Channel: Runescape Clans
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Hey Guys - Music Clan Thread for Fun Times

Post Song and then guy underneath you has to guess which clan its describing ^__^ please no flame men of men this is for fun in this serious time :')

Clan World Inquiry

I haven't played in years and recently I have found myself considering getting back into Runescape again, although it's still unlikely. Before I make a decision, I was wondering if clans primarily focus on 07 RS, RS3, or do they play both? I haven't played 07 RS at all. I stopped playing Runescape before RS3 came out. I'm just wondering which one I should spend time on if I decide to play again.

whats your favorite clanning memory on 2007

Whats ur favorite clan memory on 07? What happened, when, what clan were you in, which other clans were there etc.

I havent clanned on 07 so I cant share 1. Share yours though

which clans will u remember

Hello Men, :hi: today... i was once again having some thoughts... :lmao: and i have begun to pondar what will other clanners remember from this game? which clans have left a lasting impression on you and your lifes. personally i will remember the following clans;

VR for their dominance
Dark slayers for their prowess
Divine forces for their vengeance
Shadow elves for their quality
Trwf for their honour
Eternal honour for their respect
Runescape dinasty for their morals
Damage incorporated for their all around abilities
Echo of silence for our glory
Rune raiders for their resilience

to me these are the clans that will stood the test of time for me :king: there are other clans in the clan world but i can not remember their names right now... to me these are the clans who's achievenemts will last though the ages like a candle burning bright in the darkness...

So riddle me this ?

1. which clans in your opinion will have a lasting legacy after this game is dead and gone?

2. what determines a clans legacy after they are gone?

3. do clans today that were not alive before 2013 have the capacity to reach this level of glory and recognition ?

Holiday Tourney: Week 4 Fixtures - Finals Begin


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This is a listing of all the matches that will take place starting on Monday January 12 through Sunday January 18. A list of contacts for each participating clan will be found in the replies of the topic here.If you cannot make contact with the other clan, please let us know, and we will try to connect the two clans. This is the first week of the finals brackets!

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Merlin vs. Sovereign

Reign of Terror vs. Ben's Boyz

Ancient Fury vs. Team Trinity

Jaja vs. FOOLS

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Clan Europe - Bye

Exotic - Bye

Wicked Fury vs. Downfall

Extermination vs. Team Crusade

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Because we allow clans to set up times and rules that they prefer, and can negotiate like any other clan fight, we ask a clan leader from one of the two fighting clans to fill out the following form, and a leader from the other clan to quote, and confirm that it is correct. This way we can write it down for one of our representatives to attempt to be at the match and watch for any potential foul play. These forms should be sent in via reply to this thread.
Clan Fight: (Which two clans)
My Clan: (Which of the two clans do you represent)
Time of Fight:
Round 1 Rules:
Round 2 Rules:
Round 3 Rules:
(If more or less rounds feel free to add or remove)
If you are using the default rules or default times, feel free to say that the time is default time, and the rules are default rules.

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After the clan battle takes place, we would like leaders to post their victory, or defeat in this topic. Although a representative of the tournament will most likely come to spectate the match, we would like leaders to post the scores of their fights on this topic. Please use the following form to announce how your clan did, and a leader of the opposing clan once again can quote the reply, and confirm it is correct. Feel free to also include any videos you may  have of the war, or a link to a winning topic on the zybez boards.
Clan Fight: (Which two clans)
My Clan: (Which clan do you represent)
Who Won:
What was the score of the rounds:

What are your thoughts?


Hello guys :L what are your thoughts on old officials that came back to your clan due to bad circumstances :') they try and make a difference when things look bad.

Did you feel it worked?

Do you feel this makes the current leadership look bad or silly?

What are the best and worst example of this action my men?

:hat: :hat: :hat:

thanks for reading my men!

Which clan does the clan world revolve around

Hello men, :hi: once more this day i was again....having some thoughts :king: i begin to think about all the days of the clan world from the moment i join it in 2005 to this days.. :thumbsup:  it make me think about some things... :hat:  i have thought which clan does the clan world truely revolve around, i consider the many great clans over the years such as Damage Incorporated or Divine Forces or Runescape dinasty or Echo of silence and it made me thinks... :innocent: there was only 1 clan in mind who the clan world truely revolve around....and that clan is VIOLENT RESOLUTION.

