Channel: Runescape Clans
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Boundaries In The Wilderness

As crazy as it may seem, clans at one point frowned upon dragging the pile any farther than a map away from where the fight was actually going on. The boundaries were usually set to a small area such as East Tree to West Tree or any other small area the clans clashed around. Once DI and DS had made dragging popular the boundaries began to expand. Still clans wanted to do more time actually fighting instead of walking around after each other, so most fights would happen between Spider Hill and Greater Demons.

Today there's a growing amount of clans fighting in new areas. For whatever reason they've chosen to hug single near Moss Giants and the eastern single strip, south of Lava Gap, Chaos Dwarves, or even in the trees where the Poison Spiders roam in P2P. One can argue that it's for strategic purposes only or just as easily for the fact that it's a sign of weakness.

My take on the matter is that fights should only occur between Spiders to Greaters. If you need to hide south of gap or tank through the trees to aid you it's a sign you're struggling. The same goes for fighting around tip when everyone is hugging single. If you're going to run back and forth between single and multi just to outlast someone you might as well give up. These forums have been moderated well enough to keep all of you reading coming back for years, so I'm sure you can agree that the rules are reasonable. The default boundaries for fights are still from Spiders to Greaters and anyone regrouping in single forfeits their right to a victory. Knowing this it makes me wonder why clans even bother trying to move the fight elsewhere. Some of the most dominant clans of all time have been able to overcome huge deficits in the Greaters to Spiders area. It leads me to wonder how comparable a clan's dominance is given that they can't even fight in the boundaries of the past.

What's your opinion on where F2P PKRI's should take place?

Here's a quick look of these areas in the Wilderness:

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How far are people willing to go

note this topic is for serious discussion, if you're coming here to flame bait or troll please stop reading here.

well today i was having some thoughts while in class and i realized the lengeths people go to, to make eachotheres lives miserable on this game, now before people go on and say im flaming rot ect im not only talking about rot but i am talking about all clans(rot vr eos solace pure hatred 2 name a few). i think sometimes people forget we are all playing the same game and when one aspect of the community lowers its standards the entire community suffers for it :'(. now i have some questions for you

1. what in your opinion is when a clan goes too far(ie, crashing/leaking boards/leaking rl info ect)

2. is there anything that can be done to prevent clans from going too far?

3. what precautions have you yourself taken to avoid people subject of out of game attacks?

4. do you think it's realistic to expect legal action in the future if stuff continues to escalate?

Lying about pulls


I don't know why but it seems every clan lies about how many people they pull at one point or another.I don't understand this as it has no benefits for morale as your members obviously can tell how many people are at the battle and the opposing clan can take pictures of your starting and ending pile so why do people tell such a stupid lie?

Question goes to retired clanners obviously but..

Have you ever been to a clan event where your clan has lied about its pull for some strange reason?

What is the actual benefit of doing this?

Do you support this and does it truly make you feel better about your clan?

[Auto/Manual] New Oldschool Memberlist System


   Having a memberlist is one of the essential ingredients for running a successful clan. The memberlist allows you to track and monitor members, and in an instant, can give you an idea of your clan's performance.

The Problem

Unfortunately, the current tools out there, are not up to task. Manually updating your clan's memberlist is a chore. Sometimes you can hit this dreaded error:

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and thus you have to commit many mins or hours trying to update your memberlist, when you could be doing other, more productive tasks.

The Solution

  • No more going through RSNs
  • No more paying for overpriced scripters to make a custom MLs for you
  • No more leeching off public source codes trying to setup the ML yourself
  • No more fumbling with abstract PHP/cronjobs/javascript/skin template edits
Or the manual update system

  • Update all your members at once. Similiar to Runehead.
  • Update all your groups at once.
Key features
  • Self updating ML: Automatically grabs the RSN of your forum members and synchronizes it automatically. Once every day
  • Self updating ML: Automatically updates the Runescape stats with runescape.com
  • Self updating ML: Automatically classify members by groups selected in ACP.
  • Automatically add the ML URL to the navigation bar of your site
  • Security: The hook file is 100% safe, and will only grab the necessary data needed for RSN lookup. Nothing else.-The hook file is text code, nothing to hide. I can submit the hook file for verification by admins here.
  • Configurable colors
  • Sortable table: Are you looking for highest member in fletching? Or Herblore? Just click the headers
  • No FTP required.
  • No payment required
  • What is the development stage of the Memberlist?
    • The ML is currently at pre-RC stage, meaning that this is the first time I am releasing it to the public after going through a closed beta testing by 8 clans.
  • How do I create an ML?
  • I don't trust your hooks dude
    • IPB hooks are plain text XML files. The codes inside can be read by anyone. I have not obfuscated the code in any way shape or form.
    • The only data I am grabbing from your DB is:
      • 'select' => 'm.members_display_name,m.member_group_id',
  • I still don't trust your hooks dude
    • You can opt for the manual update system, which is still significantly faster than adding members 1 by 1.
  • Dude I need help, it doesn't work.
    • Simply drop me a PM on Zybez and I can assist to help you out. Remember don't share the hook file as it contains an internal unique key to your ML.
Let the experts do it, especially when it is free!

