Channel: Runescape Clans
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do newer clans and clanners lack respect?

Hello men, today, once more.. i was having some thoughts :innocent: . i was in a lecture about brain when i realized, brain is what makes people thinks and the way people thinks and act is what leeds you to respect or dissrespect them as persons. :yes:  i have conclusioned that many newer clans and clanners say clans made from 2009ish onward and clanners who started in say 2010-2011 onwards. those of us old scaperz have seen this game in its full glory, such as the battles of DS and DI where men said good fight and there was never any conteraversey ever. but today i have n otice that many people and clans especily newer clans/clannerz lack respect and i wonder why this is

so riddle me this?

1. do you find that newer clans and clannerz lack respect of the olden times?

2. if you know any of these men in your clans how do you go about acting towerds them?

3. do you wish we could revert to the days of respect in a parallel universe where runescape would never die and you could attend fights for 3-10 hours a day for all of eternity?

F2p coming to old school runescape

Well I'm high as kite and I just heard jäger  has announced a f2p announcement to come Sunday., can only be good for the clan world. Anyway I'm only in my underwear at the moment so I can't write a essay about the subject so please discuss

Wilderness Activity

As you all know when Jagex added the CWA they said it would not affect wilderness activity. Today I log on Runescape to find out

1.AC lost to FOE in CLW

2.DF vs VR in CLW

3.DI vs AF in CLW

So riddle me this, do you think clan wars is hurting the clan world when clans avoid other clans by having their fights there?

Should we petition for Jagex to remove Clan Wars to boost the wilderness activity we all love?

A Statue for Rot


Do you believe jägex should put a monument up for the best clans to ever have existed. Obviously this means a statue for rot and maybe ds for their accomplishments as the most dominant clan (rot undefeated in 2 years and ds for one)
Do you believe awarding clans for being the best will encourage other clans to use the wilderness?

Advising the clans

If you could give each of these clans a little bit of expert advice what would it be.

Damage inc
Divine forces
Violent resolution
Ancient fury
wilderness guardians

My advice would be building an alliance forum, with soo many members you can easily raise the money . Individually I would say too keep pushing and practicing in cwa to take down the mighty rot.

is clan wars the truest test of quality?

Hello men, today i wus having some thoughts...once more :wink: . and i was thinkting..what is the best way 4 a clan to test its quality :king: we all know in the wilderness clan can outlast and with no k/d tracker there is no way to see who outlast :suspect:... but then i was thought of the past... :lmao: clans like RSD and DAMAGE INCPORATED and DIVINE FORCES and SHADOW ELVES and ETERNAL HONOUR were never afraid of fight in cwa now and again to show their dominance while they also dominated in the wildy.... wheras clan like corruption and EOS and ROT would refuse to fight in cwa for obvious raisons.

most htese days is fight in pvp but now af di vr and df are all battle in cwa to show their quality and prowess..

so riddle me this?

1. are clans who refuse to do cwa trying to mask their lack of quality?

2. do you hate clans who only outlast and 1 item in an attempt to get a rsc win?

3. what type of man do this....?

Stock market crash


Do you think with the recent stop in the f2p wilderness that the price of armours like green dhide, addy and rune will go down? This will cause other problems as well because the average person in a week would loose 60m before but now they won't? Do you believe the merchants or jägex should try to implement a tax law for clans to keep prices low due to the new influx in cwa

Also can anyone tell me if the pipers who restore energy are still used by clans?

Clan Warring in 2015

Just yesterday Jagex opened up a clan warring section on the RSOF here. As well as this, they also posted on an old topic of mine based on Jagex getting involved with the warring community. Here is what Mod Matthe said.
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Do you think Jagex will follow through, and will this help with activity in warring? or is it just a wasted effort?

the legacy of clans who have closed and later reopened

Hello men, as many of you have noticed many of my topics have been locked lately and i would like this to be a serious discussion so i myself will be removing any and all bias i may have from my post and if your sole intention is to belittle others or derail my topic please stop reading here.

well today i was once again thinking about the legacy of certain clans in this great game, and it got me thinking. When clans close and later reopen (RSD in 2005, the titans in 2005, eos in 2012, 2013 and again in 2014, rot in 2013, di in 2013) i was thinking when a clan closes and later reopens should their clan be considered as apart of the same legacy? when a clan closes then reopens years later with completely different officials is it really the same clan or is it more of it's own entity. this isn't really applied to RSD or DI or EOS since for the most part when those clans closed and reopened they mostly kept the same officials and a similar core of members to my knowledge however other clans who mostly have new officials it may hurt their legacy.

so now i have some questions for you.

1. in your eyes when a clan closes and reopens does it affect their legacy?

2. have you ever been in a clan that has closed and joined the remake?

3. when a clan comes back with completely different officials and members is it really the same clan?

Clan World Espionage

So as all of you should know, Clans on Runescape have been recruiting and planting spies in rival clans since the beginning. Many people do this to hunt clans who are avoiding them, or in some cases just to embarrass their enemies. Obviously spies can have a huge impact in clanning so I thought tonight would be a good time to discuss it with the current crash wars and No Honor gameplay.

1. Has your clan had problems with spies in the past or present?

2. How would you feel if someone you trusted, such as a log time friend or even an official spied on your clan for a long period of time? What if the spy was in your clan for years?

3.  How much of an advantage does having a spy in a rival clan give you?

Just a few random hypothetical thoughts guys. Personally RoT has not had any trouble being spied on and if I ever found out a long time member or even official was spying for another clan, I would be very depressed and wonder why they did it.