Now before u judge i will share with you some thoughts on the HISTORY of violent resolution :lmao: this now story time :-)

in 2007 or something when vr was smaller in power #1 clan Corruption declared crash war on VR vr stood strong and killed corruption over and over :-(

in 2009 when #1 cwa clan The titans Declared crash war on VR, vr decide to turn them into weak 4 hour cap clan that can only pull 60 people... it took them 2 years to break their slump...

Then again in 2009 Divine forces decided to protect weak corruption From big bad VR :suspect: and VR went on rampage once more but then slump a bit due to clans declining fights :suspect:

Then after the summer of silence of 09 came The autumn of VIOLENCE where vr make df cor, rot, eos, and ni team to take vr down but vr stand strong...and almost killed those 3 top clans + 2 crash teams :XD:

then fast forward 2010....once more Divine forces, The titans, Reign of terror and corruption vs VR and this time deciding to submit to the power of VR eos.. :-D . in another crash war where once more VR emerged and 2 months after crash war end they defeated rsd for #1 due to the strength and power of VR

Then we fast forward to 2011...dark times... this was the peak of DDOS in the clan world, EVIZU decided to stand against this and take a no ddos stance :# , Rotters DID NOT LIKE THIS and in 2011 vr forced rot to close :cry: ... after defeated rot some clans decided to try and band together to destroy VR Corruption, Downfall, Critical damage, and pure hatred decide to try and kill vr... :woeh: but vr in turn kill all those 4 clan :yes:

Then even in 2012, once more there was much work to be done.... the titans AFTER being destroyed by vr 2 years earlier in a crash war once more decided to attempt to try to defy VR, lets just say it did not end well for TT as they became conquerred and never pull more 40 people again :king: . months later a new enemy of VR emerge ...  

Solace, a clan mass joined by former Rotters :cry: had decided to ally with a number of clans such as Wilderland, The kings, Downfall, pure hatred, and the titans. and others but vr was joined in the fight by EOS, ONCE more and this crash war end with VR becoming victorious again against all odds. :king:

there have been more battles vs rot but you all know of this new story so i will not tell... but now i have some question :hi:

so Riddle me this?

1. In your opinion which clan does the clan world revolve around?

2. What allowes for them to dominate in this way?

Say something nice about the clan above you

Recently we have loads of flaming and anger on runescape. we've seen some clans buy botnets to try and emothinally sooth the traumatic times. weve seen fighting on rsc and not much in runescape now that the clan world is down to 4 main clans/teams and a few smaller ones around.

we need to all come together at this time to try and rebuild our clan world which some of us love so much

say something nice about the poster before yous clan

Dont flame, be nice. This is the first step to bring the clan world to peace and perhaps we will see a clan accept a fight.

Because im first ill do a few clans to avoid being biased

VR - I really admite your determination. You went from pulling 20s to now being a top contender and you have totally reversed the tables in the crash war.

RoT - You guys try and keep RSC alive which I really like. These forums have suffered and its nice to see a clan transition from the java game to the community like the old days. thanks to you this topic is possible

DF - You guys are one of the most organised and resiliant clans ever to play this game. I respect you're still going so strong after all these years and you know exactly how to accept a fight in runescape.

Be nice Be happy. NO FLAMES (mod please ban flamers)

Your Opinion On The Clan Wars Arena


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Upon being released back in June of 2014 there was a lot of talk how clans would still rather prefer to fight in the Wilderness rather than in the new Clan Wars Arena. F2P fights were frequent in the wilderness almost every Wednesday, if not another random day during the week. Now that some time has passed since its release and more and more clans are participating in CWA fights. It seems to have finally grown on more individuals over time.

Most of those midweek fights in the Wilderness have now been substituted with CWA. But it seems that the more popular fights in CWA are F2P only. Occasionally clans will have P2P fights in Clan Wars, but generally F2P seems to be the more favored choice.

