correct. This way we can write it down for one of our representatives to attempt to be at the match and watch for any potential foul play. These forms should be sent in via reply to this thread.
Clan Fight: (Which two clans)
My Clan: (Which of the two clans do you represent)
Time of Fight:
Round 1 Rules:
Round 2 Rules:
Round 3 Rules:
(If more or less rounds feel free to add or remove)
If you are using the default rules or default times, feel free to say that the time is default time, and the rules are default rules.

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After the clan battle takes place, we would like leaders to post their victory, or defeat in this topic. Although a representative of the tournament will most likely come to spectate the match, we would like leaders to post the scores of their fights on this topic. Please use the following form to announce how your clan did, and a leader of the opposing clan once again can quote the reply, and confirm it is correct. Feel free to also include any videos you may  have of the war, or a link to a winning topic on the zybez boards.
Clan Fight: (Which two clans)
My Clan: (Which clan do you represent)
Who won:
What was the score of the rounds:

Happy Holidays From Clan Europe


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Our team has had a tradition of creating a Christmas Card every winter and this year is no exception.

Happy Holidays! Clan Europe would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday and best of luck in 2015!

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RSC Clan Awards 2014


RSC Clan Awards 2014

Yet another year has gone, and it's time to reflect on the accomplishments this year. It's been a big year with big changes such as the release of Legacy which contributed to the rise of the RS3 clan world. Let's look forward to 2015 and make it even better.

First of all, the following rules will apply to the awards this year so please read this before posting your votes (there should be no surprises here):
  • Use the format at the bottom of the post
  • You are allowed one vote per category
  • Your account must have been registered in November 2014 or earlier
  • Voting for every category is not a necessity
  • Voting will be open until the 5th of January
  • Votes made solely to troll will be nulled.
  • You do not have to justify your votes, however, if you feel the need to then do so at the bottom of your post. However, if you post any baits or flames your vote will be deleted and nulled.
  • You may only vote for a given clan a maximum of 3 times
  • All posts must contain your votes otherwise they will be deleted; this is NOT a discussion topic
  • Only vote for clans that are currently open

If you feel the need to persistently break these rules or purposely attempt to disrupt the awards you will be suspended.

If you have any questions or concerns about the awards, please contact me.

Good luck to every individual or clan nominated.

Based on feedback from last year's awards, we've reduced the amount of categories available. This should (hopefully) result in a smoother voting process.

Best OSRS Clan (P2P): 
Best OSRS Clan (F2P): 
Best Overall RS3 Clan: 
Best Overall Pure Clan: 

Best Fall In Leader: 
Best Tank: 
Best Poster: 
Funniest Poster: 
Best CD Staff Member: 

df the new #1 clan f2p and p2p?

managed to beat ronin in cwa meanwhile beat rot in p2p(the callers was multi logging calling on 2 accounts at the same time)


What determines who wins a clan fight?

Over the last few years or so, there has been two different types of "wins" being claimed by certain clans. Lets not mention names and keep this as unbiased as possible.

1. The first group believe that to win a runescape clan fight, you must be the last clan on that world, forcing the other clan to log out, no matter how you do it, through strength, numbers, crashers, outlasting or boredom.

2. The second group believe that to win you should punish the other clan enough to make them break rules such as bounds (going below gap/single) or gear (making the other clan rag/1 item) for example and once these rules have been broken, enough is enough and you have "won." Even if it means the second clan breaking these rules can then go and take an ending, and claim a win of their own based on the logic in part 1.

So my question is, what do you define as a clan fight win? Part 1 or Part 2? Obviously I realize that the clan having the most fun are the true winners, but from a strictly clan discussion point of view, what do you think?

Does your clan have a good community

would you consider your community good? :

is your ts alive? :

are your forums active? :

is your cc active? :



I always see on almost every clan topic with a similar post. Why can't the clan world just admit defeat or acknowledge a victory?

I can understand a few clans out there who can cause topics like these but the majority of topics look like good posts. Is it cause of clan rivaly or just hate on each other?

This could cause some flame between others and probably will be locked cause of flame towards other clans and going no where.

Feel free to express yourself as a individual.
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