Runescape Profile

Not sure if this is the right place for this or not but is it possible we could add "Family:" catagory to the runescape profile settings? For example;

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Just a suggestion because I know some clans prefer to be labeled as a family rather than a clan or team

How GMT looks like in OSRS now?

Hey guys,

As we plan to reopen I was just curious how F2P GMT clanning looks like now? Are there any active clans? Are there any clans planning to reopen with F2P coming to OSRS?


His Modship - Recruit for Loot

Like that title? I thought of that one meeself. Now that humility is thrown out the window, I was wondering how y'all would feel if hypothetically speaking ofcourse, if mods happened to actively take place in the recruiting process of clans.

Instead of having a jagex cup for fighting, they also have one for recruiting as well, where Mods can provide incentives for clans or even the new recruits.

How would you feel if they had influence on your boards? Such as, they provided a network instead of having new players register on a third party of fear of being hacked or whatever.

I am brainstorming

Edit: how would you feel about Mods helping with recruiting new players? Or how can they help?

Sacrifice and Clean fights

Well, If you haven't been living under a rock you should know by now right now a lot is going on in today's clan world. With the current crash war going on it is very hard to get 1 v 1 fights. So I had some thoughts about tactics clans may or may not use to allow for clean fights.

1. Has your clan ever been used as a distraction so other clans could have a fight?

2. Hypothetically, how would you feel if your clan walked into certain death in order to give cover to other clans?

3. Which does your clan enjoy more, Wilderness fights or CWA fights? If CWA, is there a particular reason you prefer this over wilderness fights?

True 2k8 DF Leader

Is Leader of DF? LOL WTF

Is he a worthy leader? Discuss

What's wrong with CWA?

Hello men, first i would like to say this a serious topic meant for non biased discussion and if your only intention is to troll or derail my topic please stop reading here :thumbsup:

Well as i was looking at the divine forces, violent resolution battle today i was mesmerized by the sheer quality of the fight, the spam, the transitions and most of all how clean it was. then i had some thoughts :-D  and i realized the reason it was so clean was that it was in CWA. of course there other fights in PVP that have been clean as of late(  df vs di, df vs vr in the past few days). I have noticed usually clans who refuse to do cwa are mearly clans who don't like to be knows to be outperformed as there is no disputing a loss in CWA as there is a kill tracker :yes:

So riddle me this

1. what are your thoughts on clans doing CWA as opposed to the wilderness?

2.  would you rather do cwa then have no fight at all?

7. What do you think of clans who refuse to do cwa?

What has Jagex proposed for the clan world?

Sorry for my bum laziness but I was reading a topic called "his modship" or whatever and I read a few bits of Jagex actively seeking help for the clan world? What's this all about? I would like to be updated on what's going on. What has Jagex exactly done this past year regarding our issue?

LGBT clan?

Looking for a LGBT based/populated clan in osrs.

Really just looking for other LGBT players/gaymers - new friends :)

Any suggestions/invites for LGBT clans/friends appreciated.

Happy to take pm in hear and responses here :)

which clans will u remember

Hello Men, :hi: today... i was once again having some thoughts... :lmao: and i have begun to pondar what will other clanners remember from this game? which clans have left a lasting impression on you and your lifes. personally i will remember the following clans;

VR for their dominance
Dark slayers for their prowess
Divine forces for their vengeance
Shadow elves for their quality
Trwf for their honour
Eternal honour for their respect
Runescape dinasty for their morals
Damage incorporated for their all around abilities
Echo of silence for our glory
Rune raiders for their resilience

to me these are the clans that will stood the test of time for me :king: there are other clans in the clan world but i can not remember their names right now... to me these are the clans who's achievenemts will last though the ages like a candle burning bright in the darkness...

So riddle me this ?

1. which clans in your opinion will have a lasting legacy after this game is dead and gone?

2. what determines a clans legacy after they are gone?

3. do clans today that were not alive before 2013 have the capacity to reach this level of glory and recognition ?

Clan War Speeche's

Hello there, First of all i'll write some words about myself to introduce myself as of my Nickname is new on Zybez.

My Name is Joaozinho, I've been playing runescape since 2002 and been claning since 2003, But i've retired from rs on 2009 and came back 6 months ago.

Back in the golden days i remember when there were Week prep War againts Rivalry Clan's  Leaders/Ranks used to do Speech before the fight begun and everyone used to get motivated and prepared to fight and were fully Pumped :), So My question is hows it nowadays? DO you guys still take Speeche's Seriously? I mean we are  in 2015 now so most of you guys are Old now so do u guys get pumped when u listen to a Speech?