Once dismissed as meaningless, these fights in CWA are gaining popularity and have been becoming more important. What's your opinion on fights in the Clan Wars Arena?

What's your opinion on fights in the Clan Wars Arena?
As much as I'd rather fight in the Wilderness, every fight is important and if you don't care about winning then you shouldn't be competing. Personally I think it's a good thing to keep your clan on its toes and remain active throughout the week even with fights in Clan Wars. F2P fights aren't as frequent as they once were and it's nice to have events like this to keep F2P alive.

Knowing the difference between CWA and the Wilderness you might rank certain clans a bit higher than others. As is the case with Fools who seem to have beaten every top clan and have enjoyed some of the most success in CWA. Then there's always the few teams out there who have been created with the sole purpose of fighting in CWA. It just seems like there's a lot more options and competition when it comes to Clan Wars.

The ability to have matched fights is one of the big pluses. Considering how quick clans are to turn on each other it's hard to trust anyone as far as you can throw them. Having a matched fight in the Wilderness is sketchy business, especially with mass name-changing. Without the ability to return or log in the middle of the fight when you weren't participating to begin with in Clan Wars it eliminates the ability to cheat.

We haven't fought in P2P CWA much other than to mess around. I wouldn't be opposed to having some matched fights with gear restrictions though. Otherwise the ability to go in there with maxed gear without having to risk any of it just takes the realistic side of a multi fight out of it.

There's still some flaws with CWA. The ability leave during a run-in without being marked for a kill even after being attacked is one of them. I don't remember this ever being the case back in 2008/2009, so I'm not sure why they haven't changed that yet. The maps are terrible and it's probably why most clans use The Plateau map. Even then there's not many landmarks to really direct anyone. Disconnections and DDoSing are always going to be a problem as well. In the end it's still something to do and I have fun with it. I'm sure there's a lot of us that only play for the clan anyhow, so any type of fight is enjoyable.

Predictions for 2015

I thought it would be really fun to get a perspective on how the community believes that the 2015 'season' for Old School Runescape will shape up. Generally, in sports or video games, professional journalists break down their opinions through factual arguments. We're sort of professionals in the case that we've played runescape for a very long time but if your in a clan it's hard not to be bias and think from a level point of view. If you can, try to state why the clan your in or the one you believe to be the best or worst is, so that we can get some good dicussion going. :)

If this topic has already been posted, moderators can delete it.

How long till the next clan folds?

How long do you think it will be before the next clan will fold? it seems pretty inevitable at this point that the game is shrinking, does that mean the clan world will slowly suffocate too?

This isn't a prediction thread on which clan will be the next clan to fold, but I won't report your posts if you choose to make a prediction.

Thanks for your time - Deeno1994

When will clans stop crashing each other

As an ex-member of Solace, I was planning to come back to clanning ( i do play rs for everything else but clanning atm) but by the looks of it, it just seems like all of the clans just crash each other. It's good for nothing and is very immature in my opinion. I heard many clans have closed on 07 and the clan world is hanging on by a thread. I wonder how many people have quit the game/clanning due to crashwars (specifically on 07) and how many people who wanted to return to clanning (like myself) are not doing so because of these immature "crash wars". I miss the old days when clans used to have clean 1v1s and used to pull so much and have many long wars. The community was so healthy.

When will it stop

Runescape Clanning and Esports

Taken From: http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/c=DR7Wa8nPrpM/forums.ws?16,17,672,65554869

Hello, I am ZSK. A little information about me; I started this game in 2007, I played with friends and was immediately hooked on runescape's PvP. I loved playing with some friends from Irl, and on the internet and just going straight into little skirmishes with other groups in the wildy. Of course, I'd join clans and get more involved in warring, and the meaning of winning against bitter rivals was a sweet taste that lasted for a few days or so until our next war. I was always showing my pride for my clan, and spamming what our warlords would tell us to spam. The wars were hectic, sometimes close, other times a landslide win, or just a disappointing loss, but this aspect of runescape always kept me hooked.
With that said, I'd like to bring up the topic of getting Runescape involved in Electronic Sports or, ESports(competitive gaming). To quote "multiplay", "eSports, or competitive gaming, is where you compete either online or in real life against live opponents in a video-game, often for prizes but also prestige. You can test your skills against friends and strangers alike. Everyone can be a part of eSports, and our goal is to help with that, because we are gamers, and gathering together to play games is what we love to do."
So, Esports is pretty self-explanatory. Play the game you like, sign up for a tournament(s), go Solo or with a team (depending on the rules), and try your best to win that reward. So with that said, I was thinking, why hasn't Runescape jumped onto this ship with Clans?