What is your favorite era/year in the clan world?

What is your favorite era/year in the clan world and runescape in general.

Favorite time in clan world: I personally enjoyed the times when it was the slave alliance vs the holy alliance.

Favorite time on Runescape in general: I missed 2008 bh craters, have a lot of memories from then. Miss 2012 right before pre eoc when there was a lot of good updates like new armour/storm of armady/activity in the wilderness/etc.


Favorite time in clan world:

Favorite time on Runescape in general:

is it pride, or something, more....?

Hello men, i was thinking about some things today.... :innocent: and i have begun to realize some things about the current state of the men in the clan world.. :king: it has come to my attention over the past year or so since old school rune scape has begun to assimilate the whole clan world in 2013 :# . there is one thing in the clan world i have notice become more and more apparent and i reallly do not like this thing... :cry: i feel we have all begun to see that many member of a certain clan no matter what refuse to accept defeat on RSC or even on IRC . this is a trend i really hate since it never make sense to me how some member will always say they did not lose when in fact they did lost... :yes:. idk what happen to many member of this clan world being gracious and accept defeat but i habe some question now :hat:

Whats your Clans New Year Resolution?

Title pretty much explains it. Whats your Clans New Year Resolution? Keep it clean.

The Clan World Now

Describe the clan worlds current state in a sentence or less. I have been gone for a couple years and was wondering how it is. But I don't care enough to be reading novels about it so keep it short and sexy like my..... :#

Clan Awards 2014 - Results!


Clan Awards 2014 - Results

... and the results are in! There were quite a few categories that were very close which delayed the announcement of the winners by a few days while we recounted several times, while others were victories by landslides.

Special thanks to Unrated for making the underbanners for the awards.

The rules for underbanner use are as follows:


You may use ONE of these underbanners in addition to your current signature until April 1, 2015. After that, you are liable for the extra size, and could face suspension if you don't get it down. That means if you are using a clan underbanner, your sig can be 500x180 until April 1.


For those who won more than one, you can use a single cycling .gif. If you need help creating one, I suggest you create a topic in the Multimedia & Design forum. Keep in mind that signatures still have a 150kb file size limit.

If you have any questions, contact myself or a CD Mod+.


Best OSRS Clan (P2P)

Best OSRS Clan (F2P)

Best RS3 Clan

Best Overall Pure Clan

Best Fall In Leader

Best Tank

Best Poster

Funniest Poster

Best CD Staff Member

This topic will be archived in the Clan Archives subforum of Clan Videos where it will be pinned after a period of time.

Thank you to everyone for voting and best of luck in 2015!

Best pure clan?

Hello everyone,since I came back from quitting like month ago I wanted to ask you guys,which is the best pure clan in oldschool Runescape at the moment?Since MM and FOE are closed I am just wondering which pure clan should I join because I really miss that clanning action..Before saying which is the one,tell me why it is the best,I'd appreciate.

Fighting independently

What are your thoughts on clans merging teamspeak with other clans to fight an opposing clan? Should each clan fight independently? Would you be embarrassed if your clan merged teamspeaks with another clan?

Try to keep this as clean as possible!

How serious do you guys take it

Hey guys after my three day hiatus I wanted to ask one simple question to you all :)

How serious do you take the clan world? Me personally I feel I have grown out of silly things such as crashing and clan leaks especially the latter however it seems some people within the clan world get especially HYPER at the thought of viewing another clans boards even in this day and age? What are your thoughts my men do you still get excited about these kinds of activities?

Holiday Tourney: "THE" Finals


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This is a listing of all the matches that will take place starting on Monday January 26 through Sunday February 2. This is the final week of the tournament as it comes to a close. Some really enticing matchups have been drawn for this last round, and I hope a lot of people are excited to see who comes out on top.

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FOOLS vs. Reign of Terror

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Champions: Clan Europe vs. Exotic

3rd Place: Downfall vs. Extermination

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Because we allow clans to set up times and rules that they prefer, and can negotiate like any other clan fight, we ask a clan leader from one of the two fighting clans to fill out the following form, and a leader from the other clan to quote, and confirm that it is correct. This way we can write it down for one of our representatives to attempt to be at the match and watch for any potential foul play. These forms should be sent in via reply to this thread.
Clan Fight: (Which two clans)
My Clan: (Which of the two clans do you represent)
Time of Fight:
Round 1 Rules:
Round 2 Rules:
Round 3 Rules:
(If more or less rounds feel free to add or remove)
If you are using the default rules or default times, feel free to say that the time is default time, and the rules are default rules.

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Due to this being the finals I am wondering if people would be interested to watch a stream of the finals. In the replies below please let me know if there is any interest in it? Should there be a stream for just OSRS?, just Legacy?, both?, or no stream at all. Let me know your opinions and based on those I will decide. The idea for the stream would be a 3rd person perspective watching the fight, and commentating on what is going on. If you have any ideas to refine the stream or make it better if it does end up happening, leave those in the replies as well.

What's on your clans mind

So I was chilling at RoT HQ today just talking to my family about just normal stuff outside of the clan world such as the Superbowl and why it is so hard to buy items from idiots without the GE, And I had some hypothetical thoughts.

What does your clan like to discuss when they aren't in the heat of battle?

Does your clan like to discuss what's going on with other clans?

If you had 20 topics about another clan in only a couple of days..how would you feel?

Do you think officials in a clan should worry about their own shortcomings or flooding their own clan discussion with talks of another clan?

Just a few hypethetical thoughts I would like to discuss. Please no flaming!
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