Note: Sorry for my english i may wrote some of the word's wrong.

Which Style do u enjoy most?

Im not going to write a long Topic because im sure nobody will read it then

So yeah my question is Which Style do u guys Like to use at War's? ( F2p )


Ronin Turns 1 Year Old - The Impossible Clan


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Ronin - #1 Midsized Clan - http://rs-ronin.net

This is the day i have been waiting for since the day we officially opened our doors to the Clan World, Ronin Turns 1 Year Old today. Ronin has seen many ups and downs but fortunately mostly ups. We have achieved many great goals for a new clan. It feels amazing to reach this goal specially because the amount of criticism we took when we were deciding to open up, many people thought it was impossible to open a clan in 2014 and make it last even a year, i know its not a easy feat and all of there doubts weren't completely absurd. Many clans tried to take us down within the first few months as they felt threatened by a new clans ideology but we came out on top on every encounter. I can't thank the people enough who gave Ronin a try in the past, present and will in future because it takes certain level of mindset to join a midsized clan because theres always room for improvement.

I would like to thank H0tgun and Bravo Gtr the founders of Ronin Clan, if it weren't for them we wouldn't be here today, it takes alot of guts to put your name on a new clan and put everything on the line but both of them delivered on there promises and made a commnity worth fighting for. I would also like to thank Poison for a fair rivalry that has kept us interested and kept us going, if it weren't for them we would have died of hunger.

So heres to many more!

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Some Pictures of our past successful events:

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The Holiday Tourney Comes to a Close


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Over the past 1.5 months clans battled it out in the Holiday Tourney/Penguin Cup, and finally 2 clans came out on top in each division. In OSRS we had FOOLS and RoT, and in Legacy Exotic challenged Clan Europe. The clans who some may say weer the underdogs rose up, and fought valiantly s. the expected winners. Below are the results.
I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who signed up, and participated in the tournament. I had a lot of fun hosting it, and hope clans that took part also had a good time. Hopefully next year with enough participants, the competition may go on.
A huge thank you to Clan Discussion CL Black for making these wonderful award signatures!

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In a fierce match with RoT FOOLS put on their A game, and defeated them in 2 out of 3 fights to take the finals. If you want to watch what happened feel free to check out the videos in the spoiler here:

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Congrats FOOLS on a well deserved title.

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On the legacy side of the competition Exotic challenged Clan Europe for the champion position. Putting up a great fight they defeated Clan Europe claiming the 1st place spot of the tournament. Check out the video below to watch the fight.

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Congrats to Exotic, champions of Legacy.

For third place of the Legacy division Downfall fought Extermination. There was a lot of controversy and some cheating suspected in this match. Despite that the win was given Downfall. I will not go into detail about the controversies.

Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks again to everyone who fought. I hope to make another tournament next winter, and hope even more clans decide to join in on the fun.

Echo of Silence

is possibly reopening (again)...

Legacy Runescape Clanning

Hello friends, as of a few months ago, compared to how Legacy was before, pretty much on it's tiptoes, it has become much more active than before, with many new clans opening (or re opening on Legacy) throughout these few months.

We've seen clans and teams like Echo Of Silence re-open on Legacy, even Team Trinity, a well known 07 team seems to be becoming more active as well in the Legacy scene, and Flip Flops has successfully re-opened on Legacy as well. Apart from that we've seen new teams come around as well throughout the months, like Clan America, Rising Embers, Descent, and many others.

Do you think this activity rise in the Legacy scene attract a few people from 07 to give Legacy a try, and possibly even try doing a fight on Legacy with their clan?

Do you think the Legacy scene has what it takes to get back on it's feet, even if it's a little?

Building RS clan timeline 2001-2015

Hey everyone,

I have always been interested in the game's history and I recently started looking up more information about RS's clan world history. Now I have been trying to make some sort of timeline with the most dominant clans for each year and I was wondering if anyone could help by providing clan names that they can remember from the top of their head. I would need a timeline for the PvP and PvM community (separated).

To give an example of what exactly I am looking for:

2001: Clan A, Clan B, Clan C, Clan D, Clan E
2002: Clan A, Clan B, Clan D, Clan E
2003: Clan A, Clan B, Clan E, Clan F, Clan G
2015: Clan R, Clan S, Clan V

2001: Clan 1, Clan 2, Clan 3, Clan 4
2002: Clan 3, Clan 4, Clan 5
2015: Clan 25, Clan 26, Clan 27

So that is the kind of timeline I'm looking for, to give some sort of structure. I am aware that the PvM community only really started to grow after GWD had been released in 2007, but I assume there were some primitive precursors prior to 2007, maybe not in RSC but definitely in RS2.

Also, please don't use abbreviations (unless the name is repeated). I don't usually follow the PvP/PvM clan world.

Looking forward to replies! Thanks in advance!

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