Chapter 1: An Introduction To Clanning.

When I first began to get involved in clanning, I did not know that there was two divisions for clans. One, RSC (Runescape Community); the other, RSB (Runescape Boards). The difference between the two clans is; RSC clans recruit and involve themself on runescape off-sites. RSB clans involve themselves on Runescape Official Forums, RSOF. Now, there are types of clans to join. Such will be listed here (NOTE: I am only listing combat based clans):
Pures - Clans that require only 1 defence, no higher.
Mains - Clans that train all styles of combat
Zerkers - Clans that require only 45 Defence, no higher

Main clans usually Had the highest level requirements (120+ or 110+), they also had Medium Leveled Clans (100+) and Of course the lower level clans (90+).

Chapter 2: CWRI or PKRI? WTF are these???

Now you are confused as to what a CWRI or a PKRI is, Not to worry. A CWRI is a Clan Wars Run In. It's the new modern way which most clans choose to fight. Some clans, however, went with the old tradition of PKRI (PK Run In's), which meant, the two clans would travel deep into the wilderness by rune rocks, and fight up to Greater Demons area all the way east. The map would be cut in half and would be fought at Spider hill to Greater Demons. Now, that we have talked about the setting of a PKRI, let's define the Run-In part. The two team would decide how long the PKRI would last, most would agree for 30 minutes of non-stop regrouping and piling and killing, others would go for 1 hour (the more traditional time); However, very few would push it and go beyond 5+ hours, the most recent clans to do this was Reign Of Terror and Ancient Fury which fought on New Years eve, December 31, 2014, for 32 Hours straight. Yea, not even kidding... 32 Hours of non stop warring action. Which pretty much began 2015 with a bang. The longest clan fight in the history of Runescape Clanning.
Now A CWRI, Clan Wars Run In, Could be just as long as a pkri, only instead of losing your items, you're in a safe zone. Typically CWRI's last 30 minutes. Clans may try to push for a 1 hour fight against their enemy. Now you may say, who is determined the winner? Easy, the one with the most kills at the end. Now you're getting bored, I understand, I'm just trying to fill you in on all that is necessary.

Chapter 3: Clan Dynamics

Now, let's begin to understand the Dynamics of how clans really war.
1). Clumping - Clumping is the use of gathering all your clanmates together, as close as possible. The idea for clumping is to make it harder for your opponent to select their next target. If a clan is not clumped up well, they will be prone to getting picked apart and losing the fight. A clan that can move all together closely and tightly, is a very well experienced clan and a heavily favorite to win wars.

2). Tanking - Tanking is the idea of staying alive when you are getting piled by the enemy. You basically eat food, and try to drag(make them chase after you) them far from your team. If you can out-tank your enemy, then you help your clan win the war, that's if your clan can pull off a few kills while you are tanking.

3). Piling - This is simple. A clan's warlord/caller will give out a name and a location and a small, brief description of what the enemy is wearing (overhead prayer style, or type of armor), and all of his/her clanmates will quickly try to find the pile and secure a kill

4). KO Power - Knock out power refers to how fast your team can kill one pile. Buffers are always a factor in KO Power

5). Buffers/15 % - Buffers or 15% are the prayer boosts in either; melee, magic or ranged. Warlords require their clan mates to have their buffers on for every pile.

6). Callers - People on TeamSpeak 3 who take command of the war. They usually call out all the piles and take turns switching if they are in need of tanking.

Chapter 4 - ESPORTS Runescape Clan Warring(F2P)

Now, we can talk about Esports' involvement in Runescape Clan Warring. in 2006, clans strived to become the best they could be. Along the years, more clans would arrive and grow. Rivalries would be born and anger would play a big role in a fight. A clan member always showed his/her loyalty to their clan's name. A clan with such tremendous legacy and history would always have to be defended by incoming clans. Wars were simply entertaining without any commentators, but the hype could always get better. Runescape Wars (20v20, 30v30 +), would always get hectic. There's much to pay attention to. The swift transitions from a caller, the tanking from a member, the clumping of a well organized clan, the incredible KO power from R2Her's, and of course.... The one thing that can never be forgotten... The intense rush after a regroup. Every member is at risk of getting KO'd in just 3 seconds after a regroup. The wars always find their pace, and sometimes they get quicker and quicker until a caller chokes, or tankers just can't hold off the enemy any longer.
Esports can increase the intensity of a Clan fight, the meaning of a win would mean much more. Think about the growth of runescape for a second, and how much people would like to be apart of such a movement. Clan Wars being re-populated once again by legit clans, rivalries being formed again, etc etc. Re-birth to Clanning!

Section 5: How Do We Get Started?

The question always lingers upon our heads, so... How do we do it? Well, I saw that Jagex Clan Cup had a 5v5 Finals at jagex's Headquarters, which in my opinion a 5v5 is very awkward. Jagex should've instead tried to reach for a 10v10 or at least a 15v15, make it more epic more entertaining. Not so much of a bore. Jagex should've gotten some kind of commentary going on as well, and of course a prize worth winning. Stream it on Twitch as well, make it stick out, and plaster it everywhere so all can see.
Or, jagex can host the Jagex Clan Cup and have it streamed on Twitch, much like what Saber Six's Cluster was like (not to forget she had godmode on so she wouldn't be attacked), only instead of a battle royal of clans, it would just be 1 clan versus 1 clan.
There is also the possibility of finding a new ranking system, one that will truly sort out who the #1 f2p warring clan is. It would greatly improve the chances of more tournaments being created and filled with "Living" clans and not those age old clans that have been non-existent for some time, yet somehow still maintain a rank... or even relevance.
The possibility of Runescape Clanning becoming involved with Esports would definitely mean money for clans and players, and Jagex itself. Think about it, getting paid to do something you love. We're in 2015 now, this isn't 2006 where people played runescape steathily and kept it hidden away. In all honesty, I am surprised jagex did not take advantage of this in the earlier years of clanning, or even in the CWA (Clan Wars Arena) Era of clanning (2009-2012).

Section 6: Conclusion

If the start of F2P Clan warring can be a success in Esports, imagine how P2P Clan warring will be and Pure's Warring, and Zerkers. Imagine the hype that will come and the countless people joining to be apart of a new RuneScape Trend. It's time we all do something to get put on the map of Esports, and it all starts with action. Thank you all for giving some of your valuable time to read this topic.


what happen to the maturity of the clan world?

Hello men, :hi: today i was once more...having some thoughts :wink:. i have thought that the fall from grace in the size of the clan world is somehow corelated to the maturity of the members of the clan world itself :yes:. it has got me to think that the actions of a certain clan in particular, thou shall hence not be named :suspect:  and their 'reign' on the clan world with grevias acts such as DDOS and 1 ITEMS have led to the particular demise of the size of the clan world :$ and as long as it is to be the clan world will keep decline... :woeh:

What would you do

if your clan just teamed up with 3 other clans to take on the #1 clan and still got ended

Hypothetical question, of course.

What are your thoughts on this my men :)


Hey guys I had some thinking for you guys :)

SO if in the past you hated a clan and crashed them for 5 years of your life and then...

You join that clan when yours is close??

does this make your previous 5 years of life meaningless lol I think there are multiple examples in the clan world today including me bailing on corruption to join the glory of echo of silence :)

so what are your thoughts I am personally disgusted about my life being wasted but I am hoping other men with the same example as me :)???

Holiday Tourney: Week 5 Fixtures - Finals Cont.


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This is a listing of all the matches that will take place starting on Monday January 19 through Sunday January 25. A list of contacts for each participating clan will be found in the replies of the topic here. If you cannot make contact with the other clan, please let us know, and we will try to connect the two clans. The fight RoT vs. Ben's Boyz will happen today, sorry for running a bit late.

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Merlin vs. Reign of Terror

Team Trinity vs. FOOLS

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Clan Europe vs. Downfall

Extermination vs. Exotic

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Because we allow clans to set up times and rules that they prefer, and can negotiate like any other clan fight, we ask a clan leader from one of the two fighting clans to fill out the following form, and a leader from the other clan to quote, and confirm that it is correct. This way we can write it down for one of our representatives to attempt to be at the match and watch for any potential foul play. These forms should be sent in via reply to this thread.
Clan Fight: (Which two clans)
My Clan: (Which of the two clans do you represent)
Time of Fight:
Round 1 Rules:
Round 2 Rules:
Round 3 Rules:
(If more or less rounds feel free to add or remove)
If you are using the default rules or default times, feel free to say that the time is default time, and the rules are default rules.

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After the clan battle takes place, we would like leaders to post their victory, or defeat in this topic. Although a representative of the tournament will most likely come to spectate the match, we would like leaders to post the scores of their fights on this topic. Please use the following form to announce how your clan did, and a leader of the opposing clan once again can quote the reply, and confirm it is correct. Feel free to also include any videos you may  have of the war, or a link to a winning topic on the zybez boards.
Clan Fight: (Which two clans)
My Clan: (Which clan do you represent)
Who Won:
What was the score of the rounds:

what is biggest display of loyalty ?

Well hello their men, :king: , today i was once more...having some thoughts :innocent:  and i was thinking about some things... ;-) i was thinking what is the bigest display of loyelty a man can show to his clan :$ . and i realized i thought staying in a clan despite being demoted from for example; co leader to head of forum moderation shows alot of character and i respect men who stay though these things. :suspect:

so riddle me this ?

1. what is the biggest display of loyalty a man can show to his clan?

2. have you ever done or do you know of any dedicated individals like this?

[OSRS] Who is the most underestimated clan/team?

Who do you think is the most underestimated clan/team currently?

I feel Jaja is the most underestimated at the moment. Seeing that the current jaja remake is judged based on the old jaja clans from pre eoc, I feel their skills/abilities to pk are overlooked. The small core unit consists of members who were in clan such as vr/rsd/asc/sol/etc. Most recently (about a year ago) about 5-6 of the core members in jaja joined RoT and all of them succeeded to member rank which really shows that they are quality members as they are able to tank any clans/spam/follow piles/mage/and most importantly, boost a whole clans morale.

Whats your pick?</p>

hello my men


You either spy for cash or you spy/pay for a shot in the team. Let it be known that recently departed members of the following teams are not permitted to apply but can donate gp. (This list is subject to change without notice):
  • Reign of Terror
  • Sovereign
  • Solace
  • Masters of Zamorak
  • The official runescape forums clan

If you are currently in one of these teams and wish to apply than you must contact #af-staff officials prior to quitting. On the other hand, if you just want to donate a couple mils a week but don't want to leave your current team you are also encouraged to contact #af-staff officials. It's also worth considering if you currently don't meet our combat requirements or you are a complete spactic and want to donate some cash to the #sharewithpond or the #****itletsstake or the #wwerunescapefanbois  foundations of love, then by all means donate a way. This is also a good way to meet some of your future officials/gods in the process  http://rs-rot.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/ThumbUp.gif [Image blocked; please upload it at an approved host.].

DO NOT contact us on forums. Send either of us a message on IRC:

/msg ^_^

/msg John_Cena

/msg ^]^

/msg ^[^

/msg ^o^

/msg ^v^

If you do not get through to these people then mass pm/highlight in all channels the following person to donate your gp.



Hello men I would like to let you know that this offer is currently a limited time thing so send your offers in asap we only need around 5 spies in each clan and we currently have:

  • Reign of Terror - 3 spies
  • Sovereign - 4 spies
  • Solace - 5 spies
  • Masters of Zamorak - 2 spies
  • The official runescape forums clan - 1 spie

thanks for reading as I said we only need 5 spies per team and the list above illustrates how much of a hot commodity being a spy for us is.
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